Chapter 432: Plane crash?



"I do not believe!"

Professor Charles, who was far away in the Bear Country, got a call from someone who didn't know who he was, and he went crazy.

Kong! An invisible yet deadly wave of terror spread with Charles as the center.

Uh, Magneto, Beast, Shockwave, etc... people didn't even think of resisting, everyone fainted in an instant! Suddenly, they didn't know that the pilot of the fighter plane, also known as Beast, was in When he fainted, his slumped body touched something, and the fighter plane siren sounded instantly, and the entire fighter plane seemed to have lost power and suddenly slowed down. The entire fighter plane also began to make a "falling leaf"-like movement and began to spin. , falling towards the ground.



The sudden siren and the feeling of weightlessness restored Charles' consciousness.

Without any time to regret his impulse, Charles quickly penetrated his mental power into the mind of Hank the Beast.

Although Charles knew that such a violent method would cause some irreversible damage to Hank's brain.

But Charles couldn't care so much anymore.

You know, although they arrived in the Bear Country because of their pursuit of Apocalypse, they are still: 10,000 meters above the ground, but have not landed on the ground.

The fighter plane lost control and the pilot fainted. Everyone can imagine what will happen.

Not to mention that Charles has not lived enough, he has lived enough, but the mutant school he just married has become a ruin, most of the mutants are dead, and the few physical mutants who are lucky enough to survive will also They would all become disabled and useless, and Charles would never be willing to die like this! For the first time, Charles had the idea of ​​revenge on everyone in his heart! For the first time, in his heart, Charles no longer believed that mutants should live in peace with ordinary people.

【My peaceful confrontation was rewarded with constant targeting.

I'm showing off my cards! I'm going to kill everyone!]——.

Professor Charles has a tendency to become a black man!......................"Well..."

"Head hurts!"

"What's wrong with me"

After being violently awakened by Charles, 'Beast' Hank had a splitting headache and couldn't remember what happened. He even didn't realize that he was losing weight because he had just woken up.


"The fighter plane is out of control!"

"Get the fighter back under control quickly!"

Seeing Hank's uncomfortable look, Charles had no time to explain, and directly used his mental power to directly and actively influence Hank's mind.

At this time, Charles hated himself. Why didn't he learn how to control a fighter plane? The rubbish wheelchair was so easy to sit on. "The fighter plane was out of control."

"Change out!"

"Change it out immediately!"

Stimulated by Charles' ability, Hank suddenly came to his senses.

Without enough time to say anything to Charles, Hank immediately sat upright and began to control the fighter console again.



In an emergency, Hank simply evolved the 'Kato Hawk Hand', and the entire operating table was completely covered with an invisible shadow.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 433 I can’t believe it


"So suspenseful!"

"We almost went to see God en masse!"

Finally, after a period of quick maneuvers by Hank, the plane finally successfully recovered at an altitude of only 100 meters above the ground. With a burst of sonic boom that tore the sky apart, it once again reached an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Speaking of which, it's a good thing that Hank himself tinkered with the machine, and he knew the functions of those...buttons. Otherwise, with Charles's outburst, they These mutants, who are considered the most powerful among the mutant race, are probably going to burp themselves.

Falling straight down from an altitude of 10,000 meters, plus the fuel, missiles, etc. in the fighter plane, even if it was a Colossus, he would probably die on the spot! In this case, if there are any mutants who can survive, I am afraid it will be The little bitchy Deadpool is the only one left.

............. "Charles!"

"what is going on"

"Did something terrible happen?"

"You know, when Eric assassinated the president, he didn't see you so out of control!"

After flying the aircraft to the leveling floor and setting the automatic mode, Hank the Beast was finally in the mood to complain.

However, the bursts of pain that kept coming from his brain also made the famous 'beast' sound less kind.

As the mutant who has stayed with Charles for the longest time, 'Beast Hank' has a perfect understanding of Charles' abilities.

Hank was sure what the pain in his brain was doing.

In addition, the culprit who caused all this was none other than Charles himself, and Hank was also very upset.

If he hadn't followed Charles for too long, Hank would have wanted to transform into a 'beast' and tear Charles apart.

First knocking everyone out, and then stimulating the brain regardless of the consequences, Hank didn't know how many...brain cells he would die in this moment.

After this situation passes, Hank's brain will probably shrink a lot. Who the hell can stand this... ."No!"

"This time is different!"

It was as if he didn't hear Hank's complaints and didn't take them seriously. Charles didn't seem to care about Hank's tone, expression or actions.

"It's over!"

"It's all over!"

"My blood!"

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