Although little Star-Lord seems to be more well-behaved, he is also better at licking people than little Nina.

But since ancient times, a licking dog cannot keep a house.

Qi Juncai doesn't care whether little Xingjue will be taken away or not.

.........................But after Qi Jun stopped paying attention to this group of marauders and even left only a trace of mark on Qin Gray, While continuing your own leisure time.

On the earth, many major events have happened.

..................... Since Qi Jun was planning to let Storm and others capture Apocalypse after they were promoted to level four mutants, Xiao Bai also terminated The action team continued to capture Tianqi.

But Tianqi was not grateful to Xiaobai for this.

However, due to the previous experience.

.The reason for the base’s setback is not correct.

Apocalypse, who vented his anger on the company, transferred his anger to other forces.

As a result, a family and organization that had been severely infiltrated by Apocalypse suddenly began to launch surprise attacks on surrounding countries and organizational forces.

..................Due to the sudden incident.

In addition, Apocalypse is secretly dispatching and directing things in person.

These... countries, organizations, forces, etc. that were attacked were immediately stunned! What followed was naturally a great rout.

In just two days, a country was destroyed and multiple organizations were completely wiped out.

No chickens or dogs were left behind wherever they passed, only ruins and broken walls, and a mess of smoke.

The whole world was immediately in an uproar! ............. Qi Jun was still immersed in the joy of the game.

Because of this sudden war of national annihilation, not only the surrounding countries where the war was taking place were highly vigilant, but also gathered a large number of troops.

All countries around the world have begun to enter a state of emergency.

Even a certain country that is as powerful as the world's police has directly entered a state of war readiness.

The United States knows very well that with their past behavior and methods, once a world war breaks out and affects the whole world, the United States will definitely be the country that is attacked the most! There is no other reason.

Just because there are too many countries and forces that want the United States to perish! Similarly, Mao Xiong, who has not yet disintegrated but has begun to decline in the Cold War confrontation with the United States, has also entered a state of full war preparations.

It is different from the United States, which is separated by an ocean.

The war of annihilation that broke out this time is too close to the Mao Xiong! In fact, several countries that are still being attacked still border the Mao Xiong.

Once these countries are also destroyed, then Mao Xiong will also face the initiator of this war!......................But what Mao Xiong doesn't know yes.

in their rear area.

The initiators of this war are watching Mao Xiong mobilize more and more troops towards the border, and their eyes are dazzling!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 408 Apocalypse’s New Ambition

After Apocalypse understood modern society, he always dreamed of resetting the earth.

Isn't it bad to be a 'god' yourself and lead the entire earth? Why do these slaves have to develop themselves and surrender to me, Apocalypse, to be protected? Apocalypse never thought that after sleeping for thousands of years, the earth would develop so rapidly that it could There are also countless weapons to threaten him.

Apocalypse does not have the ability to control people. Although he can also control people, he can only control a very small part of them.

Without the addition of Magneto, Apocalypse would not have kidnapped Charles Xavier. Without Magneto's mutant ability, Apocalypse would naturally not be able to control the main people around the world to release nuclear bombs into space.

Nuclear weapons are, after all, a problem that Apocalypse cannot avoid.

.........................But! After joining the Hellfire Club, Apocalypse changed his mind.

After absorbing the Black Emperor's ideas, Apocalypse suddenly felt that maybe a nuclear war would be the most beneficial thing for him! Apocalypse's ability to possess space, as long as it doesn't detonate around him without warning, Apocalypse actually It's not that I'm afraid of nuclear bombs.

What Apocalypse is afraid of is the radiation after the nuclear bomb explodes! After all, the nuclear weapons of all major countries have fully implemented the 'bundled' strategy. Once a nuclear war breaks out, it will inevitably cause the world's major nuclear-armed countries to compete in a 'game of mutual destruction'.

In an environment filled with nuclear radiation, Apocalypse extremely doubted whether he could survive.

But! After joining the Hellfire Club and fully understanding the life story of the Black Emperor.

Apocalypse suddenly felt that maybe a nuclear war was just what he needed! .................. Once a nuclear war breaks out all over the world, human society will inevitably collapse. .

And now the human countries, consortiums, organizations, etc. that have overwhelmed him will also be directly annihilated in the radiation environment that fills the sky.

Even if a small amount of non-evolved humans hide in nuclear shelters, their remaining combat power will have no impact on the Apocalypse.

Apocalypse does not need all the weapons to be detonated. He only needs to throw the extra nuclear weapons beyond the calculation amount into the universe using space capabilities to obtain the perfect man's "awakening" environment.

He only needs a radiation environment that is dense enough to 'awaken' many mutants and kill most humans.

But the nuclear radiation all over the sky is very likely to activate a large number of mutants.

Perhaps these... the first generation of mutants who had their mutant abilities forcibly activated would suffer from various illnesses.

But Apocalypse said that he can definitely afford to wait! Wait for hundreds of years, and when there is no human being found on the entire earth and all are mutants, Apocalypse will show up again to create a 'miracle' to eliminate all the people in the world. The world's radiation clouds let the earth shine under the sun again.

By that time, he, Apocalypse, will be...the only true 'god'! The god of mutants!.............Of course, the ideal is beautiful Yes, but the reality may not necessarily change according to his ideas.

At least, for now, it is possible for a world war to break out around the world, but it is not easy to break out a nuclear war.

The bald eagle and the furry bear have been in a cold war for so many years because both sides are extremely restrained.

Because both sides know that the number of nuclear weapons possessed by the other side can wipe out human beings on the earth several times, and neither side wants that one day later, the entire earth will enter a nuclear winter without a trace of sunlight.


"It is really difficult to fire a nuclear weapon now."


"As long as the furry bear is dragged into the water"

"When the war develops to a certain stage."

“You can’t even launch a nuclear weapon if you don’t want to!”

"Even if you don't want to launch"

"Then I will force you to launch!"

For an ideal future.

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