Once Stryker and Ross join.

.Company, was marked.

After the company imprint, it can be borrowed.

.The prestige of the company, when the time comes, those gentlemen in the Hexagon Building will probably have to think about and discuss it for a while if they want to rectify it. They may even know that they have joined.

.It’s not necessarily natural that you won’t even dare to fart after the company. The benefits are great, but the disadvantages are also impossible.

Nothing can be perfect in this world.

At least, for ordinary people like them, nothing can be perfect! However, for Stryker and Ross, who have become polished commanders, even if they join.

.After the company, their actions will be affected.

.The company's restrictions, controls, and orders, such as the brand new subordinates they recruit, will all become.

.The company's private soldiers, etc... situations.

But in terms of the benefits they will receive after joining, all these restrictions are acceptable to both of them! Even! It can be said that after seeing the blackened Qin Gray flying into the sky, The two of them became even more serious about joining.

.The company’s ideas.

In this era where superpowers are rampant, in this world where the strong take all.

If you can't make yourself strong, then joining the most powerful party and closely following the footsteps of the strongest party, isn't it the most correct thing to do!...... .....Qi Jun didn't know how many unknown psychology and activities had occurred in the hearts of Stryker and Ross in such a short period of time.

But Qi Jun was very happy when he saw Qin Gray finally transformed! "Hahahaha!!!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

In addition to being in a good mood, Qi Jun even said three good words, which was enough to show how happy Qi Jun was.

"Qin Gray has finally turned dark!"

"Although it's different from what I expected."

"But this is not a problem at all for Qin Gray's complete transformation!"

Qi Jun obviously thought of what he had done to Xiaobai before.

But she didn't expect that before Xiaobai's arrangement came into effect, Qin Gray was turned into a villain in advance by various unexpected circumstances when Qi Jun, a big butterfly, flapped its wings and messed up the plot of "Apocalypse". .

But these... it doesn't matter, even Qi Jun has to applaud these guys! Because for Qi Jun, after Qin Gray's successful blackening, this multiverse The Phoenix Power split, the time until it is swallowed by Qi Jun has officially entered the countdown! .................. "Tsk tsk"

"Poor little guy" now that Jean Gray has successfully turned black.

"Then it's time for you to come out."

Jean Gray has already played most of her role.

The remaining time is... waiting for the Phoenix Force split to arrive.

As long as Qin Gray did not die unexpectedly or leave the earth before the Phoenix Power split arrived, Qi Jun was not going to pay attention to it. After all, even if Qin Gray was instantly promoted to the Heavenly Father level after turning black, it would not be enough. ...Qi Jun's punch exploded.

Qi Jun's eyes were focused on the ruins of the mutant school...which were pushed several meters underground by the blast wave.

Qi Jun clearly sensed that there was a little girl buried deep in the ruins.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 431 Nina

Everything that the mutant school encountered during this battle can be described as an "unexpected disaster."

Yondu's team of raiders have their own ideas, as do Stryker and Ross.

But from the side, it just shows that being weak is the original sin! And being weak and being bullied makes people want to bully you every day! The mutant school under the leadership of Charles obviously fits the bill. These.........characteristics.

Some people say that Charles is too much of a Madonna and too idealistic.

Qi Jun believes that what happened to the mutant school can corroborate this statement.

He has the powerful ability to control other people's thoughts, but he doesn't know how to use it. He only uses it to protect himself from being targeted. Even his fellow mutants cannot protect him.

In Qi Jun's opinion, this kind of ability is worse than not having it at all.

At least, although Magneto is wanted by the whole world, no one will think that he is incompetent.

Even if Qi Jun knows that Charles does not use his abilities wantonly, he is actually trying to prevent himself from becoming dark. After all, once his abilities become dark, it will have a terrible impact on ordinary people's society. Just thinking about it can make him... It's creepy.

However, just suppressing the darkness in his heart and trying hard to maintain his kind-hearted appearance, but not knowing how to use his abilities to make profits for his own tribe, in Qi Jun's opinion, this guy is also an old die-hard.

Maybe it has something to do with the education this guy received, maybe it has something to do with the environment he grew up in...but no matter what, the mutant school became The ruins were ruins. Except for the policemen who were taken away by Charles and Magneto, most of the people in the entire mutant school died in this battle. The few remaining guys who were still alive were seriously injured and disabled, and there was no more... timely If he is treated, he will be a waste for the rest of his life.

The only one who was not harmed in this battle and whose strength was greatly improved, Jean Gray, has completely turned black and no longer considers herself a member of the Mutant Academy. If she sees Charles again, she will kill him directly. The old bastard who has sealed her negative personality for many years! If you calculate it this way, in this battle, the mutant school became a 100% loser! Stryker and Rose surrendered for their own benefit and got Xiaobai's Reviewed and added.

.company, although there are no more direct troops under their command, these two people rely on...

.The company’s influence and influence on a global scale have also skyrocketed.

The only one that is slightly better than the mutant school is the Hexagon Building.

But that... is also under the condition that Yondu and the blackened Jean Gray don't look for trouble with them.

.................."this little guy"

“Slept very soundly”

In the explosive battleship, Qi Jun had a thought, and the little girl who was buried in the ruins of the mutant school suddenly appeared in front of Qi Jun.

This little girl is none other than Magneto's daughter, the little mutant Nina who has the ability to communicate with all beasts! At this moment, little Nina is shrouded in an invisible energy shield, except... ..Except for being knocked unconscious by the previous shock wave, this little girl did not suffer any harm at all.

Qi Jun even discovered that this little girl still had a smile on her face. She didn't know what sweet dream she was having. "I just don't know."

"After this girl wakes up"

"Would you not be able to accept it?"

Magneto left with Charles and the police.

But little Nina's mother still stayed in the mutant school.

Little Nina's mother did not have the means Qi Jun secretly left to protect her, so she died directly in this disaster!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

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