"This is your favorite Lafite"

“New Year’s Lafite, the most authentic taste!”

"Just drink a little"

Charles didn't care about Magneto's indifference and harsh words.

"Then why don't you eat something?"

"I admit it was my fault before and I didn't tell you.

.The true situation at the base.”

"But you can't not even eat!"

"Ability is not unimportant. Didn't I give up on my abilities before?"

"Maybe one day, your abilities will come back to you."

Putting the wine glass on the table, Charles turned his wheelchair and came to Eric Lensherr again, and began to persuade him with a shy face.

Speaking of which, Magneto's look of decadence, in addition to being sad, also has a lot to do with the fact that he hasn't eaten for two days.

Without energy supply and with his abilities sealed, how could Magneto not be decadent! "Get out!!!"

Boom, boom, Charles tried to say whatever he wanted, but Magneto didn't appreciate it, and even kicked the table over in excitement.

Suddenly, a table of wine and food was scattered on the ground, causing a huge waste! Magneto, whose strength was sealed and even inferior to ordinary people, could only be so incompetent and furious now.

........................."Okay, okay"

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving now"

"I'm going to ask someone to clean it up."

"You should have a good rest."

"I'm asking someone to prepare a table of food."

"But don't make yourself angry!"

A look of helplessness flashed across Charles' face, and he knew how sad Magneto was this time.

In fact, Charles is also very heartbroken to see Magneto become like this.

But Charles didn't think of exploring again.

.The base will become like this, and I will have to control the wheelchair again to leave.

Speaking of which, Charles still didn't realize it deeply.

.The strength of the base, not to mention the lack of serious lessons learned from the last time, actually dared to deal with it.

.The base is thinking.

All we can say is that for Charles, all this is his own fault.

Qi Jun will not spoil him!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 388 Let Apocalypse teach Qin Gray?

"It's kind of interesting. Seeing such a scene, Qi Jun chuckled.

Charles ignored the warning and insisted on attacking again.

. Base exploration, it’s a good thing that Qi Jun didn’t demolish the mutant school.

Adults must be responsible for their actions! Not to mention..., Charles is still the principal of a school, and one of his thoughts will determine the fate of many people. As for Magneto, if this guy wasn't little Nina's biological father, Qi Jun won't let him go so easily!......................As for Charles, he can't even find out.

In fact, Qi Jun just sealed Magneto for one year, and Qi Jun would not explain it to anyone.

Again, before making certain decisions or doing certain things, you must consider the consequences.

The incompetent rage that is unwilling to accept the consequences will only make people look down upon even more! .................. "Xiaobai"

"Look at Phoenix Girl Jean Grey."

There is nothing interesting about the two old men. One is frustrated and the other is decadent. What can they be worth seeing?

It would be better to take a look at the Phoenix female Qin Gray who is the focus of attention! ..................Although because he has broken through to the multiverse level of strength, Qi Jun has nothing to do with...Phoenix The power is no longer so urgent.

But that doesn't mean Qi Jun doesn't want it.

Whether it is a split of the Phoenix Power or the original Phoenix body of the original universe, Qi Jun is still salivating! What's more, Qi Jun has just broken through to multiverse level strength not long ago.

Even with the feedback after the Mutated Stone swallowed up the Heart of the Universe fragments, strictly speaking, Qi Jun is only in the middle stage of multiverse level strength.

There is still a small realm of later stages between us and the perfection of this level.

Although Qi Jun only needs to practice step by step and absorb the energy of the universe, he will reach the level of multiverse perfection sooner or later.

But that... the time required is not short at all! If the Phoenix Force can be seduced and swallowed, Qi Jun's strength will be promoted to the level of multiverse perfection in just a few minutes. What happened!........................"Yes!"


The industrious Xiaobai immediately converted the real-time picture of Magneto into the real-time picture of Jean Gray.

For Xiaobai, who has the support of the fifth-generation explosive warship, as long as it is not blocked by some special abilities such as Kama Taj's magic, even if you hide in the center of the earth, Xiaobai can detect everything clearly, then The picture quality is even clearer than the 400 Super Super Super Ultra HD picture! At the same time as the splashing picture appeared, a sound of water was also heard.

But they saw Qin Gray lying naked in the bathtub, with a pair of lotus-root arms sliding on the water waves, making a splashing sound.

While the warm bath water exudes a comfortable temperature, wisps of water mist are also floating in the air, filling the entire bathroom with a dense atmosphere.


"I go!"


"So directly?"

Viewers of Xiaobai's projections feel as if they are physically present in them.

In Qi Jun's senses, it was as if he was lying in front of Gray's bath, watching the little girl bathing in front of him so close.

I don’t know if it’s because Qi Jun’s eyesight is so good, but Bai’s projection is too clear.

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