"Level 2 mutant serum can be exchanged for ten strengthening injections."

"The third-level mutant serum can be exchanged for one hundred strengthening injections."

"The fourth-level mutant serum can be exchanged for one thousand strengthening injections."

"As for level five mutants,.

The company didn’t say it clearly, it just said that as long as the coordinates of the fifth-level mutants are provided, 10,000 strengthening injections can be exchanged!”

William Stryker listened carefully.

When I heard that level five mutants only needed one coordinate to get 10,000 boosters, I immediately grinned.

Others may not know why, but as William Stryker, who regards mutants as his lifelong enemy, wouldn't he know that level three mutants can already cause damage to organized troops, and level four mutants can even more Dealing a devastating blow to an entire army.

The human army simply cannot cope with level five mutants! It can be seen that.

.The company’s understanding of mutants is no less than his, and may even be much better, after all.

.The company has its own mutant SWAT team.


When the company's mission failed for the first time, what they faced might be...the fifth-level mutant William Stryker. However, he knew that Professor Cha, as a fourth-level mutant, was...

.The base suffered a hidden loss and did not dare to come back in revenge.

This is enough to prove that it can be done.

The party that loses the company must be stronger than the fourth-level mutants.


"Except for...mutants, others such as inhumans, superpowers, etc... can all be here according to this standard.

.The company exchanges the corresponding injections.”

"In addition to these being redeemable for free, General, you can also go directly.

.Official website mall for online purchases.”

"However, compared to serum exchange, buying it directly with money will be very expensive."


"General William Stryker is now one of our own. If you buy it directly, you will get a certain discount."

"At least, it will compare.

.If people outside the company camp buy it, it will be much cheaper.”


The company's dispatch personnel didn't know what William Stryker was thinking, and they just did what they were supposed to do.


"Thank you for informing me!"

William Stryker smiled and nodded.

He didn't know how much it cost, but he knew that things were rare and expensive.

Some secret agencies of the U.S. military and other secret organizations of the consortium are studying this thing.

But their research items will not be sold, and even if they are sold, they are not up to par.

.The quality of the company's injections.

Compared to those...'defective serums' that can be improved many times, but will soon die due to the collapse of the gene chain.

The company’s ‘double-strength injection’ only has the side effect of shortening your life span by a few years, which cannot be called a side effect at all.

In this case, as long as you are not a fool, you will know that this kind of injection is really not cheap! .............................In another suitcase Those...'Bluetooth headsets' are actually a high-tech 'miniature mind control jammer'.

In William Stryker's eyes, the cost of this thing is still relatively high, so it has only been used by high-level humans.

Of course, in the eyes of novices, these are just some rubbish that can be produced casually.

There is nothing to introduce about this thing.

.After a brief introduction by the company’s dispatch personnel, it was completed.

The company made initial contact with William Stryker for the task.

Under William Stryker's strong greeting, the dispatcher still had a light meal in the base, and then brought William Stryker back.

.A suitcase from the company containing some mutant serum was returned.



The company gave him some things, and he, William Stryker, couldn't be stingy... Half a month later, William Stryker took over the newly added Subordinates and rights.

A month later, when William Stryker used the enhanced injections exchanged for some mutant serum stored in the base to strengthen all his direct subordinates, he was in high spirits and ready to go to the mutant school to do something big.


"General, Air Force Commodore General Ross is here!"

A lieutenant guard ran in, saluted William Stryker and shouted.


"What is he here for?"

William Stryker frowned.

The problem was that the injection was dissolved quickly, and William Stryker thought of it. Ross also had a research institute for super soldier serum.

Although most people don't know the existence of the 'double-strengthening injection', Rose is obviously not an ordinary person.

It's not a secret that William Stryker replaced a large number of strengthening injections, so it's really not surprising that Ross can find him.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

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