"After swallowing the Phoenix Power fragment"

"Can you advance smoothly?"

"If we can advance smoothly,"

"That would be really cool:!"

According to the original promotion procedure, if Qi Jun wanted to fully control the mutated gems, he had to be promoted two more times to reach the omnipotent universe level before he could fully control the mutated gems.

But Apocalypse, a 'good guy', had such a good thing as the Heart of the Universe fragment, but he didn't know how to use it, so he took advantage of Qi Jun in vain.

The mutated gem swallowed up this fragment of the heart of the universe, but Qi Jun gained more control over the mutated gem...10% of the authority.

Now, Qi Jun only needs to reach super cosmic level strength to fully control the mutated gems.

When the time comes, if Qi Jun is allowed to dodge now, the so-called five supreme gods who are unwilling to confront Qi Jun will become helpless in front of Qi Jun! That's why Qi Jun said that this Apocalypse is really a 'good guy'. ..!!!......................Of course...after swallowing the Phoenix Power split, will we be able to successfully enter the super universe-level strength? Jun is not so sure either.

However, Qi Jun will definitely not stop on his way to becoming stronger! Even if he does not advance through Devour this time.

The worst he can do is swallow a few more. What's more, Qi Jun's original purpose of coming to this multiverse was just to collect more Infinity Stones.

Who would have known that in order to swallow more Phoenix Power fragments, Qi Jun would have another... romance.

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 439: Attack Qi Jun?

"It's you!"

Just when the huge heart hidden in the space deep in the earth's core was rioting, it was also when the soul of little Nina's mother was rapidly taking shape.

The blackened Qin Gray, who was flying in mid-air and had just exploded all the raiders' bombing brigade, slowly descended from the sky.

And the moment she saw Qi Jun's face, a bad memory appeared in the mind of Qin Gray, who had completely turned black.

That was a memory that she really didn't want to remember! It was also the first time that she questioned Professor Charles in her heart.

This was the day when she was helpless against the tyrannical Qi Jun! .................. "You actually appeared in front of me again"

Looking at Qi Jun's handsome face, Qin Gray was not moved by it at all. Instead, she was extremely irritable, and an angry emotion immediately spread in her heart.

Although Qin Gray knew that they were in the wrong at the beginning and deserved to be treated like that by Qi Jun.

But! Who is the current Jean Gray? The current Jean Gray is the 'Dark Phoenix' who has completely darkened! As the 'Dark Phoenix' whose strength has skyrocketed and reached the level of the Heavenly Father, the blackened Jean Gray, Finally, I felt the excitement of revenge.

It has to be said that Qin Gray, whose strength has soared, has already developed the illusion that she has the whole world under her control.

She had no idea what kind of person she was about to face! "Do you know that scene from back then has been stimulating me deeply in my heart?"

"No one can treat me like that!"

"Whether it's Charles or Magneto!"

"Whether it was you back then or you now, "you will pay the price for your previous actions!"


"Already, no longer the same"

The blackened Jean Gray suddenly laughed wildly.

"Die to me!"

The manic Phoenix Power burst out from Jean Gray's body.

In an instant, the entire ruins of the mutant school were enveloped by this invisible energy.

"No one can suppress me anymore!"

Invisible energy rioted around Jean Gray, making Jean Gray scream hysterically, making her look like a madman about to fall into the darkness.


"Sure enough, the blackened stuff just...has no brains."

Powerful and huge energy, wrapped in boundless, cold murderous intent, attacked Qi Jun.

But Qi Jun sighed quietly, his choice for the Phoenix Power was really not worth it.

What kind of host is not good to host? Why host such a brainless person... Of course Qi Jun also knows the reason why Qin Gray The transformation into this ghostly appearance is actually closely related to Charles's sealing of Jean Gray's internal abilities for many years, as well as his discrimination and suppression of her.

Is the host chosen by the Phoenix Force really so unbearable? Obviously not! But Jean Gray had just awakened her ability back then and couldn't master it well.

At this time, all you need is positive guidance.

It's a pity that Charles chose the last resort - suppression, sealing! What kind of existence is the Phoenix Force? How could it be willing to be sealed and suppressed by a mere mutant? From then on, Jean Gray's darkening has already begun. The root of the disaster was laid!

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 440: Yondu’s victory

What kind of existence is the Phoenix Force? Even if the Phoenix Force possessing Jean Gray is just a small fragment, it cannot be provoked by anyone.

Even if a newbie like Qin Gray is directly transformed into a dark person, she can be instantly transformed into a Heavenly Father-level master.

From this point of analysis, it is enough to see how powerful the Phoenix Force is.

But Charles Xavier relied on his peak strength as a fourth-level mutant and the weakest moment when the Phoenix Force fragments first attached themselves to Jean Gray to seal her.

Even if the Phoenix Power fragment is unconscious, its instinctive resistance and disgust will naturally affect its host over time.

It can be said that Charles himself played a large role in the reason why Jean Gray turned black just now, or even completed it so quickly! What's more, before.

While at the base, Jean Gray also saw the real dark side behind Charles’ hypocritical face...

All kinds of things have piled up together. According to the original plot, Jean Gray was supposed to take a dark turn much later, but she was brought forward to now.

.....................Of course, even if Jean Gray has completely turned dark now.

But she chose the wrong opponent because of her expansion, which would inevitably lead to her having a bad start.

Qi Jun is a multiverse-level giant! He will be hurt by a mere Heavenly Father-level Qin Gray. Even if this Jean Gray is completely transformed from the 'Dark Phoenix', she can fully exert all the Heavenly Father-level abilities. Strength, but then... so what...................... "Get out!"

Seeing that the huge energy mixed with the Phoenix Power was about to hit Qi Jun's face, Qi Jun's face turned cold and his eyes widened! This energy group that can explode all the energy on the earth dissipated in an instant. The ground was completely clean, as if it had never appeared before! One word! Qi Jun easily defused the full blow of a furious Heavenly Father-level master! It was so terrifying!...... ..........."this"


A piercing scream sounded, and the blackened Qin Gray was in disbelief.

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