Although Qi Jun is no longer wary of Gu Yi's strength, no matter what Gu Yi says, he is still unable to resist the eternal disciple. He may be able to resist, but he cannot beat the cliff, so he can only run away in embarrassment.

As an eternal disciple, Qi Jun still has to give him the face he deserves, right?......"I have met Lord Qi Jun!"

Qi Jun gave Yong Yong face, and Gu Yi had no intention of pretending to be powerful.

Facing a multiverse-level powerhouse, even if one of the supreme gods, Ancient One, is in the background, he will not feel good about himself.

After knowing that Qi Jun was a multiverse-level powerhouse, Gu Yi's attitude toward Qi Jun was much more respectful.

Of course that's all.

After all, Gu Yi's teacher is one of the five supreme gods, and his own strength is also at the level of a single universe, so there is no need to be afraid when facing Qi Jun.


"Master Ancient One!"

Seeing Gu Yi walking out of the teleportation aperture, Qi Jun also smiled and returned a mage salute.

As someone who also learned Weishan Emperor Mojun, Gu Yi opened one end of the aperture... on Kama Taj, and the other... on the starry sky in the universe, but it did not cause any additional changes or show any surprise. mean.

Although one side... is the vacuum universe and the other side... is the earth, it is impossible to suck out the air, objects and other things in the universe and the starry sky! Space shuttle aperture magic, if there is even this If you don’t have any skills, how can you allow a mage to dare to use it at will? If it weren’t for the fact that both sides of the aperture are shielded, once a mage opens the aperture to a place that is extremely harmful to humans, a large number of viruses and bacteria will pass through. If the aperture comes to the earth, wouldn't it mean that the earth has already become a dead zone long ago?

..................... "I didn't expect that Master Ancient One would be interested in things beyond the earth."

Qi Jun never doubted Gu Yi's determination to protect the earth.

However, it was so easy for Ancient One to leave Kama Taj, leave the earth, and come to the stars in the universe.

Although it is only in the Kuiper Belt, which is not far from the Earth, this is something the Ancient One has never done before! ........" Such a big thing happened”

"Even if I want to not be interested, I'm afraid it won't work."

After looking around for a while, I saw that the Kuiper Belt "donut" surrounding the solar system was missing a large piece of it. Even though the ancient wizard was as well-informed as he was, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"rest assured"

"I have said before, "I have no ill intentions towards the earth."

"Even, to a certain extent, my existence is better for the earth."

Of course Qi Jun knew the purpose of Gu Yi's visit.

But Qi Jun didn't want to wait for Gu Yi to play his trump card.

You can't be reasonable, just call your parents here, what's the point..."Look"

"This time a guy with evil thoughts about the earth was driven away by me."

Qi Jun opened his eyes and told lies.

Gu Yi, on the other hand, looked at Qi Jun with a deep look on his face and didn't say anything else.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 396: Finding William Stryker

After chatting with Gu Yi for a few words, Qi Jun and Gu Yi returned to Earth.

However, Qi Jun is back.

.base, Ancient One returned to Kama Taj.

As for Asgard, the other observer in this incident, this time, he had no intention of showing up.

In the previous multi-movie universe, Qi Jun mistakenly entered the palace of the God King of Asgard and interrupted the coronation ceremony of the God of Thunder. As a result, Qi Jun was chased by Odin, and he was running around in various dimensions, in a state of extreme embarrassment. .

But in this multi-variant universe, facing Qi Jun, a multiverse-level boss who has reached the top level of the universe, Asgardians don't even dare to show up, let alone interfere in anything.

If Qi Jun only had a single universe-level strength, or even lower, then Asgard's teleportation beam would probably have hit Qi Jun's surroundings long ago.

But now, after learning that Qi Jun is a multiverse-level powerful boss, he is very sincere.

Compared with the Ancient One, the Asgardian side is also at the level of a single universe-level powerhouse, and to some extent, is even stronger than the Ancient One.

But Gu Yi dared to show up to face Qi Jun, but Asgard didn't even dare to show up. Comparing the two, it's no wonder Asgard has begun to decline! Even if Gu Yi has the big boss Eternal behind him, existence, but Gu Yi dared to appear next to Qi Jun in the first place, which is enough to illustrate Gu Yi's daring character.

After all, Qi Jun is at the multiverse level. Facing the single universe level Gu Yi, Qi Jun can already easily crush him.

But at this time, Gu Yi still dared to show up. It can be seen that Gu Yi really dared to risk everything for the sake of the earth! .................. "Well..."

"It's time for Jean Gray to come out of that school."

He didn't pay attention to Asgard, who could be destroyed easily. Since others were too scared to come out, Qi Jun didn't bother to bully them. After all, Asgard in this universe didn't do anything to Qi Jun.

At least, for now, Qi Jun and Asi have no conflict of interest.

Qi Jun turned around and began to think about how to speed up Qin Gray's darkening.

After the previous incident with Yi Ge, Qi Jun decided not to wait slowly for the original plot to happen.

What's more, Qi Jun's arrival has already messed up the plot.

If we continue to wait, it is not certain whether Jean Gray will be able to attract the separate parts of the Phoenix Force like in the original plot! Without the apocalypse plot, and with the suppression of Professor Charles, Jean Gray will not explode or be evil. Transformation, how to attract the split of the Phoenix Force... "Blackening Jean Gray" should still need William Stryker. Just do your part!"

In any mutant universe, William Stryker is definitely the eternal lifelong enemy of mutants! The same is naturally true in the mixed mutant universe where Qi Jun is now! With William Stryker's capture of mutants, Various thoughts and methods of research and extermination.

It is absolutely appropriate to let him blackmail Jean Gray.


"found it"

"In that secret mountain base"

"Not that...under the dam"

"Hmm..., I seem to have remembered it wrong."

"But it doesn't matter. As soon as Qi Jun's spiritual thought came out, William Stryker had nowhere to hide.

"that is..."

"How should we lure this guy to the mutant school?"

The current mutant school is not... like in the original plot. There is a professor in charge, and Stryker is really not willing to go there.

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