Qi Jun even wanted to see how the abandoned son who was abandoned by Tianqi would look like when he finally caught him back. As for the team sent by Xiaobai to capture Tianqi.

Not surprisingly, it has failed.

After all, Apocalypse is also a veteran mutant from thousands of years ago, with countless abilities.

I’m afraid it’s not too naive to grab a space ability suppressor and just want to catch Apocalypse............. “Yes!”


Xiaobai naturally knew which four people Qi Jun was talking about.

Xiaobai, who has been linked to the 37th Action Team that captured Tianqi, naturally knew that the capture of Tianqi failed.

But Xiaobai does not have an emotion module, so naturally there will be no changes in expressions or emotions.

Since Qi Jun wanted to watch Storm Girl and the others catch Tianqi, Xiaobai naturally recruited back the three action teams that were sent out again.

As a subordinate, you only need to perform the tasks assigned by your master well.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 371 Secret Pushing Hands


"There is a mission for you!"

After Xiao Bai took the White Queen and Storm away for "special training", Qi Jun turned around and gave orders to his mutant action team.

"Please order!"

Les, Jason, etc.

.The mutants trained by the base were suddenly full of enthusiasm. This was the real first self-assigned mission, no matter...

No matter what the task is, you must complete it beautifully! "Yeah"

"So much momentum!"

Seeing that Les and others were in high spirits, Qi Jun was naturally very satisfied.

"Isn't his Apocalypse trying to trigger the outbreak of World War III?"

"You just go and help him realize this great dream!"

"Whether you pretend to join Apocalypse, or join the Hellfire Club and use the power of the club to influence the geography and structure of the world, it's all up to you."

"But be careful."

"Don't start World War III too soon."

"after all"

"Your boss, I also want to take a look at the performance of those knights who were abandoned by Apocalypse just now and caught him!"

In order to satisfy his own evil taste, Qi Jun did not even want his men to ignite the powder keg of World War III so quickly.

Qi Jun knows very well that no matter...

No matter how hard Apocalypse works, once World War III starts, Apocalypse will be the first target to be eliminated.

Neither the bald eagle nor the furry bear will ever allow this earth to be ruled by mutants.

They usually engage in some tricks and live in secret, and the top management of both parties can turn a blind eye.

But if mutants set their sights on the position of human leaders, that is not allowed! What's more, the purpose of Apocalypse is to establish their own divine power and to enslave ordinary people! On this point, whether it is the Eagle or the Absolutely not allowed!........................"Yes!"


Although Qi Jun's order made Les and other mutants confused for a moment, thanks to Xiaobai's good 'training and education', Les and the others enthusiastically accepted the tasks issued by Qi Jun, and We will resolutely complete what Qi Jun said! In the eyes of Russ, Jason and other mutants, there has never been an apocalypse.

In fact, under Xiaobai's 'training', Les and others had no idea of ​​fighting for their own mutant race.

In the eyes of Russ, Jason and other mutants, they are just members of the base's special operations team, and their superpowers are...

Developed from the base, they will shed their last drop of blood for the company! Under Xiaobai's 'training', even if these guys are asked to immediately take out a gun and blow their heads off, they will not hesitate at all. !Xiaobai's subtle 'training', plus.

.The ubiquitous soul magic array in the base carries out loyalty cleansing, and the power of the two has definitely increased exponentially! .................. "Chapter "Three World Wars"


"You Tianqi also want to do what Black Emperor Xiao has not done."

"It's a pity that you don't have the ability to do it."

"Why don't you let me give you a push?"

"Talk about it"

"I'm really curious."

"This plot has already become: a messy world."

"If there were another world war."

"What will happen then?"

Watching Les and others leaving, Qi Jun's eyes gradually became deeper.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 372 Another Test

Does Qi Jun really want to watch World War III? Maybe, but the main purpose of Qi Jun doing this is to test Gu Yi.

While the power of the previous domain spread unintentionally, Qi Jun also understood how dangerous this multiverse was.

Leaving aside the multiverse-level powerhouses of this universe, Qi Jun could clearly sense the clones, or projections, of the five supreme gods.

Don't look at it. There is only one level difference between Qi Jun and these five supreme gods.

But the further back the powerful class goes, the small gap becomes a gap of geometric multiples! Once Ancient One files a complaint, it will be gone to eternity.

Once the eternal fate comes to an end, Qi Jun will have no choice but to escape.

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