The Kree Empire has a supreme wisdom, which naturally makes the people of the Kree Empire know how terrifying intelligence is.

Through a brief contact, Marvel knew that there was an intelligent robot like Xiaobai.

.base, she absolutely has no chance of escaping.

If her equipment is still there:, maybe there is still a chance.

But now, she doesn't have any equipment, let alone escape, even if she wants to.

.The base was in chaos and it couldn’t be done even for such a short period of time!......................"Haha"

"threaten me"

“The Kree Empire is awesome”

"Then do you know why Crete doesn't dare to attack the earth? "It's because it's too far away."

"It's still because the earth doesn't smell good. Qi Jun was still in a good mood after smashing the newborn tentacle monster. At least Qi Jun wasn't angry because of Marvel's 'threat'.

In fact, Marvell's threat did not even cause Qi Jun's clear fluctuation.

The Kree Empire is indeed the three top empires in the Marvel Universe.

But this does not mean that it is... the top force in the Marvel Universe.

The first multiverse that Qi Jun traveled through was... so, and this is even more so in this more advanced multiverse.

Even the Kree Empire ranks even lower in the ranking of forces in this universe! ............. In this multiverse, the multiverse There are so many super-strength bosses that you can count with one hand. If the Kree Empire dares to defeat a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse in front of these bosses, it will be able to stand on its own, let alone... a single universe-level powerhouse, and more A powerful multiverse boss.

Although the Kree Empire is powerful, the entire nation can still deal with a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse. It can even be calculated, and some individual universe-level powerhouses may also be able to deal with it.

But the multiverse bosses, even the worst Ego, are not something the Kree Empire can handle! And the Earth is not...a simple planet.

Don't look at the fact that the Kree Empire followed the example of the Celestial Group in conducting experiments on Earth.

But that does no harm to the earth.

Once the decision made by the Kree Empire causes any harm to the earth, the Kree Empire will be destroyed in a matter of minutes.

Don’t pay too much attention to the big bosses on Earth! ........................ “The Kree Empire is of no use to me!”

"Just do what you have to do!"

Qi Jun shook his head, wanting to threaten himself with the name of the Kree Empire was too much!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 387 The Decadent Magneto

After all, Marvel is also a subject of the Kree Empire, one of the top empires in the universe.

Even though Marvel was easily killed by the Kree Empire's action team leader with one shot, that... was just not a threat to the people of the Kree Empire, just like an abandoned house on Earth compared to the King of Special Forces.

But the difficulty for people on Earth to subdue Marvel is actually as difficult as fighting the King of Soldiers in an abandoned house! Whether it is knowledge or strength, Marvel is not comparable to these people on Earth.


.Things such as the magic circle carved in the base that can affect people's mental judgment are relatively hidden and slow to warm up.

This also led to Marvel being caught.

.The reason why I have been at the base for a whole day and not only have I not been brainwashed, but I have become more vigilant about it.

Of course, this is also the method that Xiaobai still uses to target people on Earth.

Now that the problem has been discovered, Xiaobai only needs to change the targeting method.

Xiaobai also has a copy of the Kree Empire's data and information database. Xiaobai also knows the advantages and disadvantages of the Kree people clearly.

Xiaobai only needs to change the adaptation method, and Marvell 'submits'.

.The base is just...a matter of time.

As for the signal that Marvel used to send out the emergency rescue device for important figures in the Kree Empire that he carried with him, it was really a display for the fifth-generation blaster warship parked in the earth's orbit! If the signal was not transmitted, Xiaobai would simply stay where he was. Just blow yourself up! He waved his hand and asked Xiaobai to take Marvel away. Qi Jun stopped paying attention to her.


"Yes, Master!"

"Projecting the real-time image of Magneto, I suddenly want to see how this old guy is doing now."


In the base, in his luxurious office, Qi Jun was lying on his luxurious recliner, found a drink in his hand, and shouted with interest while drinking.



A faint light flashed, and immediately, a real-time picture of Magneto was projected in this office.

....................."Old boy"

"Still: sulking...!!!"

In the picture, Professor, one of the leaders in the eyes of the mutants, was sliding in a wheelchair, with a shy face, and handed a glass of Magneto's favorite red wine to Magneto.


"Go away!"

Magneto, who was wrapped in sanitary protective tape in many parts of his body, opened Charles' hand holding the wine glass with a wave of his hand, turned his body again, and avoided Charles' front.

Obviously, the injured Magneto didn't appreciate it. He didn't know whether it was because of Charles or because he knew he shouldn't drink when he was injured. Maybe it was both. He even resented the person he became today. I'm sorry to say... Today's Magneto no longer has the heroic spirit he had before.

The bandages all over his body did not make Magneto look like he was dying, but he still looked absolutely decadent.

Thinking about what happened a few days ago, Magneto felt aggrieved and didn't know who to tell.

He was crushed by Qi Jun's strength, was slapped away, and was thrown back to the mutant school.

But this cannot make Magneto feel lost and decadent.

But! When I think of Charles’ deception to me.

Coupled with the fact that Qi Jun sealed his abilities, Magneto was completely depressed.

Throughout his life as a hero, didn't Magneto rely on his abilities? But now, with his abilities sealed, Magneto is not even as good as an ordinary person! If it weren't for the persuasion of his wife and the company of his daughter, Magneto would not even commit suicide. I have a heart! But that... Charles, the thief who deceived me, shamelessly comes to me every day begging for forgiveness and joking! If I forgive you, I will not be Magneto! ......... ............"do not"

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