What is your identity?"

"Since you can stand here without being chased away or arrested by this base"

"Presumably, you know what happened here just now!"

"tell me!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Waving his hands, Magneto controlled dozens of small steel balls, spinning rapidly around Qi Jun.


"If I don't say"

"Are you going to use these little things to drill me into countless holes?"

Ignoring the whining sound caused by the dozens of small steel balls piercing the air as they flew around.

Qi Jun asked in a funny tone.

Although it was funny that Brother Bu was so easy to bully, Qi Jun was still a little angry in his heart.

Although these... so-called small steel balls no matter how fast they hit your skin, they will not leave any traces, let alone injuries.

But being threatened like this, even if this person was little Nina's father, Qi Jun felt unhappy in his heart.

"If I were you"

"I would not treat an unknown person in this way."

"After all, do this before you know his strength."

"Really, you are seeking death!"

The moment the words "I'm seeking death" were spoken, Qi Jun stretched out his hand, and the small steel balls that were flying around Qi Jun at high speed were instantly gathered into the palm of Qi Jun's hand by an irresistible force.


"what do you want to say"

Qi Jun squeezed dozens of small steel balls with his hands and turned them into a small piece of steel.

Qi Jun threw it away, and Xiaogang immediately fell to the ground.

He even played a short vocal tune with the ground, and suddenly it became quiet.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 367: Get Out


"How can this be"

Seeing the crushed steel that fell to the ground, Magneto was stunned and couldn't believe it.

You know, whether it is Qi Jun gathering all the small steel balls with one hand or shaping them into steel, Magneto is trying his best to control them.

But...seeing the steel that had now escaped Qi Jun's hand and fell to the ground, Magneto found that he still couldn't control it. Even if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Magneto's mutant ability could even be sensed. It's nothing like this newly pinched steel! This thing actually doesn't even have a magnetic field anymore. Qi Jun, a man who suddenly appeared, pinched it like this and changed the fundamental properties of the object...... ........."You are a mutant too"

"What kind of ability is this?"

After all, Magneto has learned some physics knowledge on his own, but now that he encountered this ability that can change the physical properties of objects, he was still confused.

What's more, Magneto used to be the leader of the Brotherhood. Not to mention that he has seen all mutant abilities, but among the various mutant abilities under his command, there is absolutely no ability to change the properties of objects! However, after considering Qi Jun, When there was such a person, Magneto felt a little more relaxed, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.

No matter what, in Lao Wan's opinion, since Qi Jun is a mutant, he might be able to 'win' him to his side. To save others by oneself, Eric Landsher immediately thought of Qi Jun. Ordinary people may be excluded or even harmed.

Otherwise, although Magneto did not think that Qi Jun had the ability to kill him, why did Qi Jun, who could appear behind him silently, not kill himself, but just prevent himself from attacking.

.As for the infiltration of the base, after all, if it were him, Magneto would not guarantee that he would spare the life of a person who wanted to infiltrate his base.

Or, he just... didn't kill himself because he was a fellow mutant. He had been persecuted for many years. Magneto, who was chasing him, naturally thought about the problem and subconsciously judged others by himself. He never thought about whether Qi Jun would do it. Not a mutant, I didn’t even think that Qi Jun was...

The real owner of the base.

At most, Magneto regarded Qi Jun as this.

.The base’s senior thug.

After all, Magneto recruits his subordinates, and with Magneto's way of doing things, Qi Jun, who can appear quietly and has the ability to change the properties of matter, will definitely be regarded as a high-level thug by him.


"I think so!"

With Qi Jun's level of strength, not to mention Eric Lensherr was not a professor, Qi Jun naturally understood what Magneto was thinking in his mind easily.

Thinking of it as a high-level fruit punch is very Magneto! "Get out of here!"

For the sake of little Nina, Qi Jun did not punish Magneto too much, but instead sealed his abilities for a year and slapped him back to the mutant school.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 368 Condolences


Seeing Qi Jun teleporting in front of him, Xiaobai immediately said hello respectfully.

If Qi Jun hadn't sent a message to it before, Xiaobai would have arrested Magneto long ago.

.The base cannot be so quiet.


"Bring them here!"

Qi Jun nodded slightly and ordered.

Qi Jun had sent out his spiritual consciousness to scan it before, and he had almost understood everything. What Qi Jun ordered was naturally those under his command...either recruited or captured. of mutants.

"Yes, Master!"

Xiaobai naturally understood what Qi Jun meant.

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