She felt like she could blow up the universe. How could she blow away the universe with all her strength and be knocked away by this man with a loud shout? This is something that a human can do. He is a magic horse, even if it is the blackened Qin Gray, in a short time , also fell into deep self-doubt.


Just at this moment, a golden light flashed, and a weapon similar to a catching rod pierced down from the sky, instantly stabbing Qin Gray, who was trapped in self-doubt.

Immediately, the capture rod disintegrated in an instant and turned into a restraint belt, wrapping Qin Gray's entire body and restraining her.

At the same time, the restraint belt that instantly bound Jean Gray also released a strong binding field, firmly confining Jean Gray in the force field.

It’s a long story, but in reality it only happened in the blink of an eye.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"I didn't expect that!"

"Come into the sorghum bowl obediently!"

This was Yondu who had just taken a gamble from the Marauder battleship and came to capture Jean Gray in person! Yongdu was in a great mood. Even his bombing brigade had been completely wiped out, and he no longer cared at all. Yondu, who thought he had caught Jean Gray by surprise, once swelled up just like Jean Gray before.

.................."Poor guy"

Qi Jun glanced at Yongdu with pity.

This guy obviously didn't realize how much Qin Gray had changed compared to before.

Jean Gray is about to turn black.

And Jean Gray, who has completely turned black.

These are completely two different existences!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 441: Die together?

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"court death!!!"

"You all deserve to die!!!"

The existence of the binding force field has absolutely no effect on the blackened Jean Gray.

Qin Gray, who was already irritated by Qi Jun's appearance, was even more irritated by Yondu's actions at this moment! "Open it!!"

She stretched out her hands to grab the restraints around her body and pulled hard. Qin Gray violently tore all the restraints around her body to pieces.

The restraining force field was also destroyed when the restraint belt was torn.

"How is that possible!!!"

Yondu's laughter suddenly stopped as if someone was strangling his throat. After seeing Jean Gray's actions, he was even more shocked.

The smile that hasn't faded away, coupled with the sudden expression of shock, looks weird.

.................. "Come and die!!!"

Jean Gray, who was already furious, didn't care what you thought. As soon as she exerted her strength with her feet, her whole body rose up from the ground and shot towards Yongdu in the air.

"not good!"

"Fight back!"

"Fight back quickly!"

It has to be said that although he was shocked that Jean Gray was able to break through the restraining force field, Yondu has experienced countless "battles" in the universe, and his on-the-spot reaction is also extremely fast.

"Energy Level Suppression Gun: Here"

"Shoot now! Shoot her down!"

"Zhinao, aim and hit me!"

In the Earth's atmosphere, in a strange-looking aircraft suspended high in the sky, Yondu spoke very quickly and gave orders.

Regarding the existence of Jean Gray's powerful energy level reaction, Yondu never thought about his shark fin whistle arrow. It was impossible for that thing to pose any threat to such a strong person.

"She's coming!"

"Battleship! Battleship!"

"Aim at her, activate all energy weapons, and knock her down!"

Even though he was giving orders extremely fast, and even though he had plenty of experience, he didn't make any wrong orders.

However, seeing Jean Gray, who was marked as extremely dangerous, about to rush in front of him, Yondu was still shocked in his heart.

You know, even when he faced the huge army of the Kree Empire, although he turned around and ran away, Yondu had never been so panicked or frightened.

Even when facing Star-Lord's father, the living planet god, Yondu has never been so horrified, even if Ego's energy level reaction is higher than that of Jean Gray.

How could I be deceived by a pig and take action against such a strong man? At this moment, Yongdu finally felt remorse in his heart.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Even if he had time to look back on this ability, it would not be something Yondu could covet.

Through the ultra-long-distance monitor in the aircraft, Yondu could clearly see the murderous intent and cruelty in the eyes of Qin Gray who was flying towards him!...... ..........."Battleship!"

"I am Yondu the Marauder!"

"This may be the last one I give!"

"I order you to leave Planet 5 immediately!"

"Get ready to activate the antimatter annihilation bomb!"

"Once I die!"

"Let this be smashed to pieces, and this planet will be buried with me!"

It has to be said that Yondu is quite capable to be the leader of the raiders.

It's just that... not everyone can have this kind of determination that can quickly stabilize and issue orders even though they know that they may not escape death! However, the same thing.

After giving this order, Yondu's eyes also began to turn red, and his whole person entered a violent state.

"Give me full power and turn on all engines!"

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