As a third-level civilized warship, the real-time battle situation information collection system is standard! The system screen was refreshed, and the mutant school's dual stealth fighters were displayed on the screen without any secrets. Ten of them were on board. Several mutants, real-time images and profile information are also displayed.

This group of people is surprisingly Charles, Magneto, Beast, Soundwave and other police officers! "Haha!"

"Very good!"

"The guys who posed a huge threat to us are all gone!"

"I command!"

Yondu jumped up with a whoosh, and the other marauders also beamed with joy.

"Ignore it for now...


.Company, all teams, put on capture devices, go and wipe out all the mutant schools for me!"

"Catch all mutants, young and old, for me!"

Although Yondu doesn't know why Charles, Magneto and others left the mutant school, it is also in his interests! Without Charles and Magneto, the group of mutant school... grew up under the protection of Charles These guys are no match for the plunderers.

With a little training, this will be a powerful trump card in Yondu's hand! "Yes!"

"The boss is wise!"

Upon hearing Yondu's order, a group of marauders were all excited.

To this group of marauders, these mutants are all human-shaped gold coins, which is related to the amount of income they can distribute in the future...

In their mind, even if some of them will be collected by the boss for training, it is impossible to train them all, and some of them will definitely be sold.

In the universe, superpowers are much more valuable than ordinary slaves! Unfortunately, this group of cheering looters did not see the increasingly sinister eyes of their boss, nor did they see that their boss An increasingly evil smile.

With these superpower subordinates, Yondu also needs these garbage looters to share his interests. As long as these mutants are trained, there is nothing better than carrying this group of burdens, and there is nothing better than carrying this group of burdens to make money. ......................"Huh"

"Is it going to be dark?"

With Xiaobai's report, Qi Jun naturally turned his attention to the mutant school.


.There are novices running the base, so Qi Jun doesn’t need to worry at all. Qi Jun only needs to pay attention to whether Qin Gray can successfully turn into a black man.

Although Qi Jun didn't know that Charles and a group of policemen were preparing to stop Apocalypse, prepare to end the war, and eliminate the signs of World War III in advance, he didn't know why Magneto, whose abilities had been sealed, was included in such a major operation. , and I don’t know why Qin Gray was not brought along, but Qi Jun didn’t care. It would be better if Charles and others were dead. If Qin Gray knew about it, she would definitely turn dark in an instant.

What Qi Jun is more concerned about is, under the attack and oppression of the marauders, will Qin Gray turn into a black man......................and more what is interesting is.

Qi Jun also 'saw' it.

After Charles and others left, William Stryker and even Ross from the Air Force led people towards the mutant school.

Could it be that this place will turn into three melees? Qi Jun rubbed his chin.



To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 416 Contempt

When Yondu and his team of raiders arrived, quite some time had actually passed since the transaction between William Stryker and Ross.

Although Qi Jun did not feel the passage of time, in fact, the earth had already experienced many days and nights.

With Qi Jun's current strength, let alone such a short period of time, even if it takes several thousand years, Qi Jun may not feel anything.

As one becomes stronger, the concept of the passage of time naturally becomes more blurred.

Of course, the stronger the strength, the clearer the feeling and understanding of time, the rules of space and time, etc.

Oh, that's too far away......... Just when Yondu's group of marauders saw the fighter plane that suddenly left the race school, they kept thinking. William Stryker, who was paying attention to the mutant school, naturally got the information he wanted to know.

Ross, who had injected the 'Human Enhanced Serum' into his subordinates, even used the 'Human Enhanced Serum' for further experiments, so naturally, he also set his sights on the mutant group.

The abandoned military base closest to the mutant school had been reactivated by Ross early and an elite team was stationed there.


.The company's development was so rapid that in the blink of an eye, it was already a behemoth that Ross didn't even dare to touch.

And want not to sin.

.I want to get the company’s products at the lowest cost.

As for the company's stuff, Ross naturally set his sights on those... super-powered people, and mutants were naturally among them.

In other words, compared to William Stryker who focused his attention firmly on mutants, Ross found much more super serum than William Stryker.

After all, Ross will not be limited to mutants, Tao.

.After the company’s product redemption rules are implemented, it will naturally make great efforts to collect more types of superpower serums. Under this situation, what kind of inhumans, superpowers, mutants, genetic people, etc....anything that belongs to superpowers Fan Qing, was all found by Ross?

However, Rose did not hand over these serums immediately.

The company exchanged these serums for the 'Human Strengthening Serum', but added these serums to his research project on the 'Super Soldier Serum'.

However, no matter what, the mutant school, at this moment, has attracted competition from three parties at the same time! ........................ "Boss"

"It was discovered that two armed forces were also rushing towards the mutant school"

"According to analysis, it is very likely that their target is also the mutants in the mutant school!"

Compared to Stryker and Rose, who are natives of the Earth, Yondu and his team come from the depths of the galaxy, so their whereabouts were naturally discovered early.

It can even be said that Stryker and Rose's actions were not even a secret in front of Yondu and others! "Let the teams hidden around them deal with them!"

After casually glancing at the data projection, Yondu said perfunctorily with a completely unconcerned tone.

In Yondu's view, as long as they are not powerful and special superpowers, there is no one or thing on this indigenous planet that can pose a threat to them.

Naturally, the biochemical mutant troops under William Stryker and the enhanced and modified troops under Ross are simply not as good as Yondu's discernment.



In fact, the dispatching raiders did not pay attention to the troops under Stryker and Ross, and directly carried out Yondu's orders.

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