After all, just in case.

.If the company supports mutants, then he is clearly working against the company.

.William Stryker, who is the power of the company, does not intend to go against the company because of his hatred of mutants, nor does he dare!............. ."before I come"

"Tell me something."

"I can relay it to you."

"Mutants who are useful to the company are...good mutants!"

The dispatcher of the Hellfire Club said with profound meaning.

"I see!"

William Stryker also smiled with a cryptic expression.

Those who are useful to the company are...good mutants and those who are useless...then...hehehehe.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 401 Meeting Ceremony

In fact, Qi Jun decided to push William Stryker and cooperate with Blackwater Company.

.The rivalry between companies has nothing to do with it.

Qi Jun, who was not involved in management at all, did not even have a detailed understanding of his situation.

.company, how would they know about Blackwater and.

There were still all these messy things going on, so Qi Jun decided to give William Stryker a push, completely because he didn’t want to do it himself. William Stryker was the one...who could make Jean Gray black. Candidate.

In this aspect, even Apocalypse cannot match the role of William Stryker.

After all, Apocalypse's attitude towards mutants is actually very gentle. Before Apocalypse is determined to stand on the opposite side of Apocalypse, Apocalypse will not scare mutants to death. If he wants Apocalypse to blacken Jean Gray, he will It's really very difficult.

In particular, when the plot has been disrupted by Qi Jun, he did not recruit Magneto first and did not go to find Charles.

And when Charles is fine and the mutant school is fine, trying to turn Jean Gray into a black man is simply... impossible.

.........................But in Qi Jun's view, even if Apocalypse did not follow the original plot, even Charles would have nothing to do to stay in school.

But as long as William Stryker's power is further enhanced and his heart is expanded, so what if Charles stays in the mutant school? He will still dare to attack the mutant school! The question now is,.

.The company's base is too close to the mutant school, and .

.The company's attitude towards mutants affects William Stryker's actions.

Now, this represents.

.The people in the company said that as long as everything is in compliance.

.The interests of the company, regardless of...

What does William Stryker do?

.The company doesn’t ask questions or interfere.

Then, William Stryker is completely relieved! As we all know,

.There is friction between the company and the mutant school, even...

.Some of the company’s super-powered action team members were snatched from the mutant school.

Now that we have it.

William Stryker from the company was naturally relieved.

Even, because there is.

.The company's guarantee, William, started to have a crazier plan in his heart.

"I need to.

.Company’s help!”

With a plan in mind, Wick immediately made a request to the man.

William Stryker had no embarrassment at all because he made the request just after he joined the company.

.................."No problem "as long as we can do it"

"in addition"

"Welcome to join "General William Stryker!"

The dispatch man smiled. He was not surprised by William Stryker's choice. He stood up and shook hands with William Stryker vigorously.

........"in fact"


The company has already prepared a meeting gift for the general."

"Please look!"


The company's dispatched man lifted two portable safe suitcases from the ground, placed them on the table, and opened them.

Clicking saw two sealed glass tubes filled with dark red liquid quietly placed in a suitcase, surrounded by a large amount of protective sponge.

In another suitcase, there are ten pairs of specially designed ‘Bluetooth headsets’. “Could it be...”

"these are..."

After seeing these... and thinking about some rumors, William Stryker became a little short of breath.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 402: Fragmented Version of Super Soldier Serum

"It seems that the general has already guessed it."


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