It was also at this time that Qin Gray turned completely black! ........................Boom!!!! Qin Gray, who had completely turned black, suddenly A powerful force burst out! Suddenly, the entire world seemed to be dominated by Qin Gray.

"This is"

"The most powerful force?"

The fists are clenched.

Jean Gray, who had completely turned black, muttered to herself.

A trace of imperceptible fluctuations surrounded Qin Gray's body.

That's the blackened Phoenix Force!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 429: The plan of two bare generals


"This is too scary!"

In the distance, I have already driven in.

. Stryker and Ross, who were outside the base, saw this extremely terrifying scene through the car window, and they were in a trance.

You know, before this, they also planned to take down the entire mutant school, in addition to...collecting a portion of all mutant blood.

In addition to exchanging what they need, the company also plans to recruit all these mutants, put the useful ones into the army, and use the useless ones for experiments.

But now, the two of them know that in addition to the two big perverts, Charles and Eric, this mutant school actually has a Jean Gray who is more terrifying than those two. Stryker and Ross asked themselves, if they had known about this situation in advance, how could they dare to come to the mutant school? Unfortunately, the two of them didn't know at all that Jean Gray was terrifying only at this time. Here, Before, Jean Gray could indeed be said to be a helpless little girl. Under Charles's sheep education, the students in the mutant school did not have much fighting ability at all.

Otherwise, even if Charles took away all the soldiers, the mutant school would not be so miserable in this encounter, and Jean Gray would not turn black!...... ........."Speaking"


.The company is the most mysterious thing!”

With difficulty, Stryker looked away from the blackened Jean Gray who had slowly risen into the air, and saw through the car window.

.The environment around the base was not affected by this battle at all, but my heart felt even colder.

Look at the mutant school that was reduced to rubble in the aftermath of the battle, and the entire school was pushed several meters deep into the ground by the shock wave of the explosion.

Look again.

.The scene around the base has not changed at all from before the battle began.

Even, think about the previous shock wave coming.

.Inexplicably disappear without a trace when outside the base.

The chill in Stryker's heart kept rising........."This.

.The company is indeed hidden too deeply!”

"Perhaps this company is the strongest force in the world!"

Ross on the side also felt chilled in his heart.

Although compared to mutant school,.

.The base is slightly farther from the battle center, but the distance is limited.


The base is not affected by this sudden war at all, which is evident from the depth of its secrets! As a military general, especially an air force general, Ross is very aware of the power of those missiles in the military. .

But compared to the series of explosions that had just occurred on the battlefield, the missiles of their air force were simply insignificant.

The power of the Tomahawk cruise missile is not worthy of those... alien energy aerial bombs.

It can be said that if this series of explosions were gathered together, no one would think it was wrong to say that a nuclear bomb with a huge yield of 1 was detonated.

However, just like that explosion, or a series of explosions at close range, the strong man who was the final trump card of the mutant school who soared into the air did not suffer even a trace of damage! What made Ross's heart even more chilling was that the same Not affected in any way.


.The company has deployed countless branch bases around the world.


.If the company's... branch bases can all ignore such horrific explosions.

The company, how terrifying it is to be number one in the United States is really just a joke! .................. "Maybe"

"We can join.


After thinking for a moment, Ross glanced at Stryker and asked softly.


Stryker was stunned when he heard this.


“It’s really okay”

Stryker thought about it carefully, although he and Ross were directly related to each other.

But after all, the two of them have formal status as generals, and using this as a basis, perhaps,.

.The company happens to need them too.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 430: Joy

William Stryker thought about Ross's words carefully and understood what Ross was planning.

First of all, they are already the bare commanders. Even though there are still many troops who obey their orders in their base, in this conflict, all their direct subordinates were wiped out. Those guys in the Hexagon Building couldn't think of anything with their butts. Knowing that the blame will definitely be passed on to them, it is still unclear whether they can retain their current status as brigadier generals, and whether the so-called subordinates in their base will listen to their orders is also a question.

Second, join in.

.The company has great benefits! In just half a year,

.The company can spread its power all over the world and establish sub-bases everywhere without being wiped out by various countries. If you think about it carefully, you can understand the terrifying energy behind this.

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