With Jean Gray's current strength, she might not even bother to take a look at the Phoenix Force clone. So! Apocalypse can't die yet! At least, not in a short time!............. ......"noob"

"How's Storm's training going?"

Although it has only been a few days, Storm, Psylocke and others probably haven't increased their strength much yet.

However, what if one of these people suddenly increases in strength? Then, these guys will run to catch Tianqi as soon as they expand again.

Even if Apocalypse is captured, what should we do? Let him go or not? This is a question! .................. "Master!"

"They are still: receiving 'recruitment and security' training."

"Currently, we have only started the simple basic adaptation of biological cultivation, and have not officially entered the biological weapon enhancement process yet!"

The process Xiaobai mentioned is actually not much different from the "power warrior training system" in the "Dream" battleship built before Qi Jun traveled from the movie universe.

However, the 'power warrior training system' is more about irradiating cosmic rays to fundamentally change the genetic sequence of the trained warriors, so that they can acquire superpowers, and then further enhance their abilities.

And Xiaobai is here now.

The 'Biological Weapon Enhancement System' built in the base omits the need to activate superpowers, because the targets who receive training in the biological weapon enhancement system have already activated their superpower genes from the beginning.

For example, mutants, superhumans, and even soldiers with super-powered biological weapons mass-produced directly from biochemical manufacturing factories.

These... training targets have superpowers from the beginning, so naturally they only need enhanced training.

Of course, there is a slight difference from the training and enhancement system of the 'Super Warrior Training System' in Dream, in that the enhancement system produced by Xiaobai adds newer, stronger and more suitable basic adaptations for biological cultivation.

Just like when ordinary people go to the hospital for treatment and injections when they are sick, the nurse will do a skin test beforehand.

However, the skin test will have two results: 'yes' and 'no', but Xiaobai's basic adaptation of biological culture is 100% feasible. After all, it is a basic adaptation for the respective genes.


"That's it"

"That's good"

"In this case, their training pace can be appropriately slowed down."

"Wait until Qin Gray's strength increases here, and then speed up their progress!"

After hearing what Xiaobai said about the process, nothing unexpected happened, Qi Jun was very satisfied.

Usually I'm afraid it's not fast enough, but now I'm afraid it's not... slow enough. That's enough. After all, the Phoenix Power is not an ability born from Jean Gray herself.

Jean Gray is only the host of the Phoenix Power. Although the Phoenix Power will increase as the host's strength increases, it cannot be enhanced by Xiaobai's enhancement system.

Otherwise, Qi Jun could have Xiaobai quietly go to the mutant school and quietly strengthen Qin Gray.



Xiaobai responded obediently.

.................."What's going on with the bald eagle and the furry bear now?"

After Storm was dealt with, Qi Jun thought about the mutants such as Les and Jason who were sent out by him.

Although it was just due to Qi Jun's bad taste and testing of Gu Yi.

But if the Third World War breaks out now, Apocalypse may still be targeted to death. Then wouldn’t it mean that Apocalypse’s plan to strengthen Qin Gray was stillborn? “Master, in terms of military matters, The woolly bear is better than the bald eagle. In the current Cold War, the bald eagle has almost completely turned to the defensive side."

"However, in terms of economic conditions, the furry bear cannot keep up with the bald eagle. It is estimated that the furry bear will be dragged down by the huge economic gap in a few years."

"Taken together, the furry bear is slightly better in terms of military force, and the bald eagle is slightly better in terms of economic and production conditions."

"Currently, both the bald eagle and the furry bear are relatively restrained, and World War III is unlikely to start yet."

"Moreover, according to the records in the database, the historical records are consistent with the current situation."

Xiaobai has already implemented comprehensive surveillance on the entire earth, not to mention both sides of the Cold War, except for places like Kama Taj, which cannot be detected, and even Wakanda has been there: Xiaobai under monitoring.

All the changes in the Cold War could not escape Xiaobai's control.

"Will the joining of Russ and Jason...exacerbate the possibility of the outbreak of World War III?"

Qi Jun asked again.

"There is no impact in this regard yet."

"As my master you ask not to promote World War III too quickly."

"Less, Jason and other mutants are currently just quietly joining the Bald Eagle, Furry Bear, and Hellfire Club and are temporarily dormant."

"It neither promotes the progress of both parties nor slows down the development of both parties."

"Currently, Les and Jason are more like transparent people."

"But if the master needs it, he is here.

.With the cooperation of the base, they can quickly control the main departments of many parties and directly interfere with the progress of World War III!"

While explaining, Xiaobai projected the organizations, departments, and influence of mutants such as Russ and Jason, as well as the influence of their departments.


"It's very clear. "Not bad."

"Keep it up"


"Until Apocalypse successfully strengthens Jean Gray, everything should remain as is."

As for whether the Third World War will break out, Qi Jun will not intervene too much here.

Neither let these people promote development nor hinder it, just let it develop naturally.

If World War III still breaks out as it naturally develops, then it should be fought, right? "Yes!"


Xiaobai recorded all Qi Jun's orders, and this pair.

.How the base should develop next has important guiding significance.


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