Confrontation is impossible.

Even if Qi Jun could beat the clones and projections of eternity or even the five great gods in this universe, Qi Jun wouldn't know how to fight and just turned around and ran away! Just kidding, hit the small one: come on, hit the big one and the old one will come. Yes, Qi Jun is not that stupid.

If you can avoid provoking someone, it's best not to do so.

..................... "Perhaps, we can try to damage the plot more seriously."

Thinking that the changes in the plot line of Apocalypse did not lead to Ancient Yi and Odin, it may be that the level of the fragments of the Heart of the Universe is too high. Ancient Yi and Odin did not want to get involved. Qi Jun decided to change paths. For example, that... is in a certain air force Qi Jun, the 'Cosmic Cube' in the base, had already observed it when he 'scanned' the world before.

In the current timeline, Aunt Marvel is not Aunt Marvel yet. It should be said that at this time, Carol is just a recruit who has just entered the army for two years. She is still learning the theoretical knowledge and ground training of driving a trainer aircraft, which is far from the Later on... Captain Marvel, who was in supernova state and could make steel as strong as Thanos.

Moreover, Qi Jun also wants to know, can Carol still become a superhero without Fang? Did the power of the world make her undergo other changes and evolve into Frightened? Or will she have nothing to do with superheroes from now on? According to the original plot, the speed of light energy not only did not turn her into ashes, but also transformed her into Captain Marvel.

Qi Jun also wanted to see the fate of this kind of protagonist. After he intervened, would she, Carol, still have this kind of fate..."By the way "

"Perhaps we can also recruit one of the top scientists from the Kree Empire"

With his own strength, even if it is because of the 'space gem', Carol's instructor, Marvel, the Holy Mother scientist of the Kree Empire, can develop a special light speed engine for battleships, then this is a talent! As for that, Qi Jun will definitely not care about her attributes of the Holy Mother.

Get it and throw it directly to Xiaobai. After a whole set of 'training' procedures, Qi Jun's interests will naturally be put first.


"This Carol seems to be a Virgin as well."

"The earth doesn't care about life and death, so go and care about aliens."


"Ignore it for now...


"If it can mutate, take it over and give it to Xiaobai for transformation."

"If your destiny is changed and you are just an ordinary person from now on, then there is no need to pay attention to it!"

Qi Jun couldn't help but pout when he thought that Carol was also a bad virgin just like her teacher.

Nothing!......................A sudden thought came to mind.

Qi Jun followed.

. base, and in an instant arrived at the military air force research base where Marvel was located.


"There is indeed an attraction between the Infinity Stones!"

Feeling the vibration of the space gems that had been synthesized once in his collection space, Qi Jun smiled softly.

The space gem really wants to swallow the space gem!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 373 Marwell \u0026 Fantasy

Of course, the Infinity Stones can still sense each other across a space! The space equipment used by Qi Jun to collect the Infinity Stones is a manifestation of the mutated gems. If the Infinity Stones cannot even isolate the mutual induction, That's too inferior.

The reason why Qi Jun can sense the space gems in the collection space that Marvell studied is because Qi Jun opened a small window.

.........................In the Deng Deng Deng research room, Marvel, who has been obsessed with the study of the 'Cosmic Rubik's Cube', did not realize that there were already many people in the laboratory. Someone came out.

But the abnormal shaking of the 'Cosmic Cube' made Marvel a little surprised.


"Did some experimental procedure go wrong?"

"The 'Cosmic Rubik's Cube' that had never reacted before, why did it have such a big reaction this time?"

Seeing the 'Cosmic Rubik's Cube' vibrating on its own, almost jumping out of the fixed frame on the experimental table, although Marvel didn't know why, he immediately picked up a special metal rod on the side and moved towards the 'Cosmic Rubik's Cube' 'Pressed hard.

But boom! Marvel had no idea that the special pressure rod that could calm down the agitated Cosmic Cube would not only be useless this time, but would actually make the already agitated Cosmic Cube rebound even more violently.

An irresistible force came from the rod, and Marvel didn't even have time to react. The pressure rod broke free from his hand in an instant, flew out in a whoosh, and smashed the experimental table on the other side.

Marvel didn't know that this was actually the resonance produced by the mutual induction of the space gems in the Universe Rubik's Cube and the space gems in Qi Jun's hands! Or, it could also be said to be an instinctive desire, fear! After all, the same infinity The gems all devour the same infinity gems.

But through the mutual induction, it is obvious that the space gem in Qi Jun's hand is stronger! ..................Gulu "I'll go!"

"This is......"

"Are you out of control?"

After swallowing a gulp of saliva, Marvell was completely shocked.

But there was even more excitement in Marvell's eyes.

"did not expect"

"The Rubik's Cube, which normally has difficulty responding to any stimulation, actually made such a big noise this time!"

"Could it be that the operation that I didn't notice just now is the real way to open this Pandora's box?"

It has to be said that even though it was an alien woman, as a scientist, Marvell was not afraid when seeing her like this... but instead became even more excited.

It seems that Marvel has seen that he has successfully researched the light speed engine.

When he thought about using the space battleship equipped with the light speed engine to save the universe, Marvel began to tremble.

.................."although a little rude"

"But I still had to interrupt a lady's fantasy!"

Seeing that Marvel was almost falling into his own fantasy, Qi Jun couldn't help but grinned and interrupted her.

"This thing didn't... change because of you!"


"This thing shouldn't be something you can study!"

Although Marvel's 'purpose' seems great and upright.

But it's a pity that Qi Jun doesn't like him at all.

If you create a super good thing and don’t use it yourself or use it for your own forces, it will destroy the whole universe.

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