Even if Ancient One used the Time Stone, the future observed by Ancient One would be ever-changing and weird.

And during this period, there is another important node! That is, from the moment Qi Jun sacrifices the pyramid tip that Apocalypse has always treasured, which is the fragment of the heart of the universe in this universe, to the mutated gem, the timeline of the entire universe begins. It's completely blurred! The Time Stone has completely lost its ability to 'predict the future'. Its use of the rules of time has not failed. There is no problem in using it to peek into the past. However, the future has completely disappeared, just like a TV direct It turned into a snowflake and chaos, and nothing could be seen.

In fact, Gu Yi was panicking at this time! Just when Qi Jun broke through to the multiverse level, the power of the domain swept past Kama Taj.

Although Ancient One's strength cannot yet reveal the essence of the domain's power, as a single universe-level powerhouse, Ancient One's instinctive perception of danger is very powerful.

What's more, the mage line also has many means of detecting danger, even if Gu Yi doesn't know that the source of all this is actually... Qi Jun.

But as Qi Jun thought, it does not exist that Ancient One used the Time Stone to 'see' the future and continued to hide in the dark heartlessly.

....................."never mind"

"It doesn't matter whether World War III breaks out."

"What does he have to do with me?"

"It can be said that the moment you get the tip of the pyramid, which is the fragment of the heart of the universe."

"My purpose of traveling to this multiverse has been achieved, and it has been achieved far beyond imagination!"

"According to the original plan, it would have to travel through many multiverses before we could advance to multiverse level strength!"

Qi Jun shook his head and sighed, "I don't want to anymore."

"Let's go meet this 'familiar' old friend first."

'See' that Magneto has touched it.

On the edge of the base's defense, Qi Jun temporarily interrupted his thoughts.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 366: Magneto seeking death

"If I were you"

"I won't take another step forward"

Silently, Qi Jun appeared behind Magneto Eric Lensherr.

Seeing Magneto wearing a camouflage suit, he crouched down and slowly moved toward him.

The base's must-sound alarm line was approaching. He waved his hands slightly, forcibly changing the magnetic field nearby. At the same time, he also reversed the direction of all the monitors that could be seen and photographed.

Qi Jun couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly, and interrupted loudly.

In understanding.

.Under the premise of the base's early warning, defense, counterattack system and its capabilities, looking at Magneto's actions, it really feels very ridiculous, simply... stupid and cute.


Hearing the voice behind him, Magneto's already tensed body suddenly jumped out of the distance.

Moreover, the surrounding magnetic field immediately began to become restless.

Obviously, Eric Lensheer has a lot of experience in defensive counterattacks.

....................."Who are you"

"People in this base"

From here.

The base is really too close. It can be said that there is only a wall between it and the inside of the base.

After being alerted by Qi Jun, Magneto stopped pretending.

As a place that could be reminded carefully and cautiously by Charles, Magneto believed that even if the person who spoke out was not.

.base man.

But the movement he just made was definitely enough.

.The base reacted.


"You can also say that looking at Magneto who was extremely alert, Qi Jun shrugged, looking indifferent.

It's impossible for you to ask, I'll tell you that I am the owner of this base. What's more, Qi Jun didn't answer wrong, right? Who asked you if you didn't ask Qi Jun if he was the owner of this base... ........"You have discovered me a long time ago"

Although Qi Jun didn't make any moves, Magneto would not let up any slack after years of being on the run, and he still stared at Qi Jun very cautiously.

Even many small steel balls flew out from Magneto's body, whizzing around him.

However, Magneto is a little strange, this.

Why did the base respond without difficulty at all? Charles spread out again and found nothing different from the ones controlled by Magneto. Eric Landsher couldn't help but have a suspicion in his heart.

Charles is an out-and-out American...with American humor. It can be said that Magneto has had enough with Charles.

After carefully checking it, there was no change at all. Magneto couldn't help but think of the darkest time when he was deceived by Charles.

Fortunately, the words of the person in front of him made him dispel his doubts.

But at the same time, it also made Magneto angry with Charles again.


"We discovered you right after you came out of the mutant school!"

"Do you think that Professor Charles can treat this place with caution and not even dare to explore it himself?"

“It’s a place where you can sneak in casually by yourself.”

Seeing the big change in Magneto's expression, Qi Jun found it... quite amusing.

I just don’t know if there will be any sparks between Eric Lensherr and Charles after he returns to the mutant school. But who cares, Qi Jun always manages to kill and not bury things... .............."hehe!"

"Do you think that if you just make up a story, I will believe it so easily?"

Although he has doubts in his heart, Magneto is not a newbie who has just entered the society, so how can he be convinced by Qi Jun's words?

"in spite of....

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