Moreover, when all the comrades around them who had lived together day and night were "burned to nothing", all the soldiers with special abilities launched a desperate charge towards Yondu's team of marauders!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 419: Die together


"Are we really not going to take action?"

"Their fighting has spilled over.

.The base is on the edge.”

Still inside the fifth-generation Explosive Battleship, Qi Jun looked at the battlefield scene projected by Xiaobai, but he was not moved at all.

"Not in a hurry"

Qi Jun smiled and shook his head, grabbed a delicious alien fruit and threw it into his mouth.

"They beat theirs"

"These... marauders under Yondu are too self-righteous and underestimate the enemy."

"Although that thing bombed very hard, once Stryker and Rose's men came into close contact, it would naturally be doomed."

I don’t know whether to say that the military orders are overwhelming, or that Stryker and Ross did a good job in brainwashing.

At least, in the battlefield scenes, Stryker and Rose's men were really using their lives to find a way out! The soldiers in front fell one after another, but in general, these... ...The remaining soldiers are pushing forward.

At present, Qi Jun is still more optimistic about Stryker and Rose.

Although in the end, even if they won, it was a miserable victory, and it could almost be considered a loss! After all, they had been bombed before, and most of them died, and after a desperate charge, almost all their remaining strength was gone.

In short, Yondu's battle with Stryker and Rose can be described as a lose-lose situation.

No, it should be said, three losses! ........ It really didn’t go beyond Qi Jun’s expectation, or in other words, Qi Jun had already The result of the battle was judged.

After almost all the soldiers died on the way to the charge, two super warriors carrying a large amount of high explosives finally rushed in front of the marauders.

One of them, perhaps a person with a high jump talent, simply jumped off the spot, jumped into the sky, and got directly into the bomb bay of the "Bomber One" sent by Yondu.

Not long after, a loud noise came from Bomber One, followed by...a series of explosions.

Immediately, 'Bomber One', which had just caused great damage to Stryker and Ross's soldiers, emitted black smoke, roared, spun, and fell towards the ground! Similarly, the ones on the ground fell to the ground. Another soldier rushed into the battle formation of the marauder team.

Although this guy has been riddled with holes from the marauders' energy weapons.

But maybe this guy was a restorative warrior who detonated the explosives all over his body before he farted.

........................Boom!! Boom boom boom!!! The violent explosion, the fire rising into the sky, and the huge mushroom cloud all explained to the outside, here There was an extremely fierce battle! ........................ "Fuck Fuck!"

"These...Dogecoin bastards!"

Seeing with their own eyes that all their direct troops were wiped out in a very short period of time, Stryker and Rose were heartbroken... But they were all direct members of their direct line! These Warriors are the elite among their elites! If you want to cultivate such warriors, how much time and resources will it take? As a result, these evil aliens are gone!!!... ................."Grass!"

"How can this be"

"Are those guys trying to tease me with their lives?"

Yongdu, who also saw this scene, was immediately torn apart. Not only did he conquer the universe, but he was able to get out of so many dangerous places in the universe safely. How could he die on this garbage earth like this? Yondu can't accept this result no matter what!......................"Haha"

"How about it"

"That's what I said"

"Ignore them"

Compared to Yondu's disbelief and reluctance, and Stryker and Rose's heartbreak, Qi Jun could be said to be gloating and laughing.



"Yondu needs to be serious."

"These reinforcements from the American army"

"I'm afraid it will be miserable."


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 420: Confused? Bottom line?

Qi Jun's prediction was once again accurate.

As expected, after all of Stryker and Rose's direct men were killed, the US reinforcements, which always arrive after a battle, finally arrived at the scene of the battle.

However, on the current battlefield, there are still enemies who have nothing at all! No, it cannot be said that there is nothing at all. At least, two violent explosions were also at the scene, leaving behind two huge craters that were still smoking. No, and , there are also many wreckage of Yondu's Bomber 1 scattered around.

For the US military reinforcements whose strongest talent the battlefield, this kind of job is their favorite! These things are all good things from aliens, ah, they can do this kind of job None of them were shattered in the huge explosion, but were blown into pieces and scattered, which is enough to show the military value of these things. You know, those old guys in the Hexagon Building have all seen it with their own eyes. That thing in the sky That thing exploded from the inside! The violent explosion caused from the inside didn't even blow up everything. Aren't these things enough? It can be said that the old guys in the Hexagon Building are here. For a moment, it can be said that Stryker and Ross are in love with these two people... Good things must be sent to the secret laboratory of the military, and then in the process of transportation , get some and take them back to the laboratory of his subordinates to develop more awesome stuff! This is the unanimous wish of all the old guys.

In other words, this is an unspoken rule that everyone keeps secret! ........ But in fact, reality tells them that they are overjoyed! Since aliens can send If these... invade the earth, they will naturally send more troops.

The old guys in the Hexagon Building have obviously been blinded by the possible 'wealth' and have forgotten that the alien team killed by Stryker and Rose together has a stronger power!...... ....."Farke!"

"Send me the bombing group!"

"I'm going to blow all these scumbags into pieces!"

"Send me the sweepers!"

"Get rid of all those who are against us!"

From the screen displayed by the battlefield collection system, he saw the American reinforcements cleaning the battlefield with great joy. Yongdu was so angry that his liver almost exploded, and he yelled in anger.




"Is that hexagonal building going to blow up too?"

After hearing Yondu's roaring orders, a younger brother hesitated for a moment, and finally asked a question.

After all, the plunderers are not the kind of interstellar pirates... guys who exterminate humanity by killing them all every time they are sent out, leaving no chickens or dogs behind. If they bomb these... the so-called US military reinforcements, the plunderers will be robbed. The predators naturally have no pressure, and they don't have the Mother's Heart. The Mother's Heart in the universe can't live for so long.

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