"Warning! The spacecraft has been locked by a huge energy weapon. Please pilot and crew not to act rashly!"

A small spaceship spitting out Yondu's raid patterns hovered over.

.On the large playground inside the base, no one dared to move at all.

Because, the whole.

The base, which was an ordinary military base when there was no spaceship just now, has instantly transformed into a heavy military fortress! Countless gun muzzles are pointed at this small spaceship, and there are several high-energy level reaction energy The turret locked onto the small spacecraft.

After an intelligent contest, the spacecraft's own artificial intelligence determined that it had no chance of winning, and it was right in an instant.

.The base surrendered.

Not only that, the artificial intelligence also flattered Xiaobai and warned the crew in the spacecraft to surrender obediently.

.................. "Fuck,!"

"How can this be"

"This is"

"This is a super energy cannon capable of destroying battleships."

"Not only does it have energy, but there are thirteen more!"

"What the hell"

"How can this be"

"The planet is just a garbage planet that cannot fly out of its home planet and is not even a primary civilization. How could there be an energy cannon that can even blow up a third-level civilization warship!!!"

The plundering small spaceships, who were so arrogant before and even looked down upon the earth, were stunned for a moment, and even couldn't believe it! How is this possible! This is just a home planet. It’s just a garbage planet that you can’t get out of! How could there be such a terrifying energy cannon weapon? Could it be that this is a testing ground for some advanced civilization or some advanced cosmic force? When I think of this.

The marauders in the small spaceship were all sore and weak in an instant. They were all unsteady and fell to the ground.

Don't look at them Yongdu plundered a huge battleship of their own.

However, from the fact that they were so destitute that they only dared to rob some low-level civilizations, we can see how miserable their lives were.

But on this small earth, there are such armed forces. What is the difference between this group of people and the little sheep that come to your door? A lot of things have happened in the past two months. Due to the impact of the epidemic, I was almost fired from my job, and my family was also affected by it. I was hospitalized for surgery due to some symptoms, and my savings suddenly bottomed out.

Especially since I was going to have another surgery in two days, to be honest, the author was really panicked.

The author now deeply understands the saying "a penny can beat a hero". Although the author is not a hero, the situation he suffered is very similar.

For the author, writing was originally a part-time job, so even though the last book was blocked due to policy, the author of this book still writes a bit as he pleases, and the updates are not strong enough. Naturally, the results are also poor. But it was originally just a part-time job to earn some pocket money, so naturally I didn’t care much about it.

But now what happened...... After the incident, I didn't know when I would be suddenly dismissed from my job. The author could only decide to finish the book as soon as possible, and then When you start a new book, be prepared to open source it, and try your best to ensure that it doesn’t end unfinished.

Saying this in advance can be regarded as a mental preparation for the few readers who have been reading this book: I don’t know if they have forgotten to close the customization. Here, the author thanks you for your love! In addition, although, although I haven’t decided what to write about yet, but there is a high probability that I won’t write about Marvel anymore. Maybe it will be special forces, or urban, or science fiction. If there are readers who like it, I hope they can continue to support the author.

Thank you again! To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 415: The excitement of the looters

"what happened"

"Why did Team 7 lose contact?"

“Where is that place over there?”

"Let the nearest teams No. 6 and 8 go over and take a look!"

Landed without any surprises.

.The raider team at the base surrendered without any resistance.

But from small spacecraft into.

.The base lost all signals, which surprised the looters who were still sitting in the space battleship.

This is just a garbage planet that can't even leave its home planet. There is actually a place where the team can lose contact. However, think about the intelligence information collected by the battleship before. If...

.If there are superpowers guarding the base, it is not unacceptable for a team to lose contact. The reason why the group of Marauders is feared in the universe is because they are afraid of individual Marauders. No, what they are afraid of is The group of Marauders is afraid of the Marauders Alliance! Among the Marauders, an action team is just... about ten people. They are neither superpowers nor physical users, even if they are killed by a garbage planet It’s not surprising that the superpower was defeated.

The looters are even more excited that once they take this.

.How much money can be sold for if the superpowers in the base are captured? This is a primitive superpower. A superpower on a planet that has not left its home planet is far better than those in the cosmic forces... .......The superpowers that have been injected with the medicine are more valuable! ........ It's a pity that these plunderers are so useless. Won't know.

What they faced was not only rubbish that couldn't even leave their home planet, but also super bosses who...even advanced civilizations didn't dare to provoke!.... .....the natural "what's going on"

"Where are the Sixth and Eighth Teams?"

"How come these two teams have lost contact?"

"Is this...

.There are still many superpowers hidden in the base."

In the Marauder battleship in space, for... three teams in a row lost contact, and a large group of Marauders looked at each other.

They could never have imagined that there would be a super-civilized force here.

It's as if a modern person traveled to a primitive society, but would never believe that there would be nuclear weapons in primitive society.

But the reality is far more bizarre than imagined! "Boss!"

"what should we do"

"That... so-called ordinary one.

.There are probably people with super powers in the base.”

"Should we continue to send a small team to test, or should we directly press forward with a large force?"

A group of raiders with command responsibilities felt the pressure and came to Yondu to ask questions.

After all, it is a place where three squads of marauders can unite, and there may be any extraordinary things inside it. The marauders commanded by these......... do not want to take responsibility.

What if the command succeeds? But if it fails, let the boss poke it with his whistle arrow to get the special code... "Of course." ..."


Just when Yondu was about to tell his plan, he...

At the mutant school ten kilometers away from the base, the ground on the playground suddenly cracked open, and a fighter jet with both optical and radar stealth flew into the sky and shot towards the distance.

Yondu turned his head and looked at the battleship's real-time battle situation information collection system.

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