The red wine worth tens of thousands of dollars no longer tasted good, and Magneto suddenly jumped up.

Magneto will never allow anyone or any force to destroy the wonderful life he has had in the past few months! The most important thing is that no one can destroy the healthy and happy growth of his daughter! If there is no mutant school, then his own Wouldn't his daughter have to live a miserable life of wandering with him again? Magneto would never bear it!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 362 Breaking through the multiverse level!


In the mutant school, Charles is still here: fooling his old friends to his heart's content.

Not far away, ten kilometers away.

.In the base, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded.

What followed was a sudden pressure, from.

.The underground eruption in the base spread to the entire universe instantly.

Under this pressure, everyone seemed to be frozen, everything was frozen in an instant, even the falling leaves in the air were frozen in the air.

It was as if there was some indescribable greatness that instantly froze time and space, and everything was solidified.


"After several months and nearly half a year of retreat."

"Brother finally broke through to multiverse level strength!"

But while everything was frozen,

Underground in the base, from the place where the man was retreating, another roar filled with infinite joy came out.

Multiverse-level strength virtually freezes the entire universe.

What a terrifying power this is! "Eh"

The mental power spread out instantly, and Qi Jun immediately noticed something unusual.

"Why is the earth frozen?"

Qi Jun, who had not yet realized that it was his own masterpiece, "seeed that the whole earth had stopped, and suddenly felt a little confused."

"The solar system is also frozen"

Qi Jun scanned the entire earth with his mental power and found nothing unusual, so he spread his mental power out.

But Qi Jun discovered that the entire solar system was actually frozen! The sun, which was supposed to be constantly generating nuclear explosions, was like a giant figure, hanging in the universe, without any reaction.

"The Milky Way is also frozen"

The spiritual power, or spiritual thoughts, continued to spread, and it was discovered that the entire galaxy was frozen.

Interstellar looters are robbing things, interstellar pirates are smashing, looting and burning, the three interstellar empires are still at war with each other, and interstellar workers in unknown lands are still toiling away at mining.

But all the pictures are still.

The spiritual thoughts spread again, and soon Qi Jun explored some places that he had never dared to explore before.

These places are all...the places where the avatars or projections of the Supreme God are located, as well as the places where some powerful beings were born in this universe.

When Qi Jun first came to this universe, Qi Jun already had some understanding of it.

But at that time, he was only a single-universe-level warrior... At least they were at the same level as him, and some of them were even multi-universe-level warriors. He didn't dare to do anything. Offensive place.

Qi Jun still cherishes his own life. When he should live in peace, Qi Jun will never go out and wander around.

“Go and take a look”

What he didn't dare to do when he was at the single universe level, now that his strength has broken through to the multiverse level, Qi Jun's courage has naturally grown.

Just do it if you think of it! Qi Jun's spiritual mind quietly began to reconnoiter and explore these...formerly 'forbidden areas'.

Although I don’t know why the entire universe is frozen.

But Qi Jun's cautious instinct prevented Qi Jun from taking any drastic action.

.....................However, as a being on the same level as Qi Jun.

Even Qi Jun, the supreme god who has just broken through to multiverse level strength, has already reached multiverse level strength for hundreds of thousands of years, and even... multiverse level strength from the beginning, Qi Jun is distracted by the projection. Although cautious, he was still alerted by these existences.

"Diverse fields"

"Who is stopping the universe?"

"Has someone new entered the multiverse realm?"

"But why can't we find his lair?"

"Otherwise, we can all jointly investigate together."

In a place unknown to Qi Jun, multiple spiritual forces, or spiritual thoughts, which are exactly the same as Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts, are communicating with each other.

The entire universe has been frozen. In such a huge situation, those... single-universe-level powerhouses cannot withstand it.

But that doesn’t mean that multiverse-level bosses can’t resist.

Even the domain power that was inadvertently spread out when Qi Jun broke through to the multiverse level, when he arrived at the realm of these... the same but stronger multiverse level bosses , was blocked easily, and Qi Jun didn’t even notice it, discovered! .................. “Who is it?”

Suddenly, just when Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts quietly broke into the location of a multiverse-level boss.

Qi Jun was still inevitably discovered! The reason why the field can be called a field is naturally because it is in the field and everything is controlled by the master of the field.

Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts quietly touched in, just like Qi Jun using dogtail grass to tease people's noses, it was difficult not to be discovered.

But fortunately, there was a mutant treasure to protect him. Although Qi Jun's infiltration was discovered, the victim did not know who it was.


The word "who" was like thunder on a dry land in the sound transmission of spiritual thoughts. Qi Jun was immediately... shocked.

Subconsciously, Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts, together with the power of the domain, were instantly taken back into his body.

As a result, all the visions suddenly disappeared.

............. "Order is restored"

"Could it be that I caused all this?"

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