Apocalypse decided that the direction of the war must be completely under his control! With the decision, Apocalypse began to quietly invade Mao Xiong's military command system.

Apocalypse does not need to control all the generals.

In Tianqi's view, he only needs to control those military generals who have independent combat authority, then the future is not far away!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 409 Yongdu’s ambition!


"This 5th planet is really backward."

"Our mission target is actually on such a backward planet"

Just when the eyes of the whole world were focused on war-torn places such as West Asia and North Africa, the predators in the Predator battleship, who had already understood everything on the surface of the earth, looked at the information displayed after scanning the battleship. Cheating with pursed lips.


"If it weren't for this backward planet"

"You think I would take on this kind of mission?"

"You must know that robbing children is not honorable no matter which civilization in the universe you are in. In some civilizations, you will even be hunted endlessly."

"Only on such a backward planet can we do whatever we want!"

Yondu touched the 'fin' on the top of his head and cursed back in an unhappy tone.

You should know that "stealing children" does not mean that all looters will approve of it.

However, in these years, in order to send a large number of children to the living planet Ego, all Yondu's actions can be said to have been rejected by the entire raider system.

Without the constant flow of information and resources brought by the Marauder Alliance, Yondu and his men had to fall into a vicious cycle of "stealing children" for Ego everywhere in the universe.

As a result, the reputation of Yongdu and his group of raiders became increasingly bad.

At this time, I don't even dare to go to those...slightly stronger civilizations, for fear of being killed by the 'scavengers' or 'saints' in those...civilizations 'I found it and cleaned it up.

If this kind of thing continues, his group of raiders may soon fall apart.

The subordinates who are used to eating big fish and meat are not willing to follow you to drink porridge and become vegetarian.

.........Moreover, Yondu still has some secrets in his heart that he has not revealed.

When Yondu thought about the scene he accidentally discovered when he went to Ego's planet to 'deliver goods' last time, Yondu began to dislike this kind of behavior.

Yondu even thought about not accepting Egg's employment anymore and trying to find a way to turn around the reputation of himself and his group.

However, without Ego's employment, Yondu's group, whose reputation has been ruined, will not be able to receive tasks at all, and they will not be able to grab good things.

What is Yondu’s group that only dares to hang out on the edge of low-level civilization? Yongdu thinks.

All of this took a huge turn for the better after he led the group to Earth! ............ "Leader!"

"Maybe we can capture some powerful slave warriors on this planet!"

"They will definitely fetch a big price!"

Yondu's subordinate is a guy with very good eyesight. When he saw Yondu, except for... he glanced at the mission target at the beginning, most of his eyes were focused on those on the earth... ...When I uploaded the superpower person’s information, I immediately knew what my boss was thinking.

You know, after doing things like "interstellar human traffickers" and "abducting interstellar children", it is natural that you will inevitably come into contact with "interstellar human trafficking", which is legal in some places, but illegal in most places. manual labor.

To be honest, the technological level of Earth Star, the planet called Earth by the indigenous people, was not noticed by the looters.

But many superpowers on the earth can still bring them a sense of crisis.

Especially that guy named "Magneto", the threat to them is extremely high.

Although a battleship or a spaceship is not entirely made of steel, alloy, etc.

But it is obvious that the battleships and spaceships of Yondu and his group have not been degaussed. Once they are exposed to Magneto, they will be killed in seconds.

Especially their boss, Yondu! That... 'fin + arrow' that can intimidate all of them is completely... defeated by Magneto! As long as Magneto wants to, Yondu will be killed in minutes! Also Youshou is a monster with the idea of ​​group control. If these aliens are not prepared, they will be reduced to rubbish in seconds.

In addition to these...existences that pose a great threat to them, there are also a lot of "population resources" on the earth.

At least, for the plunderers, it is a 'population resource' that can be sold at a big price! ........................ "No!"

"Why should we sell them"

"Why can't we arrest them?"

"Why can't we just train them into a powerful blade?"

"Go and tear apart those "tigers" that make us afraid"

Yondu withdrew his gaze from various documents and looked around at his subordinates who had various ideas.

"If we have such a strong team."

"Then do we need to continue to catch children and sell them?"

"Those people in the Marauders Alliance will beg us to go back sooner or later!"

As if thinking of some beautiful scene, Yondu roared excitedly and tremblingly.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 410 Moody

"Oh ho!!"

"Long live the boss!"

"The boss is just... a bull!"

Hearing Yondu's roar, a large group of marauders immediately became agitated.

Yondu's words seemed to make them see a wonderful future, and they were all excited.

But what I have to say is that even among the plunderers who are similar to those described in martial arts novels, there are still some wise men.

........... There may not be many wise men, but there are one or two who can definitely see how difficult it is.

For these wise men, they did not believe in the "big pie" described by Yondu, and even had the slightest idea of ​​breaking away from the group.

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