Even after bombing the... so-called Hexagonal Building, these... looters didn't have any psychological pressure at all. What Yondu's boy was worried about was just their bombing brigade. Once dispatched, the Hexagonal Building would be destroyed for sure, but none of the ordinary people around it would be able to escape.

You must know that when they rob, in order to deter their targets, most of the weapons they choose are extremely powerful and wide-ranging weapons, but there are no bombs that can accurately control the explosion within a certain range.

As soon as the bombing brigade is dispatched and the Hexagon is finished, the surrounding area will inevitably be wiped out. After all, the looters themselves are an alliance composed of a group of people who are neither high nor low in various civilizations.

This group of people still has some bottom lines.

Massacre civilians...at least not when they have an absolute advantage..."You can't do it yourself." Thinking?”

Unfortunately, Yondu was so angry that he started to curse.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 421 Ross’s Resentment

Yongdu was furious, so the messenger boy naturally didn't dare to say anything.

Shrinking his head, he ordered his younger brother to return to the command podium, control the command interface, and dispatch the follow-up bombing team.

At the same time, with the cooperation of the battleship's artificial intelligence, a huge gap suddenly opened on the side of the Marauder battleship.

A large number of indescribable flying objects flew out from this huge gap.

These... flying objects quickly adjusted their direction and quickly fell towards the earth.

.........................The US reinforcements who are cleaning, no, it should be said that they are cleaning the battlefield, have no idea what will happen to them soon.

But Brigadier Generals William Stryker and Ross didn't look good at all when facing these so-called reinforcements who were cleaning the battlefield with cheerful faces.

Those... to the reinforcements were full of military achievements, but the two of them fought all their subordinates to defeat them! The two of them were even very sure that these The spoils harvested by the reinforcements will not be theirs in the end! Who made them kill all their men? They knew this outcome, but they were powerless to stop it.

Ignoring the so-called pleas from the American reinforcements generals who were almost grinning, William Stryker and Ross looked at each other.

However, the two of them coincidentally picked up a suitcase they each brought and left the temporary headquarters of this 'battlefield cleaning force'.

The two of them were driving an infantry fighting vehicle, heading not far away. They were obviously affected by the flames of war, but they showed no signs of any trauma.

.He rushed to the base.

........................ "Faq!"

"These...bastards should be taken away and shot!"

"We conquered these things, but we don't even let them look at them!"

After leaving the temporary headquarters and driving in the car, Ross finally couldn't bear it any longer and began to curse.

The result of their victory was that the army was completely robbed. The more they thought about it, the more angry they became, until they were about to explode.

For...an Air Force Brigadier General, this result is simply...a shame.

"for the next while"

"Let's keep a low profile!"

Although William Stryker was also angry and resentful, as a guy who climbed out of Ma Run, William Stryker was obviously more tolerant than Ross.

The so-called retracting the fist does not mean that you are afraid, but that you are accumulating strength to hit with a more violent attack! "As long as everything goes well later"

"Sooner or later, we will be able to repay these...humiliations in double the amount!"

Holding the handle of the suitcase tightly in his hand, William Stryker had great expectations for the next trip.

............. "That's right!"

"As long as it can go smoothly.

.to get what we want in the company.”

"These army bastards have their share of good things to eat!"

Ross patted the suitcase on his lap and finally felt better as he drove the car.

You know, after they purchased a large amount of human enhanced serum,

.The company has opened more advanced permissions for their accounts.

There is something in there that gives William Stryker and Ross the confidence to stand up!...................... "And !”

"These... bastards may be happy too early!"

"Those...things that look...alien at first glance"

"Will there be no backup plan?"

Ross looked through the car window at the Army soldiers who were happily cleaning up the battlefield, but he smiled evilly and questioned maliciously.

"Several squads, as well as those indescribable bombers, were all scrapped here."

"I don't believe that the other side's commander will not retaliate!"


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 422 Intensive bombing

Ross guessed correctly.

It can even be said that revenge came too quickly.

William Stryker and Ross had just arrived at the outskirts of the base in their cars, and Yondu's Revenge Bombing Brigade had already arrived! ........................ Phew. ..!Boom!!!Boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!! When Ross heard the scream of the falling aerial bomb, Stryker and Ross looked up and saw it was like a waterfall pouring down. , densely packed aerial bombs fell from the sky! They were not high-energy laser weapons, nor energy bombs, but some space bombs that looked similar to Earth's technology.

Ross didn't know that this was just because Yondu and his team of raiders were getting worse as they got worse, and they were reluctant to use high-energy bombs in the face of the earth's junk technology.

But Ross knew that those...the so-called reinforcements who came to pick peaches and grab the credit...were finished!............. ..."Look!"

"What's in the sky"


"Densely packed, what?"

“Why doesn’t it feel like a good thing?”

In the interior of the American Federation, the fastest way to support the troops that come to grab the credit is to think about it either as an old officer or... as a young soldier.

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