"The next step is... to get Jean Gray to go to Apocalypse as soon as possible."

Rubbing his chin, Qi Jun thought about how to quietly get Qin Gray to Tianqi's side. Direct space transfer would definitely not work.

For the Phoenix Force, if Qi Jun has used the power against it, it will definitely be remembered by the Phoenix Force.

Although remembering or not will not pose a threat to Qi Jun, if there is resistance, it will definitely not be perfect.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 390 Super?

Qi Jun still didn't have time to think about how to arrange it, but his thoughts were interrupted by Xiao Bai.


"A super life form was discovered outside the solar system and is quickly heading towards the earth!"

The fifth-generation explosive warship built with Taibai's top technology is not as exaggerated as monitoring the entire galaxy, but its actual monitoring range can also span several star fields. Although this super life form moves towards the galaxy at a speed exceeding the speed of light. Running toward the earth, it was still detected by the fifth-generation explosive warship.

In other words, the reason why this super life form was detected is because its speed is too fast. It is running rampant in the starry sky at a speed exceeding the speed of light. It is difficult to avoid attracting the detection attention of the fifth-generation explosive warship. impossible.

While Om Xiaobai reported to Qi Jun, he also projected the real-time picture of the fifth-generation explosive warship detected.

..................... "It looks like a super life form!"

Although the fifth-generation explosive warship detected the target, since it can be called a super life form, it naturally has its own uniqueness.

At least Xiaobai has not discovered the appearance of this super life form. It is not easy to detect something traveling at faster than light speed.

The reason why this is said to be a super life form, rather than some super missile, is because this super life form not only looks like a human figure, but its body has also been detected to contain huge energy! This energy If it breaks out, it will definitely reach the level of destructive power of a single universe-level powerhouse.

At least, no such humanoid weapons have been found in the previous multi-movie universe or this multi-verse.

Even those biological weapons cannot reach the speed of super-light flight.

Being able to achieve this level is at least a master of the universe in a famous town.


“It’s actually a person”

"Except for the Ancient One, there is such a single universe on Earth."


"I have never seen it before, but why do I feel familiar?"

Since it was very clear that Xiaobai could not detect it, Qi Jun released the power of his own domain.

The domain power unique to multiverse-level bosses captured this target in an instant once it spread.

Qi Jun discovered that this was indeed a 'human being', at least on the surface, it looked like a human being! Moreover, this was a strong man whose energy level had reached the level of a single universe.

Within the domain, nothing can escape Qi Jun's perception.

Judging from the direction of this guy's travel, it is clearly... heading towards the Earth.

But Qi Jun carefully observed this guy's appearance and thought about it for a while... but he still couldn't find a strong man who could match his memory.

Even if he matched characters from the universe, Qi Jun could not find anyone who had some similarities with this guy.

Qi Jun even compared Dachao from various periods, but Qi Jun was stunned and didn't find any matching points between the two.


"This inexplicable feeling of familiarity..."

"Where the hell did this come from?"

In Qi Jun's confusion, the super life form in Xiao Bai's eyes also quickly flew to the outer reaches of the solar system, began to slow down, and quickly stopped.

.................. "Fuck,!"

"It turns out it's him!"

It was not until this moment, when this powerful man with universe-level strength mobilized the energy in his body, braked and stopped moving, that Qi Jun discovered where his inexplicable feeling of familiarity came from.


"Why do these guys like to hide in the Kuiper Belt?"

When Qi Jun 'saw' that this single universe-level powerhouse did not come directly to the earth, but hid directly in the Kuiper Belt, he still couldn't help but complain.

What kind of hobbies are these? Thanos is like this, and this guy is like this too.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 391 Egg?

"It's actually Egg's clone!"

Qi Jun hadn't confirmed it before, but he just felt a little familiar. This was because Yi Ge's clone basically reached the fastest speed when traveling at super-light speed. He couldn't go faster even if he wanted to, so he relied on inertia. There was no Using energy, Qi Jun didn't realize that this was Yi Ge's clone, except that he felt a little familiar.

But as it approached the solar system, Egg's clone immediately began to decelerate. From super-light speed, it dropped to stillness almost in the blink of an eye. Such a huge potential energy conversion was beyond the reach of even a Heavenly Father-level master.

It was when Yi Ge's clone stopped himself and continued to move forward that he used energy. Only then did Qi Jun finally understand where this familiar feeling came from.

Isn't this the power that Ego's body and domain power exuded before?

Chaos combined with devouring, although the level is one level lower than Yi Ge's body, how could Qi Jun admit his mistake.

........................"He is indeed a veteran god!"

"Just one clone is enough to have the strength of a single universe!"

Xuanji, Qi Jun thought of Xiaobai's test comments again.

If the split body that has activated the bloodline of the gods is not interfered by Yi Ge's main body, once it reaches maturity, it will 100% become a single universe-level powerhouse! "I just don't know, this guy Yi Ge How many such clones will there be?”

Qi Jun didn't think that Yi Ge would have infinite clones like this.

To grow to the single universe level, the resources required are extremely huge! There are definitely not many single universe level clones in Yigo, and he can definitely count them on one hand.

But! Yi Ge probably doesn’t know how many Heavenly Father-level or even lower-level clones there are. Qi Jun himself felt deeply that a single planet would never be able to provide a single universe-level powerhouse.

If it weren't for the infinite gems, Qi Jun would probably still be wasting his life at the Heavenly Father level.

But in this universe, Infinite Treasures are not that easy to use, and there shouldn’t be too many big guys looking at the gems.

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