"Once we capture this guy."

"Imagine our wonderful life in the future!"



While he was ordering the bombing brigade still on Earth to test the darkening Jean Gray, Yondu could no longer sit still and couldn't help but go out and capture Jean Gray himself.

Everyone knows that once they can successfully capture a powerful being like Qin Gray, whether it is brainwashed into one's slave to work for oneself or sold in the cosmic market, it will be a huge wealth that they could not even imagine before. !....................."but!"

"In case."

"Get our trump card ready."

"Once we fail to capture it, we will immediately activate our trump card to eliminate this threat!"

A gamble is a gamble, but Yondu will not rush forward without thinking.

If Jean Gray was her normal state after turning black, then Yondu would not dare to try to capture her at all, and even if he found her, he would run as far as he could.

The existence of a fifth-level energy reaction is enough to pose a huge threat to their warships, not to mention that Qin Gray seems to have more than a fifth-level reaction.

But at present, from the fact that Qin Gray's energy level reaction is still: skyrocketing, we know that Qin Gray's strength was probably sealed before this. Now that the seal has been broken, it cannot reach a perfect state.

And the powerful force that suddenly explodes cannot be fully grasped in an instant.

Yondu, what he was betting on was...during this period, he would use the powerful energy-level sealing weapon from the place he came from to seal Jean Gray again.

As long as their strength can be sealed, there will naturally be enough time to solve the problem of how to enslave them.


"We will have the antimatter annihilation bombs ready.


Yondu was ready to take action himself, and the Marauder brothers could naturally see that their boss was determined to win.

However, as Yondu said, once they were able to capture the 'blackened Jean Gray', the benefits to their team of marauders would not be too great! For a time, all the robbers were in trouble. The looters couldn't help but become excited.

..................... On Earth, after receiving the message from the Marauder warship on the battlefield, the bombing brigade responded immediately.

A dozen bombers moved over the ruins of the mutant school.

Since they were not far apart, only a few kilometers apart, these dozen bombers soon arrived over the ruins of the mutant school.

"Throw the strongest energy bomb!"

With the information coming from the Marauder warship and the bomber's own information collection device, the bombing brigade did not dare to neglect Jean Gray.

Therefore, as soon as they come up, they directly release the strongest energy bombs carried by the bombing brigade! .................. "You!"

"Everyone deserves to die!"

The changes in the bombing brigade above naturally cannot escape Jean Gray's perception.

If it were before today, Jean Gray might still be a good child.

But now, with enough stimulation, Qin Gray's perception is about to be completely blackened, and she can no longer... have to be Wu Xia Amon! "Give me, die!!!"

Even though the blackened personality has not completely taken control of the body, the behavior of the bombing brigade has obviously completely angered the darkened personality.

With a loud roar, a powerful energy shock wave was launched from Jean Gray's hand.

The target is naturally high in the sky.

All bombers!.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 428: Completely Darkened

Following Jean Gray's movements, a large ball of energy exuding powerful energy was ejected from her hand.

Boom! Boom! Boom! This large ball of energy seemed to be precisely controlled, splitting into a dozen smaller energy balls in an instant, and flying towards the energy bomb above the ruins of the mutant school.

The moment it collided with the energy bomb, two different types of energy erupted in a huge explosion.

Dozens of giant mushroom clouds rise high in the sky. Looking from a distance, it is spectacular! ............. At the same time, two kinds of incomparable energy The shock waves generated by the collision also started from each explosion point and radiated in all directions.

The first ones to bear the brunt are naturally the bombers of the high-altitude bombing brigade.

Without exception, all bombers were overturned by this violent shock wave.

Either it rolls and flies into the sky, or it rolls and falls to the ground.

But most of them were directly blown up in the explosion and impact! The strong explosion directly detonated the ammunition depot of the bombing brigade.

The explosion of the ammunition depot instantly turned Yondu's raider bombing brigade into the dust of history.

.........................except for the tragic experience of the looters.

The most tragic thing next to the looters is...those...those...who are evacuating quickly, but have not yet escaped from the ruins of the mutant school... .The remaining mutant teachers and students are now.

The extremely violent shock wave filled the sky and quickly came down. Except for the blackened Qin Gray who was not affected at all, all the remaining mutant teachers and students were instantly crushed to the ground! Even , the entire ruins of the mutant school were pressed into the ground for several meters by this powerful shock wave! Except for...the mutants with physical fitness, the remaining mutants who had just run with all their strength wanted to escape. , all died! But even those... mutants who specialized in physical fitness were all languid, looking as if they were about to die from serious injuries.

Of course, there are not exceptions among these people.

However, no one noticed that the 'little girl' who was knocked unconscious immediately after the explosion actually still had the breath of life intact.

It seems that nothing happened to this little girl except... she fainted. The little girl exuded a kind of fluctuation that no one present could see, but it was... All abnormalities were covered up.

............. "Weak!"

Qin Gray watched this scene with her own eyes, and saw with her own eyes that extremely cold words came out of her mouth in the past.

In fact, Jean Gray was able to save these fellow mutants before the shock wave arrived.

However, she didn't know what she thought of, or was influenced by her negative personality. Qin Gray just watched all of this indifferently, without even raising her hand, let alone helping these mutants survive the disaster. .


I don’t know if witnessing all this has accelerated something, or if it has opened some taboos.

Jean Gray's kind personality, which was still struggling to persist, was instantly shattered into pieces! Negative people instantly took over the initiative in her body, swallowing up and digesting the fragments of her kind personality.

It was also at this time that Jean Gray's negative personality completely integrated into her entire body.

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