"Or maybe he is confident that he can control the number of nuclear weapons detonated within a certain range."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Charles couldn't help but smile when he saw his old friend's angry look.


"Even if the Red Devil is still here:, he dare not say that he can solve the problem of 'nuclear bundling'!"

"This old family tree, which has been buried for who knows how many years, can solve the problem of simultaneous explosion of nuclear weapons all over the world."

"He's thinking shit!"

Seeing the smile of his old friend, Magneto felt even more annoyed, and he immediately started to curse Apocalypse.


"Why don't you use your abilities to invade that old mutant from who knows how many years ago?"

"Didn't I use it very smoothly when I controlled the Black Emperor Xiao?"

After scolding for a while and seeing that Charles had no intention of complimenting him, Magneto changed the topic and his tone was not very harmonious.


Charles shook his head seriously.

"Originally, casually invading other people's brains like this is not what I like to do."

"What's more, since I've been here.

After the base suffered losses, I also learned that there are still many hidden bosses in this world."

"The fact that this old mutant was dug up and still alive after being buried for many years can already explain a lot of problems. I don't dare to invade the mind of such an unknown person."

"Even if you invade the brain of the so-called Four Horsemen gathered by this guy, it is already a very risky thing. It is impossible to invade Apocalypse!"

When this topic comes up, Charles is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, and his whole person becomes serious.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years! Now.

In the base, Qi Jun suffered an extremely severe backlash after just exploring him. Even after returning to the mutant school, it took him a whole month to recover.

Since then, Charles has known that his ability is not invincible, and there are not many people who can restrain him! There are so many things hidden in this world... Big bosses like Qi Jun, Why have I never heard of Charles? I have all kinds of questions and deep fears in my heart!.............Of course, Charles doesn’t know , he was completely led astray by Qi Jun.

There are people on the entire earth who can ignore Charles' abilities, but not many! But it is a pity that a being like Qi Jun would not be able to tell him this.

Under such circumstances, Charles would naturally not dare to casually invade a big boss who was dug out of the ground! God knows what kind of methods a big boss who has been buried for so many years and is still alive has to say, Charles learned from every experience.

It is precisely because of this that he escaped the crisis of being tracked by Apocalypse and having his body taken away.

Once Charles' ability is known to Apocalypse, and Magneto, whose power has been sealed by Qi Jun, is in his period of weakness, the mutant school will really be wiped out by Apocalypse. A lot has happened in the past two months, because Due to the impact of the epidemic, I was almost laid off from my job, and my family members were hospitalized for surgery due to some illnesses. The savings in my hands suddenly bottomed out.

Especially since I was going to have another surgery in two days, to be honest, the author was really panicked.

The author now deeply understands the saying "a penny can beat a hero". Although the author is not a hero, the situation he suffered is very similar.

For the author, writing was originally a part-time job, so even though the last book was blocked due to policy, the author still writes a bit as he pleases, and the updates are not strong enough. Naturally, his grades are also poor, but originally it was It's just a part-time job to earn some pocket money, so naturally I don't care much about it.

But now what happened......After what happened, I didn't know when I would be dismissed from my job. The author could only decide to finish this book as soon as possible and then start a new one. We are ready to open source, try our best to ensure that it is not unfinished.

Saying this in advance can be regarded as a mental preparation for the few readers who have been reading this book: I don’t know if they have forgotten to close the customization. Here, the author thanks you for your love! In addition, although, although I haven’t decided what to write about yet, but there is a high probability that I won’t write about Marvel anymore. Maybe it will be special forces, or urban science fiction. If there are readers who like it, I hope they can continue to support the author.

Thank you again! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 414 The Shocking Marauder

"Is it possible to persuade all the fellow mutants around that guy to come over?"

Although he doesn't agree with Apocalypse's decisions and actions, Magneto Rick Lanshel still admires this guy's boldness, his fierce penetration into human society, and his strength.

If we can 'fool' all the fellow mutants around Tianqi, then it won't be difficult to deal with this guy.

Although his abilities have been sealed, if Apocalypse only has one lonely person left, how can he still catch Apocalypse with so many mutant compatriots? Even if mutants can't catch him, then there are very powerful people in human society. The superpowers and cultivators can always catch Apocalypse, right? Facing Apocalypse who wants to cover the entire earth under nuclear haze, even Magneto, who hates humans, does not mind cooperating with humans. .

.................. "No way!"

Charles shook his head.

"Perhaps Apocalypse has been prepared for it."

"Not only his four knights, but also the other mutant subordinates are all given a special layer of spiritual power."

"Under this kind of power, the worship of Apocalypse by these mutant men is completely blind, fanatical and brain-dead!"

"If we want these fellow mutants to return to normal, this special power must be destroyed."

"But my instinct tells me that, let alone destroying it, once I dare to interfere with this power, I will suffer very serious consequences!"

Charles responded to Magneto's proposal with a serious face.

It can be said that the reason why Charles did not dare to invade Tianqi's brain.

First of all, there is.

.The experience encountered at the base serves as a reminder.

Secondly, it has a lot to do with this inexplicable early warning.

No matter what, Charles chose to trust his sixth sense.

At least, without Charles' ability, Apocalypse can only use some stupid methods to achieve his goals.


"Police, it's time to return to the Jianghu!"

After taking a sip from the coffee in front of him and looking at Charles who was deep in thought, Magneto said slowly.

At the same time, Magneto was silently muttering in his heart: "These... hothouse flowers in the school should also feel the beatings from society!"

They have always been under the protection of Charles. Regardless of issues such as mutant discrimination, it is indisputable that the students in these mutant schools are out of touch with society.

With the addition of Cyclops, it can be seen that he can easily fool some companions into escaping.

......................the other side,.

. Base "Warning! The spacecraft has been locked by a huge energy weapon, please pilot and crew not to act rashly!"

"Warning! The spacecraft has been locked by a huge energy weapon. Please pilot and crew not to act rashly!"

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