Seeing that everything was back on track, Qi Jun finally came to his senses.

In fact, after doing all this, the culprit has not yet been discovered.

Qi Jun must be thankful for the decision he made when he 'swallowed' the fragments of the Heart of the Universe.

If the mutant gem hadn't been maintaining his shield from the outside world, Qi Jun would have been discovered long ago when he accidentally spread the domain.

"The fruits in this universe are really deep!"

"That guy just now is actually not the clone or projection of the five supreme gods that I thought he was."

"I don't know if this guy is a native of this universe, or if he came from other multiverses."

While he breathed a sigh of relief, Qi Jun was also shocked by the depth of the universe.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 363: Getting Familiar with the New Power

Qi Jun, who was using domain power for the first time and accidentally used it, was startled by a roar from an unknown multiverse-level boss.

Qi Jun subconsciously gathered all his strength back.

Naturally, the phenomenon of the entire universe being frozen immediately returned to normal.

The sun continues to explode, pirates continue to rob, and civilians continue to run for their lives. Nothing seems to have changed.

For those whose strength is lower than the multiverse level, even wanting to perceive the vision just now is a luxury.

Even if they are as powerful as Ancient One and Odin, who are at the peak of the single universe level, in their perception, they have just been swept away by the power of a multiverse level boss.

That's all! Those who are as powerful as them...the single universe-level powerhouses don't understand the actual situation, let alone those who are even lower in strength than them.

....................."turn out to be"

"The vision just now was really caused by me!"

After coming back to his senses, Qi Jun finally understood what had just happened after receiving the feedback from the mutant gems after breaking through to multiverse level strength.

"The power of the field!"

"Is this the power of the field?"

An invisible force spread out and enveloped the entire solar system in an instant.

But this time, due to Qi Jun's initiative, the earth did not change, nor did the solar system.

Qi Jun just wanted to get familiar with his new skills, so naturally he couldn't cause any damage.

"Within the domain, I, the almighty god Qi Jun, can feel that everything in my domain is under my control.

You can do whatever you want.

"Sure enough, the strength of the multiverse level is not even a little stronger than that of the single universe level."

Qi Jun gave it a rough try.

In the realm that covers the entire solar system, if Qi Jun wants to move a celestial body, he only needs a thought, and the power of the realm will move the celestial body.

in spite of....

It's up and down, left and right, front and back, you only need to have this thought to do it.

When Qi Jun was a single person with universe-level strength, he also tried various manipulations. Although Qi Jun could also do this, it... required his own mental power, or the guidance of his divine mind.

It's not like now. In the field, you only need to think about it. With such an idea of ​​moving something, it can move according to your own mind, and even change at will according to your own mind.

In Qi Jun's rapidly changing thoughts, this celestial body controlled by Qi Jun's domain power, for a moment... turned into a huge gun, and for a moment... turned into an extremely compressed ball, and for a moment... .and turned into a colorful flower.

In fact, Qi Jun only needed a thought, and the celestial body used for experiments instantly teleported from one end of the solar system to the other end of the solar system.

But it can be said that in the field, Qi Jun is the almighty god in this field! .................. "So"

"If a multiverse-level boss fights with a multiverse-level powerful boss"

"The competition between fights is no longer simply about understanding and controlling the power of rules."

"In the multiverse level, what matters more is the control of the field."

I don't know why, but Qi Jun suddenly seemed to be seeing a master's ball, and the scene suddenly became funny.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 364: Intervening in the plot of Apocalypse

"I hope there are no astronomers on Earth who happen to be observing the planetary belt."

"Otherwise, the views of those guys will be crushed, then fried, and then crushed again."

"Seeing meteorites or asteroids make various changes with my own eyes"

“Tsk tsk, I don’t know if our little hearts can handle it or not.”

Although Qi Jun chose large, medium and small meteorites and even asteroids within the planetary belt when conducting experiments, it stands to reason that no one should be able to photograph the changes here.

But the density of the planetary belt also depends on the unit. Calculated in astronomical units, the planetary belt is indeed quite dense.

But if we calculate it according to the length units on the earth, even if it is measured in kilometers, the gap between the planetary belts is too big.

.................. "The power of the field is indeed very strong."

"However, although the power of the domain is extremely convenient, it is actually costly."

"It's just that compared to a single body with universe-level strength, it consumes a lot of mental power when changing the shape and even properties of objects."

"The mental energy consumed when using the field is very rare."

"If you really want to force a comparison"

"When displaying the field, the mental power consumed is as low as one thousandth, % compared to that of a single universe level."

"There's a thousand-fold difference between the two!"

"It may even be lower!"

"After all, this is just the first time to use the power of the field. I am not yet proficient in it. I can feel it myself. There is still a lot of room for improvement."

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