She had not appeared before. Firstly, there was no need for her to appear. Secondly, there was a tumor in her brain and she was not feeling well, so there was no need for her to appear.

But now, since Qi Jun has been invited to the house, it would be unreasonable and rude if little Xingjue's mother didn't show up.

"Excuse me"

"This little guy is so naughty"

Little Xingjue's mother called him over and smiled apologetically at Qi Jun.


"My name is Maguire"

"She's this little guy's mother"


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 380 Exploration

Time passed slowly as Qi Jun and Quil's family had intentional conversations.

As time went by, Old Quill's family also returned home one after another, either preparing for the evening party or chatting with Qi Jun. Everything seemed warm and harmonious.

Not to mention, Qi Jun has not experienced this harmonious family atmosphere for many years.

Without intrigues and external pressure, everything seemed inexplicably relaxing and beautiful.

For a moment, Qi Jun even felt a little happy in his heart.


“We chatted for so long”

"I haven't asked you what you do yet."

During the casual chat, little Xingjue's grandmother suddenly asked.


"Didn't I say it?"

"I'm really sorry."

Qi Jun pretended to be stunned for a moment, then pretended to smile apologetically.

It can be seen that even though Qi Jun sold a top-notch classic car to Old Quill, little Xingjue's grandmother is still wary of Qi Jun.

Maybe he's not wary, but he doesn't completely trust Qi Jun either.

"My family runs a company."

"I don't know exactly what I do, but it seems to have some intersection with all walks of life..."

"The family's industry is the family's industry, and I hope I can work hard to build a career."

"So, I don't pay too much attention to things at home."

"The old man in my family doesn't understand what young people like. That classic car was a gift when I came of age."

"My original plan was... to go to the East Coast, plan to sell this classic car, and then use the money to start my own business."

Qi Jun also has his own way of talking to whom, what to talk about, and how to talk.

For people like Old Quill, if a young man with personality is more motivated, he will be more popular with them.

Isn't it just a make-up? I, Qi Jun, don't even need peanuts. I can give you the same stuff as the old man in the wasteland! Even if you check it, Qi Jun can "reveal" all the boasts in an instant, and there won't be any flaws. .

That’s right! “Wow”

"It seems that soon, we will call you boss."


Sure enough, old Quill and little Star-Lord's grandmother were all smiling, and even Maguire and her brother and sister-in-law laughed.

Even the little Star-Lord, who didn't know why, was affected and started laughing.

........................ I didn't expect that Egg could be removed so cleanly from Maguire's body. There was no trace of Egg in it. Could it be? There would be an old Quill family who was joking with Qi Jun about the relationship between Ancient Yi and Odin. I am afraid they would never have thought of it.

While chatting with them, Qi Jun also used his domain power to scan Maguire's whole body up and down, inside and out, more than ten times! Qi Jun was able to chat with the old Quil family for so long. , is it because Qi Jun wants to live a life of such chatter? Although this kind of chatting time is indeed more comfortable, Qi Jun, whose mind has been hammered to an extremely hardened state, will miss this person. From beginning to end, Qi Jun was here just for two people.

One is Little Star-Lord, and the other is naturally Little Star-Lord’s mother, Maguire.

Little Xingjue has the blood of the gods in his body, so Qi Jun must understand it carefully. Qi Jun is even still thinking about whether he should abduct this guy to his home.

.base goes.

Qi Jun is also interested in Maguire, who is a child after being combined with the ball. Of course, it is not a male-female interest.

Rather, did the combination with a ball bring about any changes in her body? Or did Egg's... ball change Mei's life level? Or, did Egg's... ball hide some means in Maguire's body? Like the 'Star Eater Seed', if Qi Jun hadn't accidentally scanned it, who would have known that there was such a thing lurking on the earth? No one could say for sure, and there wouldn't be any hidden secrets of Egg in Maguire's body. If Yi Ge deliberately hid it, Qi Jun couldn't just scan it and find it.

This will definitely require Qi Jun to scan and search carefully at close range! Of course, by the way, Qi Jun also cleared the tumor in Maguire's mind.

After all, she was a guinea pig, although she didn't know it.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 381 Extraction

After curing Maguire's brain tumor, attending the Quayle family's party, and resting at Quayle's house for a night.

The next day, Qi Jun said goodbye and left.

Originally, Qi Jun planned to abduct little Xingjue to his home.

.I went to the base, but after thinking about it I gave up the plan.

To be honest, little Star-Lord's abilities come from Ego.

And Qi Jun had already stood on his opposite side by uprooting and cutting off the 'Star-Eating Seeds' planted by Yi Ge on the earth.

There must be death between Qi Jun and Yi Ge, and Qi Jun doesn't even think that he will be the one who dies.

As for the little Star-Lord whose abilities come from Ego, after Ego's death, his abilities will be greatly reduced, if not completely disappear.

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