William Stryker decided to continue his shamelessness to the end.


"Seventy percent, no more!"

Ross was 'angry'.

"Nine point nine nine two two"

"can not be less anymore!"

William Stryker also had an 'angry' look on his face.

Boom! "Seven o'clock seven one!"

Ross slammed the table.

"Only nine nine nine two two!"

William Stryker has his hands on his hips, I'm just... so slutty.

.............Finally, after a period of mutual push and pull between the two parties, Ross and William Stryker set the transaction price at 8.85%.

“A pleasure to work with!”

Ross smiled and held William Stryker's hand, as if he wasn't the one who was blushing just now.

“A pleasure to work with!”

William Stryker also held Rose's hand with a smile on his face and shook it vigorously.

This is 198! The purchasing power of Mi Dao is much stronger than that of later generations! How much can William Stryker earn from ten thousand 'enhanced serums'... Just this 3.50% profit can be exchanged for later generations. In 2022, at least... rice knives worth 10 billion! Similarly, Ross declared military expenses at a price of 10,000 each, and then deducted 10%: 5, converted into In 202, it was worth 5 billion US dollars! As long as the deal is completed, the two old foxes can be said to be full!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 406: Looters

William Stryker, who reached an agreement with Ross, decided to take a break.

He had just decided to go to the mutant school to cause trouble, so he decided to wait until the deal with Ross was over before taking action.

For the sake of the 35% profit, William Stryker rarely even put down his hatred for mutants.

Of course, mutants are there and will not disappear suddenly or die suddenly.

But the deal between him and Rose may still be affected by many factors and be forced to terminate.

With such huge interests, so what if all plans are temporarily suspended... The transactions between William Stryker and Ross were, in fact, completely hidden. but.

.The eyes and ears of the company.

But after Xiaobai made a simple calculation, he didn't plan to take any more care.

Not to mention that the ‘enhanced serum injection’ itself is actually a rubbish among rubbish in the eyes of the ignorant. It can be easily produced to the extent that everyone on the entire earth can be injected with it.

As far as the results calculated by Xiao Bai are concerned, the subsequent impact of the transaction between William Stryker and Rose will further promote Jean Gray's darkening, so Xiao Bai will not stop it.

As for how Rose can promote Jean Gray's darkening process, Xiaobai naturally plans to add some special additives to the batch of injections that Stryker and Rose traded.

With Ross's character, he would definitely give it directly to his subordinate's...research institution for use and research.

Although the addition of this special additive will not give birth to a Hulk, it will have no problem at all in causing all the injectors in this institution that studies the 'Super Soldier Serum' to produce biochemical mutations.

At that time, Xiaobai will "fan the flames" in the dark for a while, so that the mutant school will not only have to face Stryker's troops, but also face the biochemical mutant warriors under Ross. Qin Gray will not be able to turn black even if she wants to No!......................Qi Jun ignored all Xiaobai's plans and actions.

In fact, after Qi Jun gave Xiao Baiyi's instructions, Qi Jun teleported directly to the fifth-generation blaster warship.

Qi Jun did nothing, just...played games all day long, or connected to the Universe Star Network, watched movies from different civilizations, etc. to pass the time.

If Qi Jun wants to continue to advance to the multiverse level of strength, he cannot advance... just by practicing hard and immersing himself in seclusion.

This level focuses on the understanding of the universe, the strengthening of the field, and the control of laws and rules.

And these..., none of them can be improved in a short period of time.

In this case, Qi Jun might as well take a good rest.

Just like Nick Fury in the previous multi-movie universe, he hides in a stealth battleship in space and can do whatever he wants, while the "double" in the earth does all kinds of things for him dutifully, that's all Shameless! Speaking of which, Qi Jun has never had a good rest since time travel.

The period of time between waiting for Qin Gray to turn black and attracting the Phoenix Force split is Qi Jun's rare vacation time...... .."Huh"


An extremely obvious spaceship jumped out of the space node, making Qi Jun look sideways.

"Ego's clones have all escaped."

"Why do Yondu and the others still come to Earth?"

"Moreover, it's five years ahead of the original plot."

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, the situation inside the Marauder's spaceship was clear at a glance.

Especially the guy in the lead, with a device on his forehead that can control the fins of sentry swords, who else could it be if it wasn't Yondu! "It's Egg's test."

"Or is there some other...butterfly effect"

Qi Jun was thoughtful.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 407: A war is about to begin?

"It's the temptation of Egg who doesn't know that he is just a clone."

"Or is it purely...the early arrival of the looters caused by the butterfly effect?"

Qi Jun naturally had some thoughts about the arrival of Yongdu and his party.

However, as long as these guys don't affect Qin Gray's darkening, Qi Jun won't bother to care.

In other words, if the arrival of this group of people intensifies Qin Gray's darkening process, Qi Jun may give them some rewards or something.

Of course, if Jean Gray were to delay her darkening, or affect her from turning dark again, it would be difficult for them to die even if they wanted to.

As for them coming to take away little Xingjue or something, Qi Jun didn't care.

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