The company’s dispatch personnel had a smile on their face.

"These two injections are the remaining data from the 'Super Soldier Project' during World War II, produced by.

.A new generation of ‘Super Soldier Serum’ produced by the company after making certain improvements.”

"Although it is impossible to produce the same injection as the American captain due to a serious lack of data."

"But these two injections can still double the physical fitness of the injected person!"


The dispatcher tried hard to suppress his inner desire for injections. Although the things were good, he did not dare to take them by force.

.He didn’t dare to touch the power of the company.


"This is really the super soldier serum"

"That super soldier serum used by Captain America in World War II..."

William Stryker looked shocked at first, and then... ecstatic.

Super soldier serum! Even before he was promoted to brigadier general, William Stryker knew very well that there were many organizations within the US military secretly researching super soldier serum, but almost all of them achieved very little.

As far as he knew, Air Force Commodore Ross was studying this thing.

Little did I know that this company has only been established for half a year, but it has spread its power all over the world.

. company, actually researched it! This damn, a military defense company, has done something even more impressive than a professional biochemical company. What a shame! But who cares what he does! William Stryker only knows that even if this thing can only double the physical fitness of the injector, it is a good thing that is so awesome! If all his troops were injected with this injection, they would be killed. It's like playing........."Of course."


When the company researches something, if it says it will reach a certain level, then it can definitely be achieved."

Seeing the change in William Stryker's expression,

The company dispatcher smiled proudly, then immediately turned serious.


"Because the data is inherently incomplete."

"So even though the injection developed is not perfect, it still has some flaws."

"go through.

.The company’s internal testing shows that basically anyone who takes this injection will not only not increase their lifespan, but will even shorten their lifespan by five to ten years!”

"That is, if a person could live to be a hundred years old."

"But after this person takes this injection, his physical fitness will double."

"But he will not live longer because of this thing, and may even live shorter than his original lifespan."

"The lifespan has been reduced by five to ten years. In other words, he originally died when he was one hundred years old, but he will die between ninety and ninety-five years old!"


The company's dispatcher explained with a serious face.


The company is a company that is responsible for its customers. The advantages of its own products will not be exaggerated and publicized, but the shortcomings of its own products will not be concealed.

....................."What kind of shortcoming is this!"

"Compared with twice the physical strength, this shortcoming doesn't matter at all!"

William Stryker didn't care at all about this shortcoming.

The life span of five to ten years is a joke. Who can know how long an average person can live? Various natural disasters and accidents, birth, old age, illness and death, the end of the world and tomorrow, who still can't tell which one will come first.

When you go to the battlefield, even if you could live ten thousand years, it's just a matter of one bullet.

What's more, his subordinates, William Stryker, are specifically targeting mutants.

As long as the ability to capture mutants can be enhanced, let alone five or ten years, even if his life span is shortened by 20 to 30 years, William Stryker dares to inject these injections into his subordinates!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 403 Ross

"These injections"

"What should I do to get it in large quantities?"

After calming down his excited emotions, William Stryker began to consider the subsequent operations.

After all, it's just an injectable serum that can double a person's strength. Even if the most powerful soldier is injected with it, what will be born will not be an... inhuman existence like Captain America. He can't defeat mutants alone. It doesn't matter. So excited.

However, for this kind of thing, although the improvement of a single unit is not very big, once it reaches a scale, it is still very impressive.

"Since we are our own people, of course we have a certain free quota."


If the company's dispatcher smiles, he is not afraid that you are not interested.

"Of course, due to cost reasons, free injections are distributed at a rate of 100 per year."

"After all, General William Stryker, you should also know that we.

.The company’s reach spans the globe.”

"This kind of basic welfare is provided for free in many places, so the demand exceeds the supply."

"However, subsequent acquisition should not be a problem for you, General."

"The company gave me instructions before I came here."

"Mutant serums with different abilities can be exchanged for different amounts of doubled serum strengthening injections."

"according to.

According to the company's regulations, we also differentiate according to the level of mutants."

"Ordinary mutant serum, commonly known as first-level mutant serum, can be exchanged for a strengthening injection."

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