Igo was able to cultivate a clone with universe-level strength under such circumstances, probably because I don't know how many planets were destroyed by Igo.

What's more, it's impossible for Ego to have only such a single universe-level clone.

At least, Qi Jun knew that there was a planet-shaped clone in the land of nowhere! It was a clone that Yi Ge specially released to mislead others.

Even Qi Jun is sure that this clone did not know that he was just a clone from beginning to end, and even had a main body that could instantly restrain him! In the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord and his team even blew up this clone The planet has nothing to lose to the real Ego.

They even took the initiative to help Igo erase his identity and truly hide himself.

Who would have thought that the real Ego is not only a powerful multiverse-level boss, but also hiding in the chaotic star field next door.

If Qi Jun hadn't inadvertently spread out the field and touched this secret a little bit, I'm afraid Yi Ge would have been able to hide it from everyone... ...."it seems"

"Having done this with Egg is inevitable."

Qi Jun understood very well why Egg's clone did not come to the earth, but instead hid in the Kuiper Belt.

This is a completely normal thing for an old and shady Egg.

For Lao Yinbi, he will never do anything that he is not absolutely sure of.

But Qi Jun wouldn't let this guy just hide in the Kuiper Belt and slowly pry around.

It's okay to leave without getting any information in a short period of time.

But what if this guy keeps hiding here and doesn't leave? Will the Phoenix Force still exist? In the future, the Phoenix Force will be attracted separately. What if he is intercepted by someone? For... The multiverse-level bosses have great potential. Qi Jun didn't believe that Yi Ge wouldn't be tempted by the help of the Phoenix Force.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 392 A serious punch

"Come out"

"You can't hide!"

Qi Jun did not directly reveal Yi Ge's identity.

Of course, even if Qi Jun didn't reveal Yi Ge's identity, Yi Ge knew that he had been exposed.

Qi Jun teleported directly to the Kuiper Belt and sent a message to the hiding place of Yi Ge's clone.

......................"did not expect"

"I've just arrived in the solar system"

"It was discovered so quickly"

Egg's clone was discovered, but Egg's clone did not panic.

Yi Ge would only think that what Qi Jun discovered was just his 'doppelgänger'.

As for the true form of Ego, who has survived the War of the Gods to this day, he is confident that his hiding place is good enough and no one will discover his true form. Where is he?

As long as Qi Jun didn't tell him, Yi Ge actually didn't know that his true identity had been exposed long ago.


"Where did you get the confidence to think that you can sneak into the solar system quietly?"

Qi Jun was speechless about the mysterious confidence of Yi Ge's clone.

Not to mention Xiaobai's ability to pass the ultra-long-range early warning of several star fields, nor Qi Jun's field sensing.

Let's talk about Asgard and the Supreme Mage. These two forces also discovered Yi Ge's clone early! For... a Gaard who regards the solar system as his own, and a Supreme Mage who protects the solar system with all his strength. explain.

A super-light-speed man with super-single cosmic-level power coming towards the earth will not be able to find out whether Asgard is blind or the Supreme Mage has no deterrent effect. Although the two are not like Xiaobai, they have directly crossed over. Yi Ge's clone was discovered in several star regions, but they also locked onto this guy early before approaching the Nine Realms Star Region.

As for...Ego's behavior of 'sneaking' into the solar system is nothing more than the indulgence of these two parties, who want to find out what exactly Ego's clone wants to do.

It's just a clone of Ego with a single universe-level strength. Regardless of whether it's Asgard or the Ancient One, they all have enough means to knock over Ego's clone with a flip of their hands after finding out the information they want to know. On the ground.

At least, it can drive Yi Ge's clone out of the Nine Realms Star Territory.

Of course, it is also very possible that Egg was aware of this outcome, so he 'quietly sneaked' into the Kuiper Belt.

Perhaps, this is also a confrontation between two cosmic bosses, or even an unspoken rule... "But"

"No matter what"

"This is not the place you should be!"

Qi Jun doesn't care whether this is an unspoken rule among individual universe-level powerhouses.

Regarding how important it was for him to capture the Phoenix Force fragment in the future, Qi Jun would not let these hidden dangers remain.

"A serious punch"

For... it's just a clone, Qi Jun doesn't want to talk nonsense.

Even if this Ego clone looks more pleasing to the eye than the Ego in the Galaxy plot, that won't work! Who made Qi Jun already acquiesce in the fact that Ego is...a tentacle monster?

No matter what these...Ego's true form or his clones turned into, anyway...they are all unpleasant in Qi Jun's heart.

A simple straight punch, thrown out without any fancy.

...........But for Yi Ge's clone, Qi Jun's simple punch made him Alexander! Just kidding, Qi Jun is Even a simple punch that embodies the lifting of Saitama's restrictions is a ferocious punch from a multiverse-level boss!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 393 Kuiper brings donuts

"How can it be"

Yi Ge's clone, who sensed the power of Qi Jun's punch, couldn't believe the power contained in Qi Jun's punch.

He could clearly see clearly that Qi Jun was just an ordinary punch! He couldn't even receive an ordinary punch from others... ....."Help!"

If you can't beat him, you should give up! Egg's clone instantly contacted the main body and directly asked for help from the main body.

Many of Egg's clones have no consciousness of their own, and are more controlled by the arrival of Egg's consciousness. They usually only eat and practice instinctively.

But this clone sent to Earth by Egg is actually a clone with independent consciousness.

Although this clone is controlled by the main body, it is indeed a clone with its own consciousness.

The difference with that...Ego clone that appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy is that that clone didn't know that he was a clone, but this guy knew his position very well.

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