Chapter 398: Worried William Stryker

Two days later "Brigadier General William Stryker!"

"From today on, you will be another new general in the United States!"

"As you step into the ranks of generals, you must make greater contributions to the military and America!"

In a certain hall of the Hexagonal Building, a certain admiral.

.Given after company strategy.

.The military boss of the company platform presided over the promotion ceremony of William Stryker.


"I guarantee that this moment can be said to be the most glorious moment in William Stryker's life.

William Stryker never dreamed that he would be promoted to brigadier general just two years after being promoted to colonel. Although he had the word "quan", in America, he was also a general. He was a general whether in the military headquarters or in the Hexagon Building He is now a big shot in the army, but he is no longer the trash colonel he was before...although he seems to be awesome, he can be discarded at any time.

......................... After the investiture ceremony, the crowd dispersed quickly, even for... After the general on the platform encouraged William Stryker a few words, He also left quickly.

He is just a brigadier general. Although he has been ranked in the Hexagon Building, the rank of brigadier general is still not taken seriously in the Hexagon Building.

If not this time.

.If the company invites this general who is very influential both in the military and in the Hexagon to come forward, I am afraid not many people will know about William Stryker's promotion. At most... it will be on the internal network. When you check, you will find that there is another general. But for William Stryker, it is completely different! It can even be said that William Stryker has not thought that he can be promoted again in a short period of time.

According to William Stryker's own estimation, there won't be any major changes in his position within five or six years.

But today's promotion completely shattered his understanding.

Of course, after the admiral chatted with him for a few words, William Stryker also found out who was behind his promotion.



"Isn't your last family member a soldier?"

"How to reconcile.

.The company is involved.”

‘Thaddeus Ross’, who was also the Air Force Commodore at the time, walked towards William Stryker who was still excited, and asked William Stryker in a low voice.

Before Bruce Banner became the Hulk, or before he had a clear goal, General Ross acted relatively restrained.

Of course, it may also have a lot to do with the fact that he is only a brigadier general now, instead of waiting for the Hulk to appear and grow into a lieutenant general in the Air Force.


"Do not make jokes."

"If he is willing to support me, I.

Why was he transferred to the Army?"

"If he hadn't owed me a favor to the elders in my family and had to help me, he would have wished I had died outside!"

Although they are not a faction, the relationship between William Stryker and Ross is not bad. Although they are not good friends, they are more than just acquaintances.


"General is not"

Ross was a little surprised. He really didn't know about this, otherwise he wouldn't be surprised why William was promoted to brigadier general by another stronger general.

In America, there is an everlasting chain of contempt: first-class navy, second-class air force, third-class army, and fourth-class army.

Not to mention, he, William Stryker, actually crawled out of the Maroon.

Who dares to support their own people and throw them into Marun? If William Stryker hadn't been lucky, the grass on the grave would have grown so high.

"Then you are a really lucky guy."

"If you can be favored by the admiral, you will really rise to the top in the future!"

Ross knew very well that as long as the general was there, he, William Stryker, could at least securely achieve the position of lieutenant general.


"This time it's not General."

William Stryker shook his head and denied.


"Who is that"

"Can actually move the general emotionally"

This time, Ross was really shocked. Who would have the honor to let the general come forward to promote William Stryker, a lucky guy... ....".


William Stryker glanced at Ross, thought for a while, and then said it.

The matter itself was not a secret. Anyone who wanted to find out could find out about it, and William Stryker did not hide it.


"how come"

"Don't they know that you have a relationship with Heishui?"

Upon hearing this, Ross was stunned, and even glanced at William Stryker, who was grinning wryly, with a strange look on his face.

..................... There is no one who is born in Millennium Marun who does not have something to do with Blackwater, and William Stryker is no exception.

Even William Stryker has a closer relationship with Blackwater.

After all, it wouldn't be good to send your own subordinates every time to capture mutants or something.

But for Heishui, it is really convenient.

And William Stryker's wry smile was naturally due to this.

I was too surprised to react before, but now I think about it.

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