None of the companions around him felt anything, but Professor Charles, who was in a crazy state as the target, instantly tilted his head and fainted.

Sound waves can not only be used as radar, but can also be very lethal at times! Charles' ability is invincible at certain times.

But the Kraken's ability can be considered to be able to suppress Charles to a certain extent.

....................."In the end what happened"

Seeing Charles fainted, the pressure on everyone instantly dissipated, and everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Turning his head, 'Magneto' Eric Lensherr asked the still frightened Beast 'Hank.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 435 Reflection

"Uncle Qi Jun!"

"You came to see Nina!"

Just when Magneto and other mutants were questioning Hank, little Nina, who was summoned by Qi Jun through his space power, woke up at this moment in the battleship in outer space.

Because she was suddenly knocked unconscious before, little Nina was... confused for a while when she woke up. However, after meeting her dear Uncle Qi Jun, the little doubts in little Nina's mind were suddenly eliminated. the horizon.

The little guy immediately jumped down from the nursing bed, and then jumped onto Qi Jun, who was lying on the recliner. He was extremely happy.


"Uncle Qi Jun is here to see you."

"Have you missed Uncle Qi Jun?"

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hands to protect little Nina to prevent the little guy from falling. Seeing the little guy's smiling face, Qi Jun even forgot the fact that he had taught little Nina skills before and there was no way she would fall like this.


"Of course I did"

Little Nina nodded her head fiercely, her eyes narrowed into crescent shapes.

Seeing the patient look on little Nina, Qi Jun couldn't help but stretched out his sinful hand and rubbed little Nina's hair into a mess, "Oh!"

"Uncle Qi Jun is still so annoying.


"We haven't seen each other for so long, but when we meet, it still ruins my cute hairstyle!"

Little Nina slapped Qi Jun's nasty big hand away, raised her two small hands and tried hard to smooth her hair, with her little mouth pouting, which made her look even cuter.

........... Just tell the truth to the little girl. The little girl’s injury will be too great. Seeing the little girl’s sunshine and cuteness, Qi Jun’s heart I couldn't bear to tell her the fact that her mother had died tragically.

Damn it! My grandson is still making trouble for his own tribe.

Even if we are to protect the little girl's smile, we can't let her lose her mother. We are already giants at the Yuan Universe level, so what can we do even if we resurrect the little girl's mother? Shangzi is not capable of what he most wants to do.

This guy has the strength but he still thinks ahead and does what he wants to do! Qi Jun was amusing himself with little Nina while he was also thinking about it in his heart.

It seems that after traveling to this mutant multiverse, it seems that I can't do anything. How the hell is that okay! As cultivators, we naturally have our own destiny! We should act in accordance with our own hearts, and we should do whatever goes with our heart. Ah! The special code is that there are a few supreme gods in this multiverse that I dare not provoke for the time being. Anyway... the original purpose of traveling to this universe has been achieved, and no matter what I do, it will not be a loss! As for me, I secretly poked at you. The ground has been crawling with grass so long as it’s dry! When it gets older, just run through it! I’m afraid of chicken feathers! .................. After some reflection, Qi Jun felt something in his heart Made a decision.

That is, resurrecting little Nina’s mother who has been shattered by the unknown heart in the center of the earth to return the source of energy! “Isn’t it just the heart of a giant who doesn’t know whether he is alive or not?”

"I have the infinite gems in hand!"

"There is another golden thigh with mutated gems!"

"He is a giant with multiverse strength!"

"I don't believe it"

"What bad things will happen if little Nina's mother is resurrected?"


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 436 Resurrection

At the ruins of the mutant school, Qi Jun teleported here after coaxing little Nina to sleep.

After questioning his feelings, Qi Jun would naturally no longer watch little Nina without a mother.

Qi Jun is not the Holy Mother. Qi Jun doesn't care what happens to other people.

But since little Nina and he have such a fate, and Qi Jun can't bear the little guy's heartache, Qi Jun will naturally resurrect little Nina's mother.

Maybe this is a kind of protection of beauty..."I wish I had saved little Nina's mother from the beginning. "

"What the hell is this?"


"never mind"

"Let's work"

After a few words of complaint, Qi Jun began to prepare to resurrect little Nina's mother.

The mother who resurrected little Nina is different from others.

When others die, their souls either reincarnate or are taken away. To resurrect them, all you need to do is to get their souls back, reshape their bodies, and then integrate their souls into the body. For Qi Jun, this is a simple matter. It couldn't be any simpler.

But the death of little Nina's mother is not so easy to resurrect in this multiverse! Little Nina's mother's soul has neither entered reincarnation nor been captured by demons from extraterritorial dimensions, nor has it entered the kingdom of 'death'. Instead, it was directly stirred into the origin of the universe by the huge heart hidden in the space gap in the center of the earth, and it was completely absorbed by the heart.

In this case, even if Qi Jun has the soul gem of this universe in his hands, Qi Jun cannot save the soul of little Nina’s mother! Returning something that has become its original source is really difficult to recreate! It’s special! Yes, after little Nina's mother's soul was crushed into Yuoriyuan energy, her existence was directly erased from the universe's timeline.

Under this situation, Qi Jun wanted to use the time to extract the soul of little Nina's mother from the timeline, but he couldn't do it! Not only the source, but also all traces were erased in this multiverse, even if he collected them all Even if you snap the Infinity Gauntlet that contains the Infinity Stones, you can't save them! Just like those souls who... were sacrificed to the Soul Stone and their wisdom was wiped out, even if all the Infinity Stones are collected Even if you make a wish, you can't be saved again! ........But! This is not a problem for Qi Jun! Because Qi Jun still has his own golden thighs Ah! The complete form of a gem is an existence that is more advanced than the entire Marvel world.

With this trump card, there is really nothing that Qi Jun can't do in the Marvel world! You know, Qi Jun's control over the mutated gemstones has increased to a higher level because he swallowed the fragments of the Heart of the Universe.

Qi Jun has now reached 90% control! This is something that Qi Jun originally needed to advance to another level of strength! As Qi Jun's control over the mutant stones increases, Qi Jun's ability to use the mutant stones will increase. What you have accomplished will naturally make you stronger and stronger! .................. "Eh"

"With such a pitiful look, Qi Jun took out the unrecognizable body of little Nina's mother from the ruins with a wave of his hand.

"Exotic gems"

"Give me to go back in time and bring back the soul of little Nina's mother to the time before she was harmed!"

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