Although Qi Jun can take advantage of the time difference to brainwash Star-Lord and make him work hard, completely squeezing out his remaining value.

But little Star-Lord is only three years old, and he is not the rogue guy who punched out "Avengers 4" with one punch. Qi Jun is really not that inhumane.

In other words, Qi Jun still has a certain bottom line in his heart.

.........................However, although it is said that the young Star-Lord will not be captured as a young man.

But before Qi Jun left, he still used the power of the domain to extract a tube of the blood of the gods inherited from Ego from Little Star-Lord.

As one of the purposes of this trip, although Qi Jun gave up the idea of ​​kidnapping Little Star-Lord, Qi Jun's curiosity about the bloodline of the gods would not let Qi Jun miss this opportunity.

With Qi Jun's domain power, little Star-Lord himself didn't know it, and Quill's family couldn't find it either.

You know, in the original drama, when Ego found Star-Lord, it was because Star-Lord was activated by the power stone to activate the bloodline of the gods.

Although the ability is not activated, it is enough for Yi Ge to follow the sense.

But now, little Star-Lord has not been aroused, and Yi Ge can’t even sense it, let alone find it! .................. "Xiao Bai "

"Take some samples and analyze them carefully!"

After Quill left, Qi Jun teleported directly to the fifth-generation explosive warship that had been hidden in the outer orbit of the earth.

relative to.

.The equipment in the base, which seems advanced in this era, cannot even produce a single screw in this fifth-generation explosive warship.

This fifth-generation explosive warship was Taibai’s highest-tech collection before Qi Jun left! Although Yi Ge himself has multiverse-level strength, Little Xingjue is just a sample without activated bloodline. It couldn’t be easier to analyze and research for nothing.



A mechanical arm suddenly grew out of the smooth and smooth wall on the side, took away the blood sample from Qi Jun's hand, and melted it back into the wall in an instant. The wall suddenly returned to its smooth and smooth appearance. Unexpectedly, a robotic arm has just grown here! This is the nano and picomi technology that is used everywhere by Xiaobai.

Although this battleship can only be considered average among all the battleships manufactured by Taibai, the various technologies contained in this battleship are absolutely top-notch in the universe! ........"I'll give it a try too!"

"I don't know if I can sense it if I use my energy to activate my bloodline."

Xiaobai has technological means, and Qi Jun also plans to use the means of cultivation to test this so-called bloodline of the gods!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 382 Tentacle monster?

As Qi Jun transfers energy bit by bit into the blood of the gods extracted from Little Star-Lord's body.

This blood, like a drought-ridden desert frantically absorbing water, began to frantically absorb Qi Jun's energy.

What followed was... the part of the God's bloodline in Qi Jun's hand quickly became transparent and bright, until it emitted a dazzling light.

Then, under Qi Jun's continuous energy, the blood sample of the God that had been activated by Qi Jun began to grow crazily! It was like a small seedling that suddenly grew into a long and thick vine.

The reality is even crazier than the vines. The translucent blood of the gods grows to a certain length.

It began to split rapidly, splitting into two, two into four, four into eight...Crack! Snap! These.........radiating 'vines', like They are like tentacles, suspended in the air, twisting, squirming, and falling.


"What the hell is this?"

"It's so disgusting!"

Seeing these things copying and multiplying like no limit, Qi Jun frowned.

Qi Jun really didn't expect that the God's bloodline would look like this after it was activated.

It's impossible, God Yi, in essence, is not a ball but a tentacle monster. This actually makes sense. Look at how many people died on Yi Ge's planet... Son, one ball per ball, where did it come from? With so many impulses to find females to mate with all over the universe, and seeing how Star-Lord also indulges in all kinds of meat and vegetables when he grows up, Qi Jun really has reason to suspect that this guy is essentially a tentacle monster! Is it possible? , the entire universe was deceived by him. Once his guess came true, Qi Jun naturally realized that a tentacle monster disguised himself as a ball and deceived everyone in the universe. Maybe, it is also possible, those five What does the supreme god know.........But no matter what, Qi Jun felt that his eyes had been opened.

Suddenly! The tentacles that were originally floating aimlessly in the air after Qi Jun cut off their energy supply suddenly shook together, and Xuan Ji suddenly merged to form a tentacle monster.

Well..., a tentacle monster with many more tentacles than an octopus! Moreover, this tentacle monster is emitting a dazzling light all over its body.

If it weren't for Qi Jun's strong strength, his body would have been reshaped and tempered long ago, otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to see clearly...!!!! ..."Huh"

Looking at the freshly baked tentacle monster in front of him, Qi Jun suddenly felt something different.

It's like, what was just a pile of materials was randomly assembled and turned into a thinking creature in the blink of an eye. "Could it be?"

"This thing can also be connected to Yi Ge remotely."

Qi Jun was also a little surprised when he thought of a possibility.

This is within his own domain! As long as he cannot be crushed, then within the domain, Qi Jun is... the master! Igo can really connect with this tentacle monster spawned by his own energy. Possible! But it's also possible! Ego can't link to the tentacle monster 'clone' in the field but should be able to sense "then"

"Would you like to try and open up the field...a little bit?"

"Let that old yinker from Egg throw himself into the trap."

When he thought that Ego was probably not a ball, but a tentacle monster, Qi Jun already regarded him as the biggest villain in the Marvel universe! Think about it, Star-Lord and his team were exhausted Boss Jin, it took his adoptive father's death to detonate a 1-ball.

But the real mastermind behind the scenes actually doesn’t know where he is hiding. Isn’t it scary to think about it?........................ On the other side, there is a place of nowhere. Next door, on a certain planet, suddenly the entire planet trembled.

"The clone is activated"

An unknown mental wave passed by in a flash.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 383 The first test

"That direction!"

This planet, which exuded strange mental fluctuations, suddenly stopped its daily rotation, and then one side... suddenly turned towards the direction of the Earth! And the side of the planet facing the Earth... suddenly appeared. The entire spherical 'face'.

If someone saw such a weird scene, they would be scared out of their wits immediately. Yes, this is Ego! But unlike the planet Ego in the plot of "Guardians", this planet is not Zhiwu. place.

On the contrary, it is next door to the Land of Knowledge, in a star field that is inaccessible all year round and where all kinds of energy are chaotic.

Of course, in the unknown land, there is also a clone of 1 Yi Ge... planet! And what is here is actually the true body of Yi Ge! It has experienced the battle of the fall of the gods. Yi Ge will never expose his body to any place where it can be easily explored.

........................"What causes the bloodline power to be activated?"

"Could it be that there is something else in the universe that can activate the power of my bloodline?"

"That direction, if I remember correctly."

"It should be where the disciple of that guy from Eternity is."

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