Unlike Ross from the Air Force and Stryker, who was born in Ma Run, who immediately recognized the things in the sky, these guys didn't immediately recognize that the things in the sky were bombs! Of course, the Bald Eagle Having done so all over the world, it must be that in the subconscious mind of these officers and soldiers, it is impossible to think that someone or some force will come to bomb them.


"That's an aerial bomb!"

"It's over!"

"We're all screwed!"

"So many aerial bombs, so densely packed!"

"We have nowhere to hide!!!"

I have to say that among a group of old officers and a group of young soldiers, there are also some real battlefield veterans.

That dense and harsh whistling sound froze the souls of these veterans! Looking up at the densely packed bombs in the sky that were falling at a very fast speed, these veterans even instinctively avoided They couldn't move anymore, or in other words, they were so frightened that they were weak.

Having been on the battlefield, they understand that they have nowhere to hide from such intensive bombing. Even if they are not killed on the spot, the intensive explosion shock wave will send them all to hell! "This must be the presence of God." Punish us!"

Seeing the aerial bombs in their sight getting bigger and bigger, the veterans closed their eyes in despair.

Then boom boom boom boom!!!! With loud noises and shock waves, everyone's vision fell into darkness, and everyone's thinking completely ended! Even if some people were still in disbelief just now.

Even if some people are full of despair.

Whether it was a senior general or an officer or soldier with a powerful family background, at this moment, everyone's life sank to the ground. The entire scene was like it had been plowed countless times, and it was full of messes.

Seeing this scene from a distance, William Stryker and Ross had stupefied faces, not knowing what to say or what to say.

.................. "Tsk"

"Such an intensive bombing situation is rare."

While drinking an unknown drink from an unknown galaxy civilization and looking at the real-time image projected by Xiaobai, Qi Jun grinned.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 423 The secret deep in the earth’s core

“I don’t know the souls of these people.”

"Hell took it away"

"Death took it away"

All these...old and young officers and soldiers of the Mi Army were bombed to death, which did not arouse even the slightest pity from Qi Jun.

On the contrary, Qi Jun was more interested in the whereabouts of these guys' souls.

In fact, Qi Jun did the same thing.

Just when the American army and the Hexagon were furious, Yongdu's mood improved a little, and Stryker and Rose were in complicated moods, Qi Jun's mind followed these...ignorances on the battlefield. The soul is invading deep into the earth.

I dare not say that he is familiar with the rules of the soul, but Qi Jun, who has learned about the soul gems in the previous movie multiverse, is very familiar with the destination of the souls generated in the most special place in the Marvel world, the earth. interest.

But what Qi Jun is more surprised about is how all these souls have forgotten about the drilling inside the earth... "Could it be"

“The so-called hell in the West is really inside the earth”

"The hell dimension discovered before is just a decoration."

Qi Jun was suddenly confused.

I thought that after people died on earth, some souls would always go to the hell dimension, regardless of reincarnation.

As a result, Qi Jun's spiritual mind saw the overall situation, whether it was the American reinforcements who were killed on the battlefield, or the men of Stryker and Ross who died before.

Even! Even the souls of the dead plunderers who gathered on the earth from other places in the universe are all in a state of ignorance, heading towards the bottom in a daze and instinct.

......................."could it be"

"What is the relationship between the hell dimension and the earth?"

"The reincarnation of souls on earth is caused by the internal movement of the earth itself."

Qi Jun suddenly thought, don't those... demons in the hell dimension often break through the dimensional space and come to the earth to fight the autumn breeze? Doesn't this just mean that the hell dimension is just a dimension, and it is not the same as the earth? What's the connection? Otherwise, why would those... demons come to earth to capture souls in person?

The most famous among them is Mephisto, right? This guy comes to Earth every now and then to trick people, and after they die, he hooks their souls to the hell dimension.


"The interior of the earth attracts these souls who are instinctively close to them."

"Is it possible?"

"Yes, death"

The speculation of the hell dimension was not established, and Qi Jun thought of the 'death' of the five supreme gods! You know, the earth is the center of all Marvel multiverses.

With such special treatment, there's no guarantee that death won't be interested in it...

Finally, Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts followed these souls and came to the depths of the earth where he had never found any abnormalities when he scanned the earth before! Perhaps it was because of following these souls, or because Qi Jun had reached some kind of requirement.

In short, before this, Qi Jun's spiritual mind 'scanned the world' and found nothing abnormal. This time, Qi Jun discovered a huge secret in the deepest center of the earth! A secret attached to the center of the earth. The space above! And in this space, there is a 1, bang bang beating-a huge heart! Those souls who... instinctively came here are all attracted by this huge heart. His heart was torn to pieces between beats.

Then, these soul fragments turned into the most original energy and were absorbed by this huge heart... "What the hell!"

Qi Jun was completely stunned.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 424: Choose Steadyness

Guru "This Heart"

"It actually gave me a feeling of oppression."

"Could it be that this is the heart of a giant that is even more powerful than the multiverse?"


"Why is it in the center of the earth?"

"Could it be that"

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