"The earth is actually the heart that attracts and condenses the matter in the universe."

Qiang Ru Qi Jun was also surprised by this scene and subconsciously swallowed the saliva secreted from his mouth.

Qi Jun subconsciously thought of the cosmic elder he met on the Sovereign planet in the movie multiverse! "Wait...!"

"I remember, in a certain Marvel setting"

"The earth is condensed by the 'eternal heart'"

"What the hell!"

"It can't be this"

Qi Jun was shocked by his guess.


"The smell is wrong!"

"Although this heart gives me a feeling of oppression."

"But in fact, nothing can be done to me."

"In other words, even if the owner of this heart is present, he may not be able to do anything to me!"


"It's also possible that the original owner of this heart fell into decline after his death."

“To be on the safe side, it’s better not to explore blindly!”

Qi Jun hid a trace of his soul in this space and withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

The main thing at the moment is to focus on the Phoenix Power split! After devouring the Phoenix Power split, it's not too late to explore this unknown heart again! ........ .....Suddenly! Qi Jun discovered something even more terrifying.

These souls... that are attracted here are not here to be reincarnated, nor are they here to wash away their memories and be born into new beings.

Those...souls were actually crushed and absorbed by the huge heart in the hidden space deep in the earth's core! Where did the souls of those creatures on the earth come from? The mage of Kama Taj The Supreme Mage Ancient One actually turned a blind eye to this, and the Supreme Mage Ancient One did not interfere with it at all. "What the hell!"

"How can this be"

"Could it be that the mages are not aware of this at all?"


"This huge heart is... the mage's lineage hidden here."

The huge heart in front of him shocked Qi Jun's outlook on life.

Qi Jun did not believe that since the birth of the mage lineage on the earth, no one has ever explored the center of the earth. Moreover, why are those...souls collectively unconscious and instinctively After getting in here, being crushed and devoured, Qi Jun suddenly discovered that the Marvel he knew was not the real reality! The real Marvel world still hides countless secrets! ... .............."Huh"

"That's wrong"

"How come...the souls of people who died naturally are not attracted into the heart of the earth?"

"These...souls that died naturally had their memories erased through the rules of the soul, and then were reborn as new lives."

Qi Jun withdrew his spiritual thoughts and subconsciously scanned and observed the entire earth again.

But it was an unexpected discovery that the souls of those who died of natural causes, even those who died of illness, could be reincarnated on the earth normally. The souls of those... who died unexpectedly, But it was drawn to the center of the earth in a daze, and was crushed into original energy. "Why is this?"

"Is it possible?"

"This is to prevent these... people who died unjustly from becoming resentful ghosts."

Qi Jun was a little confused again.

This heart deep in the earth, and this kind heart.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 425 The beginning of darkness

Qi Jun did not care about the heart of the earth. The heart of the earth also attracted all the souls of abnormal deaths on the earth according to a certain set program, crushed them, returned them to their original source, and absorbed the energy.

Neither Qi Jun nor this unknown heart made any extra moves. Everything was as if it had never happened. What was before is what it is now.

But! The indifference of Qi Junhe's heart does not mean that other people really don't care about it.

Not to mention the distant Hexagonal Building, let’s just say that the racial school located near the center of the battlefield is already a mess! ........ and Qi Jun's magic modification is also slowly reinforced by Xiaobai.

.The base is not affected at all.

Because the race school was located so close to the center of the battle, Yondu's Marauder team was frightened when they fought against Stryker and Ross's special forces team.

At that time, the remaining teachers and students of the Renren School started emergency evacuation procedures.

But no matter what, the 'Bomber One' aircraft sent by Yondu came directly from orbital space, and a large group of mutant children did not even enter the escape channel.

The firepower erupted by Bomber One and its powerful shock wave destroyed most of the nearby racial school.

Unfortunately, the collapsed house directly buried the emergency evacuation route of the mutant school.

Those... mutant teachers and students who had not yet entered the passage suddenly became panicked.

But with great difficulty, under the leadership of prestigious teachers and seniors, everyone just calmed down and began to clean the entrance to the passage:.

But! Another bombing came quickly and unexpectedly! This time, the shock wave was more violent than before, and it suddenly drove the hearts of all mutant teachers and students into the bottomless abyss!.... .........After the violent shock wave passed, the surviving mutants found that their 'home' was gone! It was still there before: all the buildings that stood tenaciously collapsed. .

The entire mutant academy has completely become one. More importantly,...

Before, there were only individual deaths, serious injuries, and multiple injuries, but now it has become a malignant cancer that has reached an advanced stage.

After all, it is Yondu's bomb from the universe. Even if it is not an energy weapon, it is much more powerful than an aerial bomb of the same size on Earth.

After the powerful shock wave, the already precarious emergency evacuation channel collapsed directly, and all the mutants who entered the channel were buried alive! And on the ground, those mutants who did not enter the evacuation channel... More than half of the students died instantly in this shock wave attack! The only ones who could survive these two consecutive shock wave attacks, except... powerful mutants, were... .....He is a physically enhanced mutant.

What makes people feel even more sad and angry is that all the remaining mutant teachers and students are all injured, no one is spared! .................. "No!!!"

"I do not believe!!"

"How could it become like this!"

"What exactly is going on"

"Why did such a terrible thing happen!!!"

"God is unfair!!!"

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