"He will use: gems to activate my clone"

The human face on the sphere suddenly frowned and squirmed its lips, causing the entire planet's atmosphere to surge crazily.


"It's time to go and have a look!"

After thinking for a moment, the planet man squinted his eyes and muttered.


“Igo, this old bastard didn’t fall for the trick.”

Qi Jun didn't know Yi Ge's identity or what decision he made.

But Qi Jun knew that he had just opened some gaps in his field.

This gap is not big. The tentacle monster in front of me that was activated by Yi Ge's god blood cannot escape, but it can let Yi Ge's spirit, idea, or soul come in, thereby linking to this freshly baked monster. On the tentacle monster, Qi Jun then closed the gap in the domain and tried to catch Yi Ge's spiritual thoughts in a jar.

But obviously, Qi Jun's idea is very beautiful, but it can only be an idea.

After experiencing the baptism of countless years, if Yi Ge can still be fooled so easily, then Yi Ge will not be an old-fashioned god who can survive until now.

.........................But! Although Yi Ge was not fooled, Yi Ge's domain power swayed from the outside, and he took a side shot to observe. Qi Jun discovered his behavior.

"This guy is indeed a tentacle type!"

"The power of its domain only passed by in a flash, but it also left behind a deep power of chaos."

"And... the power of devouring!"

"It should be said that it is true. It is indeed Egg!"

Qi Jun is still very clear about Yi Ge's desire to assimilate the life planets in the entire universe.

After entering the multiverse level, Qi Jun's understanding of the rules of the universe has obviously become more profound.

In this regard, Qi Jun was also deeply impressed by the power of Yi Ge who just passed by.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Yi Ge deliberately leaked traces, the purpose of which was naturally to make Qi Jun retreat in the face of difficulties.

After all, a qualified clone power bank is not... so easy to find! If the newly activated clone is damaged by Qi Jun, then Yi Ge will feel like he has suffered a big loss.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 384 Exploitation

"this thing"


"Just ruin it..."

After closing the realm again, Qi Jun stared at the tentacle monster in front of him, which instinctively danced its tentacles, and muttered.

To be honest, Qi Jun himself doesn't have a good impression of tentacle monsters.

Maybe some people like it, such as dramas, books, etc.

But when a tentacle monster appeared in front of him, all Qi Jun felt was nausea.

Anyway... Qi Jun doesn't care...

No matter how I looked at it, I felt that this thing was not pleasing to the eye at all.

.........................But! To destroy a celestial larvae like this, Qi Jun felt a little pity in his heart.

Egg may regard these tentacle monsters that have no intelligence of their own as just his clones.

But in Qi Jun's opinion, as long as this thing is not given a chance to come into contact with Yi Ge, it is still very likely that this thing will give birth to its own consciousness and then grow into a brand new tentacle god.

It's just this appearance that's really disgusting.

Qi Jun has never denied that he is actually a member of the Appearance Association.

Then, a difficult problem was placed in front of Qi Jun.

This freshly baked tentacle monster larvae is too ugly and disgusting to die, so although death is ugly, it is useful, so living... When Qi Jun was struggling, Xiaobai helped Qi Jun make a choice! "Master!"

"After testing, it was found that the blood sample tissue came from an unknown powerful race. There is no record of this blood sample in the information database."

"Once this kind of creature hatches, it will grow into a baby.

It has planet-level strength.”

"According to calculations, this creature will definitely be able to grow to a single adult."

"In addition, there is a certain chance that we can break through to the Yuan Universe level!"

"Moreover, during testing and research, it was found that this creature has a huge ability to devour energy. The creature itself is also a huge energy storage body!"

"At the same time, this kind of creature also has powerful reproductive attributes!"

"If there is no limit, or intentional control after the birth of consciousness itself.

Then, as long as it is cast into a life star field, this kind of creature will multiply and spread throughout the entire star field in a very short period of time!"

"After rough experiments, it was found that after reproduction and division, this kind of creature has the ability to connect with each other. Individuals can also be linked to each other and share the overall energy!"

"Its ability is similar to the 'Sentinel' ability described in the database."

"The energy of all the split bodies can be supplied to one main body for use, which is very similar to the ability of the sentry to mobilize hundreds of suns for its own use!"

Not only did Xiaobai dutifully report to Qi Junhui, he even gave Qi Jun an example for comparison! ........................ "This kind of bloodline ability , can it be transplanted into our biological weapons?"

"Can this bloodline ability be controlled by us?"

In the last multi-dimensional movie universe that Qi Jun traveled through, Qi Jun had embodied black technologies such as biochemical weapons factories and advanced biochemical manufacturing centers.

And these... black technologies have been thoroughly studied by Taibai, and all information has been recorded in Taibai's information database.

Naturally, if Taibai knows it, then Xiaobai will also know it! "Yes, Master!"

"In the brand-new biological weapons manufacturing factory, the isolated blood sample core can be implanted."

"After implanting the new blood sample core, the new biological weapons will have such capabilities and can also be completely controlled by us!"

"It's just that at the initial stage, manufacturing such a brand-new biological weapon still requires a lot of tissue samples."

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