Qi Jun directly released the control of the energy in his body and allowed the mutant gem to extract energy to resurrect little Nina's mother.

There is no doubt about the power of turning gemstones. The only disadvantage for Qi Jun is that... before he can fully control it, he has to provide energy if he wants to use it to do things.

However, considering Qi Jun's current 90% control, the energy required is only enough to recover without even taking a single breath.

No burden at all!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 437: Changes in the Earth’s Center

In fact, before Qi Jun could finish speaking, an invisible energy enveloped the body of little Nina's mother.

After all, Qi Jun's golden finger is controlled by Qi Jun's mind and soul. After all, speaking takes time. Is there any instruction that can be faster than a thought? However, just when Qi Jun's voice just fell, Qi Jun I sensed something was wrong.

............. "The whole earth shook"

Just when the unrecognizable body of little Nina's mother was quickly returning to its previous appearance, Qi Jun noticed that the entire earth began to tremble slightly.

This slight tremor is indeed extremely slight. Let alone ordinary people, even planet-level experts cannot feel it at all.

But this kind of tremor is no longer elusive for people with Heavenly Father-level strength, let alone people with multiverse-level strength like Qi Jun. Giant.

What's more, Qi Jun used all his mental energy to avoid accidents.

It can be said that the entire solar system is under Qi Jun's surveillance, and the extremely slight tremors of the entire earth have not escaped Qi Jun's senses at all.

However, in an instant, Qi Jun discovered the source of this tremor.

Qi Jun extended more of his spiritual thoughts and immediately discovered that this tremor turned out to be the vibration of the space hidden in the heart at the center of the earth! The vibration of space caused the vibration of the earth's center.

The vibrations in the earth's core naturally cause the entire earth to have the same tremor reaction.

......................."could it be"

"What's going on with that heart?"

Qi Jun made a judgment in his mind, and immediately his spiritual thoughts broke through the space barrier at the center of the earth, entered inside, and observed the situation inside.


"Is it so fierce?"

When Qi Jun saw clearly what was going on inside, he was shocked.

From the outside, although the space is shaking, it is not serious.

What Qi Jun didn't expect was that the huge heart hidden in the space was no longer the ordinary look it had before.

At this moment, this huge heart of unknown origin seemed to have taken a stimulant. One moment... it expanded to an extremely huge size, and the next moment... it shrank to a tenth of its original size like a cramp. A 10% size.

With just one thought from Qi Jun, Qi Jun discovered that this huge heart had expanded and shrunk dozens of times! And as the heart expanded and shrunk, a large amount of energy spewed out from the heart. Stir the whole space into chaos.

With the riot of these energies, the entire space trembled.

Fortunately, the barrier of this space is thick enough. No matter how the heart changes and no matter how violent the energy it spits out, there is no sign of this space breaking apart.


"Fortunately, this space is strong enough."

"Otherwise, the space will collapse and the center of the earth will be destroyed immediately."

"Once the center of the earth is destroyed"

"Then the earth will naturally be doomed."

After understanding the reason, Qi Jun shrugged his shoulders and was just a little bit thankful that the earth was safe and sound. However, Qi Jun also discovered from here why this heart happened like this. Abnormal movement.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 438: Is Tianqi a good person?

Qi Jun discovered that while this huge heart of unknown origin was expanding and shrinking, it was spitting out energy.

A trace of soul source power was mixed with these energies and spit out together.

But these soul-source powers only appeared for a moment and then disappeared without a trace. Even if they were as strong as Qi Jun's current strength, there was no trace of them.

However, although Qi Jun did not discover how these soul source powers dissipated.

But Qi Jun discovered that the place where these soul powers appeared again was on the body of little Nina's mother! In other words, it can no longer be called a corpse.

Under the change of the exotic gemstone, little Nina's mother's body has returned to the same state as when she was not injured at all, and even her breathing has recovered.

This body now is like a vegetative state. The only difference is that...the soul has returned to the body.

And now, under the influence of the mutated stone, the soul that had been shattered by the huge heart deep in the earth and returned to the origin of the universe has begun to reappear bit by bit!... ......."Tsk tsk"

"This method"

"It can definitely be called 'creation'"

Seeing the soul of little Nina's mother gradually taking shape, Qi Jun was also amazed by this.

You know, little Nina's mother's soul was crushed by that huge heart before and returned to the original energy of the universe.

In this case, even with Qi Jun's current strength and the gathering of infinite gems, there is no way to bring back the soul of little Nina's mother.

Even if a soul is forcibly traced back and manifested, it has nothing to do with the original mother of little Nina. It is just a specially 'customized' soul, and even the memory is specially written down.

But under the method of mutating gems, the soul body that was gradually condensed and formed was... the mother of little Nina before! The soul is exactly the same, without any change! This method can be said to be... It was an eye-opener for Qi Jun!........................"But"

"I will soon have this method too!"

Thinking that he is only a multiverse-level power now and already has 90% of the authority of mutant gems.

All he needs to do is break through Jun one more time with his strength, and he will be able to gain complete control over the changes.

By then, Qi Jun, who has completely controlled the mutant gems, will naturally be able to fully master this magical ability! "Speaking of it"

"I also want to thank this guy Tianqi"

"He is really a good person...!!!"

A fragment of an extremely powerful heart of the universe is actually used by Apocalypse as a carrier of power transfer, just like the ancient artifact 'God-killing Spear', but is used to dry clothes. What kind of secret is this? This is nothing like a waste of natural resources. What's the difference? But now, such a big benefit has come true to Qi Jun! .................. "I don't know either."

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