Charles and Eric, even if they become level five mutants, will never be able to withstand a battleship's main gun.

This was also the source of heart palpitations and panic among the two of them.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 412: Which comes first, tomorrow or the accident?

If you simply rely on the battleship's own information search system to collect information without sending people to actually conduct reconnaissance at the target location, the information obtained is often incomplete, and some of the information may even be unconvincing.

Yondu had no idea that all his actions were under Xiaobai's surveillance.

All the information he obtained was information processed by Xiaobai.

Yondu's Marauder battleship's built-in artificial intelligence is able to treat the Earth's network as nothing.

But similarly, in front of Xiaobai, the artificial intelligence that comes with the battleship is also blind, and it does not even realize that the underlying code has been changed from beginning to end.

On the whole earth, everything about Xiaobai, about.

.The real information about the company and its headquarters base has been completely blocked, including mutants and...

.The ‘frictions’ that had occurred between companies have completely disappeared.

Shown in front of Yondu.

The company information has been completely modified by Xiaobai. It is extremely ordinary and is no different from the military defense company in the eyes of the general public. It is no longer a super group with influence all over the world and many superpowers. .

Xiaobai, who had learned his attitude and bottom line from Qi Jun, had no intention of interacting with a 'junk force' like Yondu.

After all, despite the fact that the Marauder battleship Yondu is on is bigger than Xiaobai's fifth-generation blaster battleship.

Yondu's Marauder warship was firing on all cylinders, but it couldn't even make the slightest ripple in the protective shield of Xiaobai's fifth-generation blaster warship.

But Xiaobai's fifth-generation explosive warship can blow up the Marauder warship to pieces with any secondary cannon.

The gap is so huge, how could Xiaobai think highly of Yondu? It would be ridiculous if he modified his head and loaded it with a mechanical device... .....But sometimes you don’t want to have contact with others.

However, there is a high possibility that Yondu will come to you.......Yondu's idea itself is actually not...

Whether it was finding a way to lure Charles, who could think of others, or Eric, who could control the magnetic field, away from the mutant school, bomb them to death, and then capture all the mutants in the school who were almost no threat to their predators.

Or is it better to find a way to attract the mutants needed in the mutant school out of the school and arrest them, and then use a main gun bomb to kill Charles and Magneto in the school who are a great threat to the marauders? In fact, both are A feasible plan! Although Yondu ignored the modified information.

.company, but Yondu, who wanted to wipe out all the mutants in the mutant school, sent several teams of marauders to lurk around the mutant school.

And among them, there is a team of prepared generals.

.After ‘looting’ the company’s headquarters base, the raider team went to carry out Yondu’s order.

........................"I don't know what the boss thinks."

"I'm afraid our team of marauders is the worst."

"The more you fool around, the more you go back!"

"Now those with special codes have come to rob a low-level civilization that has not even left its home planet."

"No matter what, we are also space plunderers."

"The ones with special codes are now acting like scavengers from the universe!"

A spaceship carrying a team of ten people, after turning on the radar invisibility, swaggered directly towards.

.Fly to the company headquarters base.

But inside the spaceship, a group of heavily armed marauders looked at the modified image projected by the spacecraft's intelligence with displeasure.

.Company information.

When did they have such a miserable life that they came to rob a low-level civilization that didn't even have energy weapons.........But just like these guys When they are filled with full of complaining energy.


.In the headquarters base, Xiaobai has already made preparations.

The capture preparations were ready and waiting for them to land.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 413: Charles’ Fear

Unknown to them, several heavily armed teams had quietly come and lurked around the school. Charles and Eric were discussing how to prevent this war that was about to become a world war.

“I didn’t expect that”

"Hei Huang Xiao has been dead for so many years."

"A mutant who has just been unearthed and has lived for who knows how many years actually inherited Xiao's legacy."

"What do you think he was thinking?"

"Once nuclear weapons are detonated around the world, mutants won't be able to survive in that... nuclear radiation environment that fills the sky, right?"

"How on earth does this rubbish think mutants can survive in such an environment?"

As a mutant leader who has taught himself about nuclear weapons, Magneto Eric Lensherr completely disagrees with Apocalypse's ideas and practices.

Magneto, who parted ways with Charles after killing Black King Xiao, actually thought about triggering a nuclear war to increase the number of mutants.

But after carefully studying the relevant knowledge on his own, Magneto gave up this seemingly beautiful but actually stupid idea.

I think back then, once the number of nuclear weapons possessed by the Bald Eagle and the Furry Bear was detonated, the world would be enveloped in a nuclear haze. However, no carbon-based creature could escape the fate of death.

What’s more alarming is that nowadays, in addition to... furry bears and bald eagles, there are also John Bull, Gallic chickens, rogue rabbits, etc., and these countries all have a large number of nuclear weapons. .

Without exception, the nuclear weapons of these countries are all "bundled" nuclear weapons. Once a nuclear war breaks out, these countries will definitely detonate all their nuclear weapons.

The radiation cloud after the nuclear explosion will cover the entire earth, and not a single ray of sunlight will be able to penetrate.

The nuclear haze covering the entire earth will cause the earth to be barren for tens of millions of years.

How is it possible for mutants to be born and survive in such an environment? There is no problem in solving human beings in this way, but it also solves all carbon-based organisms! In this case, mutants will also be completely extinct. No living thing can survive!............. "Maybe"

"He has the ability to eliminate nuclear radiation"

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