With Qi Jun's identity, it is impossible to ask Xiaobai to summon the...employees in the base.

Although these...employees are almost all ruthless characters who survived the battlefield, no matter how ruthless they are, they are just ordinary people.

In Xiaobai's data analysis, it is impossible for Qi Jun to ask to see these people as soon as he comes out of confinement.

What's more, this was after Qi Jun had just met Magneto.


Soon, a dozen mutants walked in.

Among them, there are Les and Jason who were first compensated by Charles and deducted here.

There are also a few mutants who have been 'recruited' under Xiaobai's operation in the past few months.

There is also White Queen Emma who was kidnapped by Xiaobai Jie Dao because of the indirect order placed by Tianqi.

There are also three people including Storm, Psylocke, and Angel who have just been 'recruited' and have not yet fully adapted.

Without exception, these dozen mutants greeted Qi Jun respectfully and even fearfully.

"How about it"

“I’m still used to life here”

Sitting on the main seat, Qi Jun asked as if being received by a high-ranking official.

........................",We have such a great time here!"

"Thinking about my days in the mutant school, this place is simply... paradise!"

The first to speak were none other than Les and Jason, who were the first to join the big family and were detained here by Professor Charles.

Les and Jason arrived.

.It has been several months since the base was established, almost half a year ago.

Let’s not talk about this first.

.The secretive 'Loyalty Magic Circles' are deployed everywhere in the base. With the continuous operation of these magic circles day and night, the entire base, from the senior management to the cleaning staff, uh, okay,.

.There are many robots in the base, but there are no cleaners. In short, everyone is right.

.The base is extremely loyal, and then it is extremely loyal to Xiaobai, and even more so.

The real owner of the base, Qi Jun, is extremely loyal! Let’s talk about the various super technological information that Xiaobai has mastered. These mutants have all benefited a lot! You know, Xiaobai’s information database is all copied from nearly Taibai's database has been robbed by all the information databases of all forces in the universe. Among them, Taibai has organized all the information into categories, and has conducted in-depth research and optimization.

Therefore, the biotechnology strength that Xiaobai masters is definitely second to none in the entire universe! Even though the level of the multiverse that Qi Jun traveled through is higher than the previous universe, it is just more The difference is in the most high-end combat power. In terms of biotechnology, the difference between the two universes is not that big.

In the past six months, not only have I been the first to join.

.Less and Jason of the big family have greatly improved in strength, and even the backward mutants have also greatly improved in strength! Xiaobai, who has mastered ultra-high biotechnology, is just...so awesome! It can be said that he has no influence on the earth. Yan, this is completely... black technology! "Oh"

"It turns out that you have all reached the level of fourth-level mutants."

Feeling the excitement, admiration, and even stupid worship of Les and Jason, Qi Jun really set his sights on them.

Only then did Qi Jun realize that he had just joined.

Russ and Jason at the base have both been promoted from second-level mutants to fourth-level mutants! And the other mutants who were 'recruited' are all third-level mutants and are about to be promoted to fourth-level mutants. Level 4 mutants! In Qi Jun's view, this is almost a last resort. It's not a big deal to say that these guys have reached the level of level 4 mutants. With Qi Jun's current strength, If you want to attract Qi Jun's attention, if Qi Jun doesn't pay attention in advance, you must at least have sub-tianfu level strength to attract Qi Jun's attention............. ....Gulu and these... have long been loyal to.

.compared to the excitement of mutants.

Whether it was the White Queen who had just been robbed from prison and brought here, or the three Storm women who were forced to "recruit", they all looked horrified.


The fact that the base can cultivate so many level four mutants is really...horrible!!!.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 369 Bad Taste

No wonder Queen Hubai and the other four were so shocked.

In fact, among the known mutant groups, level four mutants are already the highest strength currently.

There may be other strong people secretly, but at least from what they can understand, there are no level 5 mutants now. Even if there is a mutant with level 5 mutant potential in the mutant school, that... is just... Potential, Qin Gray's current strength is only level three, even...

.No mutants cultivated by the base can compare to it! .............If the White Queen is shocked but still able to accept it, it’s because she was also a mutant in her early years. If the top of the human body is also a top of the Hellfire Club.

Then, Storm Girl and the three former Apocalypse Knights are completely unacceptable! Listen to what they say, are they still human? In just a few months, Apocalypse has only enhanced their mutant genes to reach the level of third-level mutants. Their strength has not yet cultivated them to the level of fourth-level mutants. It was established by an ordinary person who is not a mutant.

. base, but they quickly cultivated two second-level mutants to the fourth-level strength. They are still human! I am afraid that when the apocalypse comes, I will be confused... .........."hello"

"You are welcome to join.

.’s big family.”

After expressing condolences to his 'family', Qi Jun turned to look at the four 44 mutants who had just 'surrendered' and said hello with a smile.


Qi Jun could be very friendly, but these four 44 mutants did not dare to show any disrespect and hurriedly bowed to say hello.

"I know you."

Qi Jun smiled and nodded.

"One is the person who followed the Black Emperor back then."

"As mutants, what you did is not wrong, but it is indeed a bit radical."

“Emma Grace Frost The White Queen!”

Qi Jun's words made Emma Grace Frost tense up. She was not surprised that Qi Jun could get her information.

Being able to break her out of a strict prison, what information can't be obtained from Emma? Grace Frost is just a little nervous, this.

The real master of . looked more like a pure ordinary person. He would not take the sins of the dead Black Emperor on himself. Fortunately, Qi Jun's next words dispelled her nervousness, but he immediately Got excited.


"I met two people who restrained me. No, I should say they crushed me."

"Teaching, and Wanci."

"Under the suppression of these two people, you, the White Queen, were caught without any resistance."

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