"We have been staying in school and being obedient."

"We didn't hurt anyone!"

'Why are we being attacked like this'

"How unlucky we are!!!"

“How unfair is God!!!”

On the ruins of the Mutant Academy, which was filled with dust and black smoke, a shrill roar completely awakened all the mutant survivors.

Falling into sadness, fear, fear, anger, etc... The mutant survivors turned their heads and looked in the direction of the roar.

There, a young girl, looking at the corpses of mutant children in front of her, was roaring towards the sky like crazy.

Some older mutant students and mutant teachers discovered that an extremely powerful energy wave came from this girl's body.

And... a strong murderous intention! Even if they just feel the strong murderous intention mixed with the powerful energy fluctuations, all the surviving mutant teachers and students feel the terror of being stared at by the infinite abyss, even more so. The whole person seemed to be stimulated by a strong murderous intention, and his whole body was filled with ice! A terrifying existence was aroused!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 426 Yondu’s excitement!

"that is"

"Jean Grey!"

"It's that...unique girl who gets special treatment from the professor!"

"Oh my god...!"

"Is she so powerful?"

Jean Gray's indignation at the unfair fate attracted the attention of all the surviving mutants.

At this time, these survivors discovered that it turned out that... the girl who had never been sociable with them turned out to be the most terrifying existence in the entire mutant school! In the past, everyone just thought that she could not master her own abilities. It often leads everyone into a chaotic illusion.

After all, Jean Gray's ability is understood by most of the 'old people' in the mutant school to be a mental ability similar to Professor Charles.

But until today, everyone knew that they were all wrong! The girl who was treated specially by Professor Charles did deserve special treatment! Just the aftermath of the anger made all the mutants present feel confused. It was difficult to breathe, and her whole body was cold. This was a feeling that no other mutant had ever experienced! She actually had a powerful ability that could defeat all mutants!............ ......."not good!"

"She seems to be losing control!"

Although Charles is not here, all the police officers in the mutant school have gone on missions with Professor Charles.

But the mutant teachers who can be trusted by Charles to stay behind must also have abilities that enable Charles to trust him in some aspects.

While cheering for the mutants to have such powerful compatriots, these mutant teachers also discovered that the energy fluctuations in Qin Gray's body began to have a tendency to riot!... ............."withdraw!"

"Quickly retreat!"

"Everyone, please leave with us!"

Even Charles couldn't stop the riot, and this group of mutant teachers who were not even police officers were even more powerless to stop it.

Immediately, these mutant teachers called on all the remaining mutant students to evacuate quickly.

............."Report to the boss!"

"Powerful energy fluctuations were transmitted from our target location!"

Just when Jean Gray began to turn black and riot, in the Marauder battleship far away in space, a Marauder boy shouted in terror towards Yondu.

As for why it is said to be frightening, it is naturally because... "It's not good!"

"This energy level is rising so fast!"

"We have reached the third level energy limit!"


"It went right past the level four response!"

"Oh my god...!"

"It has entered the fifth-level energy level reaction!"


"Oh my god...!"

"It's still here: Ascension"

"This is impossible!"

"How could such a backward planet have such a thing?"

According to the universal energy level assessment of the universe, a five-level energy level reaction can already threaten the existence of a space battleship! The Marauder brothers who kept exclaiming did not realize that their boss Yongdu had already arrived behind them. Have arrived at the combat command platform.

"We should activate our trump card!"

"This kind of existence must be destroyed!"

Among the looters, someone started to make suggestions.

.........................But! Unlike other looters who started to panic.

Yondu, in his heart, began to feel ecstatic! If I could catch this guy and enslave him, at this moment, Magneto would no longer be noticed by Yondu.


"You can't use your trump card directly!"

"Let the bombing group test it out!"

Yondu's eyes flashed with madness.

Yondu also knew that if he could not successfully capture this guy with a violent energy level and kill him immediately, they would fall directly into hell! But! Yondu wants to give it a try! Yongdu, I want to Let’s take a gamble!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 427 Take action

"Bring that energy suppression gun we have in stock!"

"This guy is our biggest gain from coming to this planet this time!"

"This time, I will take action personally!"

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