For these wise men, if they hadn't been dragged into the water by Yondu and their reputations were ruined, they would have left Yondu's group long ago.

And now, Yondu actually wants to capture a group of superpowers who seem to be on a backward planet, but in fact are superpowers who can bring them an absolute threat. When he thinks about their transformation from the most prosperous and luxurious life in the universe to the... Nowadays, wandering on the edge of the universe, they are still like this, and they still want to take advantage of this group of ridiculously powerful superpowers. These two wise men have already been completely disappointed with Yondu.

Of course, that doesn't mean Yondu has no chance at all.

No matter how down-and-out Yondu's group of marauders are, they are still hanging out in the universe, and they still have more resources than the natives of this indigenous planet, which is not even an interstellar civilization.

As long as Yongdu has a way to acquire a 'slave control chip' or other control device with similar capabilities from 'Gao Tianzun' and other people or forces, Yongdu wants to take these superpowers as slaves to work hard for himself. , it’s not impossible.


"Do you still have "super movies" in your collection?"

Under the instigation of a wise man, a younger brother came to Yondu and asked tentatively.

If Yondu really has such a thing, it goes with the information I just saw.

Yondu only needs to control one Voyager, and then control others through Voyage, and Yondu can have a large group of powerful super thugs.

As soon as this young man finished speaking, everyone suddenly became quiet, and some guys even had dark gleams in their eyes.

However, can a chip that can control superpowers be bought by Yondu, who was forced to come to earth to make a living?... "Hmph! "


Under the expectant eyes of his subordinates, Yondu's smiling face completely froze, and his whole person became gloomy.

Phew...! There was a whistle, and an almost invisible trace of light passed by in the blink of an eye.

The guy who had just asked the question was suddenly bleeding from his head and fell to the ground. His whole body twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Obviously, Yondu was unhappy and directly used his "superpower" to kill this ignorant little brother.

...........Hiss!!! A group of people around them subconsciously took a few steps back, suddenly revealing a lot of things in the originally airtight circle. gap.

Even though he already knew how ruthless Yondu was.

But once again seeing Yondu's moodiness, a group of younger brothers became trembling with fear again.

........................"Can't we control that group of people without a 'superpower control chip'?"

"I have the whistle and arrow in hand, who dares to disobey"

Yondu roared madly as if he was so enraged that a group of young men fell silent, and the entire battleship was almost silent.

One or two wise men watched all this silently and pursed their lips in disdain.

Seeing the incompetent and furious Yondu, the wise man wanted to leave the group more and more.

If you follow a boss like this, sooner or later you won't even know how you will die.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 411 Yondu, master of population trading!


"Go and capture the target of this mission for me!"

Yondu randomly assigned two of his Marauder men and ordered them to capture Ego's target, Little Star-Lord.

After all, he has taken over Ego's mission. Even if he doesn't hand over little Star-Lord to Ego, he still has to catch him.

Otherwise, if Ego suddenly remembered this matter and suddenly asked, without the mission target in hand, and Ego misunderstood that he was playing tricks on him, Yondu could guarantee that no one could save him.


"A bunch of ignorant guys!"

"Just kill those who threaten me, and the rest can be controlled."

In fact, Yondu is not stupid, but sometimes he makes some insane decisions when his brain is twitching.

But deep down in his heart, Yongdu knew very well what the people under his command were thinking.

It's just that he and his team can't control these... powerful natives on the planet Earth.

But they also didn’t think about it. They... all of them could imagine that Yondu, as the boss, would not think of it. In fact, in Yondu’s heart, the way to deal with this kind of thing is very simple. .

Moreover, it is also the main method used by all looters in the universe.

"On: How to be a qualified 'Population Trade Master' slave owner without a 'control chip' or similar things" Even though decades have passed, Yondu still clearly remembers this An article hidden among the vast number of articles on the Marauder Forum.

Whether it's catching slaves and selling them, Yondu has learned a lot from the looters forum over the years.

At least, Yondu has already agreed with this point of view in his heart: kill all the guys who...are a threat to him, and the rest will naturally be those that he can arrest at will" Ah!.. ...................."how's it going"

"Did you find anything?"

In the mutant school, underground, in the electroencephalograph room, when he saw Charles taking off the sensor helmet on his head, Eric Land Shelby asked anxiously.

"The source of the outbreak of the war has been found."

"However, there is not the slightest clue as to the cause of... people's heart palpitations, fear, and even panic."

After all, Charles did not hide the question from his close friend whose ability was sealed.

In fact, speaking of which, Charles and Eric are both here.

It is precisely because of their inexplicable sense of crisis that they come from the plunderers in space! Other interstellar traffickers may regard Charles and Eric as powerful surprises, organize forces to capture them alive as much as possible, and then go to the interstellar forces Sell ​​it for an astonishingly good price, just as Yondu's group of minions thought.

But in Yondu's heart, not only did he not have such an idea, he was even prepared to directly destroy these two guys who were a huge threat to him with a single shot of the battleship's main gun.

Admittedly, Yondu also knew that if he could capture Charles and Magneto, he would be able to sell them for an unimaginable price.

But! What a pity! Yondu doesn’t have the means to catch these two guys, let alone implant the more expensive ‘power control chip’.

..................... Charles had no idea.

Just like how he felt when he faced Qi Jun, this time, it didn't come from inside the planet.

This time, the source of the horror is an alien villain from outside the earth! No matter how much Charles searches inside the earth, he can't find any clues.

Even! If Yondu hadn't still been thinking about the other mutants in the mutant school except Charles and Eric, this mutant school would have turned into a deep and invisible hole.

Once a battleship's main gun is fired, as long as they are not strong people who focus on defense, as long as they do not have the ability to teleport in space, or are super fast and can dodge quickly, everyone below the Heavenly Father level will definitely turn into gray. Ash.

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