
To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 405: Two old foxes lining their pockets

"Do you know how much one costs?"

"That's one hundred thousand meters of gold!"

“You still ‘only’ have 10,000 sticks?”

William Stryker looked at Ross with wide eyes. He didn't expect this guy to be so shameless! "Just tell me whether you can help or not."

"I know that you, as an internal member, only need to spend half the money to purchase."

Facing the dumbfounded William Stryker, Ross didn't take it seriously and even forced him.


"That's right.

.The company’s profits to internal members.”

"If I do this kind of thing, wouldn't it be bad luck?

.The company’s wool, am I still a human being?”

William Stryker refused with a righteous look! "Get out!"

"I don't know you yet!"

"Just tell me how much you want"

Ross directly sneered at William Stryker's 'justice'.

The 'just' Stryker would kill and capture prisoners on the battlefield. The 'just' Stryker would actually take mutants for slice research. For... William Stryker didn't believe a word of his righteous words.


"I am the representative of majesty!"

"I am the embodiment of justice!"

“I want to buy it at 60% price.

.Company’s injections”


“Don’t even think about it!!!”


"And...more money!"

William Stryker said with a 'righteous' look.

........................ "I know you're a bitch because of my special code!"

Ross looked exactly as I expected, and glared at William Stryker fiercely.

"Don't bother me!"

"Half price from.

.The company purchases it and then sells it to others instead of using it for its own use.”

"You have to know that this kind of thing is necessary.

.The company knows about it, but it will reduce my presence.

.The credibility of the company!”

"When the time comes, go again.

.When the company buys things, not only will they not give a discount, but they will also increase the price, and some items will even be restricted from being sold to me!"

"This kind of price, 60% of the price is what you want me to bear."

"Where did you come from? Go back to where you came from!"

William Stryker was not moved at all, and even had an expression on his face that he would not be able to do anything even if he came.

........................"Give me a happy word"

"What price should I sell it at?"

Ross took out a cigar, lit it with a military windproof lighter, took a puff, and blew out a string of smoke rings towards Stryker.


"Nine point nine percent!"

Seeing the smoke ring flying in front of him, William Stryker frowned and opened his mouth.


"Cough cough cough"

"What did you say"

"You are so shameless with your special code"

"At your price, I won't go directly.

.Does the company buy it?”

Ross was directly choked by William Stryker's shamelessness. The cigar in his hand no longer smelled good, and he threw it directly towards William Stryker.


"All right"

"It's definitely a bit higher."

Dodging the cigar thrown by Ross, Stryker patted the non-existent cigarette ashes on his clothes and said in a tone that seemed a bit unnatural, but without an expression of concern.

"Then, a little less "9:99 and 50%"

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