As a conscious clone, if you want to avoid being dealt with by the main body, you must obediently obey all the instructions and orders of the main body.

Of course, as a clone with its own consciousness, the reason why it obediently obeys the orders of the main body is because the main body can kill its own consciousness at any time! From ancient times to the present, no clone can be stronger than the main body.

At most...the clone can reach the same level as the main body.

But because of the restrictions of the rules, it can never exceed the main body.

More importantly, the main body and the clone are not divided into two, or even divided into two parts.

But in essence, they all share the same soul! And this is also the case for all clones, which will never truly disobey the root of the main body: being.

........................"That...unknown guy actually has cosmic-level strength"

After receiving the clone's request for help, Yi Ge's body immediately connected through the essence of the main body and the clone, and his soul instantly descended into the clone.

At this moment, Egg also instantly felt the pressure on the clone.

Don't think it's just an ordinary punch.

But, can anyone take an ordinary punch from a multiverse-level powerful boss......................"Yeah!"

"If it weren't for the huge losses in the battle of gods, why would this happen!!"

Thinking that I don't have many high-strength clones, one of them dies and one of them is lost, but not Yigo... Styx can still be reborn with a drop of blood.

Moreover, the five supreme gods will never allow themselves to create more high-strength clones. What's more, the more clones there are, the greater the risk of exposure. Yi Ge can't bear to let his clone die in vain.

If this person is hammered to death, wouldn't his strength suddenly drop a lot? With no time to think about it, Yi Ge, whose body and soul came, instantly communicated with the origin of the universe, hurriedly built a regular shield, and blocked Qi. Jun's "serious punch" was blocked.

After all, he is a veteran god and a multiverse-level powerful man. Even if his soul only comes, he is still a multiverse-level powerful being.

Even though he responded hastily, Egg still blocked the attack.

........................When!!!! Block it down. Block it down.

But the aftermath of the collision of two multiverse-level bosses is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear! The Kuiper where Qi Jun and Ego's clones were located brought a large area, and it was suddenly cleared! Kuiper I brought a donut and took another big bite! A huge blank area suddenly burst out, which stunned the ancient one and Asgard who were watching the battle.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 394: Yi Ge’s clone turned around and ran away

To be honest, neither the Ancient One nor Asgard discovered Qi Jun from the beginning to the end.

If Qi Jun hadn't suddenly appeared and attacked Ego's clone, which they had been monitoring in real time, Ancient One and Asgard would have continued to be kept in the dark, unable to discover when there was anything in the solar system. Such a powerful existence.

Although at the beginning, neither Ancient One nor Asgard immediately figured out the identity of Egg's clone.

But after all, he is a single universe-level powerhouse, and it is necessary to be monitored by them all the time.

A powerful man with a single universe-level strength suddenly visited the solar system without saying hello to the actual controller of the solar system. Neither the Ancient One nor Asgard would be able to let him go freely.

But the sudden appearance of Qi Jun shocked both Gu Yi and Asgard.

Especially, Gu Yi, who had a relationship with Qi Jun! Gu Yi: Qi Jun is actually a multiverse-level boss! .................. After running away and punching him, the instinctive reaction of Egg's soul was not to continue to increase the strength of the fight, but to run away directly. Could it be that he was frightened by the power of Qi Jun's punch, and the Kuiper belt was instantly emptied. This is just the damage caused by the aftermath of Qi Jun and Yi Ge's punch.

Most of the real power is actually annihilated in the collision between the two.

But even so, Neptune, which happens to be in the closest orbit, was wiped out in this one-punch collision between the two parties! I don’t know what will happen when these countries on the earth discover that Neptune has suddenly and inexplicably disappeared in their solar system.

What kind of expression would it look like.........Oh! Gen: I can't beat you! Isn't this a newbie who has entered the universe level field? His ordinary punch should be taken seriously even if my body is here.

This pair is a real boss who has no age to live! The veteran god Yi Ge, who has experienced the battle of the gods, was immediately frightened by Qi Jun's fighting power, and immediately began to prepare to escape.

This couldn't be the case. It was a trap specifically aimed at me. Egg turned around and ran away. He even had such an idea in his heart.

Of course, Egg himself knew that if it was really a trap specifically targeting him, he would have no chance of escaping.

If it was really a trap, what he had dealt with before was not that simple punch.


"Run away immediately"

Not to mention that the Ancient One and everyone in Asgard were confused.

Even Qi Jun was a little stunned by Yi Ge's behavior of turning around and running away.

"It should be said that he is indeed a veteran god who has lived long enough."

Seeing the clone under the control of Lord Yi Ge's soul, after blocking Qi Jun's "serious punch", he turned around and ran away without hesitation. He jumped in space and didn't know where he went.

In fact, this was also before, when Yi Ge's clone flew over at super-light speed, causing some cognitive errors to Qi Jun.

Otherwise, if Qi Jun is prepared in advance, Yi Ge may not be able to use space to jump to escape.

"never mind"

"Run away, just run away!"

"I believe this guy won't dare to come again!"

"At least"

"Before the Phoenix Force is separated."

"This guy probably won't show up again."

Qi Jun just gave up when he saw a good situation.

Although Yi Ge's clone ran away, Qi Jun still knew where Yi Ge's main body was.

However, this would inevitably lead to complications, so Qi Jun chose to suppress this point for the time being.

After absorbing the Phoenix Force split, it won't be too late to slowly concoct him Egg!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 395: Telling lies with open eyes

Seeing Yi Ge's clone disappearing after a space jump, Qi Jun did not pursue it.

First, Qi Jun knew where Yi Ge's body was.

Secondly, Qi Jun was not prepared to do anything else before the Phoenix Force was separated.

Third, as the secret guardian of the earth and a disciple of Eternity, one of the five supreme gods, Gu Yi casually drew a circle and went straight to the place where Qi Jun and Yi Ge were fighting.

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