.The company has been at odds with Blackwater recently: Ah.


Black Water wants to mess with the company's affairs, but if it can't be stirred up, it will find ways to disgust people.

Unexpectedly now, I have become one myself.

.Is the confrontation between the company and Blackwater a point? Being sandwiched between the two behemoths, William Stryker only felt sad on his brows and on his heart.

William Stryker didn't know.

.What is the real reason why the company gave him a push?

He only knew that he was probably involved in a whirlpool that his small body could not bear.

All he knew was that the excitement he had felt before was long gone.

One is an emerging behemoth.

.Company, one is Blackwater Company, which has a long history and profound foundation.

Suddenly being caught between the two, William Stryker felt that he was going to die of worry!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 399 Contact


"Someone is looking for you, yes.

.People from the company.”

After returning from the Hexagon Building, William Stryker did not go to accept his new subordinates immediately. Instead, he returned to his office immediately, preparing to calm down and think about how to be there.

.The company survives in a crack between the company and Blackwater.

But William Stryker didn't expect that not long after he sat down, the guards reported.

.People from the company came to him and said, "Take them to the reception room. I will be there in a moment."

William Stryker frowned, but responded immediately.

"Yes, General!"

No matter what,.

The company was also the one that promoted William Stryker to become Brigadier General.

What's more, face it.

.William Stryker did not dare to offend such a behemoth as the company.

Those mutants are desperate to die. Except for the mutants themselves, no one will avenge them, not even anyone to speak out.


The company is different. This is a security and defense company with power all over the world. To offend such a being, let alone a promoted brigadier general, even if he is a real general.

.If the company really wants to clean up, there are ways.

What's more, as one of the vested parties of human power, William Stryker knows very well that he can create something from nothing.

The company took half a year to open all over the world. The energy behind this is terrifying.

He, William Stryker, is not...a guy who doesn't know how to dive deep and doesn't understand the world.


"I asked why the weather is so good today"

"It turns out it is.

.’s noble man is here!”


"Please forgive me for my slightness."

Don't think that since William Stryker spent most of his life in the military camp, he doesn't know the ways of the world.

On the contrary, William Stryker was very personable. When he came to the reception room, William Stryker, who had a sad face before, immediately changed into a smiling face that no one could see the flaw in.


.The company promoted him to the first level, which is really a happy thing, isn't it......................"Haha"

"Finally met the famous General William Stryker"


.The company has also been famous for a long time, and I have always wanted to find an opportunity to pay a visit!"

The person Xiaobai sent to contact William Stryker was a high-end communicator who was proficient in dealing with all kinds of big shots. Speaking of which, this guy came from the Hellfire Club. Of course, this guy was not a mutant.

As we all know, William Stryker hates mutants.

Under this situation, if he sent mutants to come into contact with William Stryker, wouldn't there be something wrong with his brain? What's more, based on the common problem of human beings, if he sent mutants to come into contact with William Stryker, it would be impossible without even thinking about it.

When the time comes, William Stryker is afraid of...

.The company's power means that it no longer takes action against mutants. Wouldn't that be bad........."That's right."

"because of U.S.

.Most of the orders the company has received during this period will deal with superpowers."

"But, we.

.The base itself does not have many superpower talents, and some successors are weak."

"You may also have heard about a previous operation in Egypt, where we...

.The company failed.”

"this is us.

.The first failure since the establishment of the company!”

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