........................But, in reality, is this really going to be the case?

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 417: The plunderer: That’s outrageous!

Is Yondu's team of raiders really invincible? Are Stryker and Ross's troops really invincible? No! Not necessarily! If not.

.The company is the source of destruction of the plot, so the gap in combat power between the two parties is still quite large.

But now, the combat power of Yondu's Marauder team is actually not much different from the special forces team of Stryker and Ross! Whether the two sides are strong or not depends on what they are compared with.

If compared to individual combat, the combat power of Yondu's group of marauders is not that high. At most, it is...a little stronger than those special forces trained by ordinary people, but not much stronger.

In the universe, no one with real abilities, or in other words, a person with super powers that are not powerful but useful as long as they are useful, cannot degenerate into being a plunderer.


Having said that, there are quite a few superpowers who degenerate into becoming interstellar pirates.

In the final analysis, the Marauders are just an organization formed by ordinary people from different civilizations in the universe who are both high and low. It is a bit similar to the people who fall out of grass and become bandits in the martial arts world. King or something like that. However, with the development and expansion, the power of the group of marauders has become more and more powerful, causing many advanced civilizations to have a headache.

But even so, those... the top civilized forces still look down on this group of people. The Marauders are almost like this from the other side, Stryker on Earth and Ross's men. The special forces team is here.

Before the emergence of the company, these special forces may still be the best among ordinary warriors, but they will never be able to compete with superpowers.

But now, there is.

.This source of destruction appeared, but the 'Human Enhancement Serum' strengthened the physical fitness of this group of people, making all these special forces soldiers break through the physical limits of ordinary people.

The 'super' plan in the hands of Stryker and Ross made these soldiers act as guinea pig experimental subjects.

Although the scale of the experiment was reduced a bit in these experiments, none of the surviving special forces soldiers possess powerful abilities.

Maybe it's because his physical fitness is not strong enough, and his super energy stimulation is not strong enough, but when he takes on Yondu's team of... Marauders, there is no problem at all! .....................The encounter between the two parties is destined to be a turbulent battle.

The special forces team under Stryker Ross may have been stunned by the Ravager's high-tech alien weapons for the first time.

But this group of warriors made up for this gap in terms of physical fitness and special superpowers. They quickly recovered from the confusion and launched a swift counterattack.

Even, to a certain extent, due to the cooperation of the troops, as time went on, Stryker and Ross's special forces gradually began to suppress the Marauders and their group.

........................ "Faq!"

"What did you say"

"Our team of marauders was defeated by this garbage native who can't even leave the home planet."

"In fact, it became impossible to maintain the confrontation, and it was almost defeated, so it applied for reinforcements."

In the Marauder battleship, after hearing the information reported by his subordinates, Yondu was furious and his whole body was furious.

Although their group of marauders has been on the decline, they are still an existence that has run rampant in the universe.

Today, on Earth, a planet that in his opinion was so rubbish that it couldn't even leave its home planet, his men were actually suppressed by a group of indigenous soldiers. This is so outrageous! It's completely... .Can't...believe it!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 418: Charge to the Death

"Deploy Bomber One!"

"Destroy the other two forces!"

"in addition"

"After rescuing those damn guys, put them all in a solitary room for me!"

Seeing the picture transmitted by the battlefield live information system, Yongdu was so angry that he was about to explode. It could be said that he was in a state of embarrassment. All he had to do was get angry and go and deal with these things himself... ...the slag is so messed up.


Seeing the boss getting angry, Yondu's younger brother quickly followed orders and ran away. He didn't want to be Yondu's inflatable bag.

If it was normal, the angry Yondu would have beaten him at most, but now, he couldn't guarantee whether the furious Yondu would stab himself to death with a whistle arrow... .........Soon, a strange-looking spacecraft in outer space broke away from the Marauder battleship and flew straight towards the battlefield on Earth.

The reason why I say it is weird is because this thing is completely incompatible with the common aesthetics of mankind.

The American 2 bombers already look ugly enough.

But the Bomber One that Yondu said simply broke the record for the ugliest aircraft appearance.

Qi Jun just glanced at it and didn't want to look at it a second time. He even hated to blow it up.

Simply because the appearance of this so-called Bomber 1 is very similar to the thing that a lazy sheep in a certain cartoon carries on its head.

Really, simply! But then again, the amount of bombs carried by the 'Bomber One' powered by an anti-gravity system cannot be underestimated... !At least under the confused and resentful eyes of Stryker and Ross, the moment Bomber 1 flew over the battlefield, its bottom bomb bay opened, and a large number of unknown types of ammunition were released.


"These special codes are full of monsters,"

Amid the heart-rending screams of Stryker and Ross, more than half of their troops were killed and disabled on the spot.

In fact, at the center of the explosion, those soldiers did not leave even a trace of relics, and all their combat uniforms, equipment, etc. were completely vaporized in an instant.


"Everyone, come to me!"

"Where's the support from Hexagon?"

"Where's the support from the military?"

, "Why haven't those... bastards arrived yet?"

"Special code, aliens are coming to your doorstep"

"Why haven't the support from those bastards come yet?"

Because Brigadier Generals William Stryker and Ross, who had strong self-confidence, almost went crazy at the same time.

The people with this special code are all their direct line troops, the most elite subordinates in their hands! They were actually bombed by this unknown alien enemy to the point where they were all gone, and they have been following the troops all the time. The two people couldn't stand this result, so they went crazy and gave orders to attack.

Even the troops under their own command were no longer enough. The two of them directly used their authority to mobilize more surrounding troops to encircle and suppress them.

But! How can the mobilization of troops be just a matter of time? Even if the Hexagon received the information, it had already issued the order as quickly as possible because of the unknown alien force, but it was not the Marauder's Bomber One. 'The speed of direct orbital airdrop is comparable! By the time the support troops arrive, Stryker and Rose's troops may not have many people left... .....But as an unconventional force.

Even though they were disabled, the special teams of Stryker and Rose still had some different abilities.

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