"All weapon systems aim at this and smash it, attack with all your strength!"

After contacting the battleship in space, Yondu took the initiative to shut down all communications. He went into a state of madness and controlled all the weapon systems in the aircraft to attack the flying Jean Gray.


"As you command!"


The communication with Yondu was interrupted, and there was silence in the battleship for a moment before someone responded solemnly.

"The battleship turns!"

"Follow the captain's instructions and stay away from Planet 5!"

"Turn on all energy weapon systems and remotely support Captain Yondu!"

"Push the antimatter annihilation bomb into the launch port, start the ignition process, and be ready to launch!"

Maybe there is an emergency plan, or maybe there is a new leader.

In short, the Marauder warship obeyed Yondu's order. The Marauder warship turned around and began to continuously launch energy attacks into the earth while starting to move away from the earth.

But at the same time, on the side of the Marauder warship, a valve similar to a missile launch port was opened, and a 1 spit out a dark coating, something like a missile warhead that could absorb all light, emerged from the valve mouth. He came out and aimed in the direction of the Earth, locking onto the atmosphere where Yondu was.

"in addition!"

"Start the space jump program!"

"Start all propulsion engines and enter the preheating state. Instant afterburners must be activated at any time!"

"Once the anti-matter annihilation bomb is launched, the battleship will immediately accelerate and be required to jump away through the nearest wormhole [] in the shortest possible time!"

Everyone understands what will happen after the antimatter annihilation bomb is launched, and no one will have any doubts about this order.

With a new leader, everything in the Marauder battleship is in order again.

.....................The last resort of the Marauder battleship, the anti-matter annihilation bomb, is an extremely huge annihilation bomb with a yield of 1.

It may be impossible to say that this antimatter annihilation bomb can destroy a star system as it can be used as the ultimate trump card of a team of marauders that has been wreaking havoc in the universe for many years.

However, there is no problem at all in destroying a planet and annihilating a large part of the surrounding space along with it.

If it weren't for Planet 5, that is, there was a wormhole [] near the earth that could allow space jumps, even if Yondu issued this order, the Marauder warship would not necessarily carry it out.

Who in this world is not afraid of death......... As expected in the Earth's atmosphere, the energy level suppression gun carried by Yondu: Yes The completely blackened Jean Gray did not have much effect, it only slightly slowed down the speed of Jean Gray's impact.

"Come die!"

After being bombarded by continuous high-intensity energy weapons and enduring tremendous pressure, Jean Gray finally rushed in front of Yondu's aircraft.

However, Jean Gray didn't see it.

In the aircraft, seeing Jean Gray punching his car with extremely huge energy, Yondu gave a final order in a crazy and extremely cold voice! "Self-destruct!"

Yondu punched the self-destruct button on the console.

.................. "Farewell to Captain Yondu!"


Through the remote viewing equipment, I witnessed with my own eyes that Yondu's car and the... high-energy reaction target were simultaneously caught in a huge explosion. All the remaining Marauders were inside the Marauder warship that was moving away at high speed in the universe. , all performed the highest salute of the marauders in Yondu's direction.

In any case, Yondu has always been their best leader before this! "Release the antimatter annihilation bomb!"

"Guide it into an explosion countdown!"

"Enter the space jump boot program!"

"All engines on the entire ship turn on maximum power mode and head towards the wormhole [] at full speed!"

All energy weapon systems on the Marauder battleship are shut down.

But as the Marauder warship quickly moved away, a huge dark missile shot towards the earth at high speed!

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 442: Gu Yi takes action?


"The Marauder battleship launched a high-energy level 1 antimatter annihilation bomb."

"The power of its explosion can instantly annihilate the entire earth, the moon, and a large area around it."

"The movement of all stars in the entire solar system will be greatly affected."

"May I ask, Master, if we can intercept and destroy this antimatter annihilation bomb?"

After witnessing Yondu detonating the aircraft and embracing death himself, Xiaobai's inquiries immediately started.

Not to mention that Qi Jun carries some gadgets made by Xiao Bai that can contact Qi Jun at any time. Even without these things, as long as Qi Jun and the fifth-generation explosive warship where Xiao Bai are located are not as far apart as a river system, Xiao Bai Qi Jun can be contacted.

This is the huge gap brought about by super technology! It is precisely because of this that Xiaobai said things like intercepting and destroying antimatter annihilation bombs.

You must know that a civilization that has the ability to create antimatter annihilation bombs may not necessarily be able to safely destroy it.

Just like nuclear weapons on earth, the technological generation gap between manufacturing, maintenance, and destruction is huge! Sometimes, there is one or even several technological generation gaps between manufacturing and destruction!... ..................."No!"

"We don't need to worry about it."

"We just need to take precautions against antimatter annihilation bombs being detonated."

"We won't interfere in other matters."

Seeing the blackened Qin Gray roaring and manic in the explosion but having nowhere to vent, Qi Jun smiled slightly and did not agree to Xiaobai's proposal.

Jean Gray has successfully turned dark, and the Phoenix Force clone of this multiverse has been attracted.

Qi Jun only needs to keep the blackened Qin Gray from dying before the Phoenix Force split arrives. For the rest, even if the earth is destroyed, Qi Jun is too lazy to take care of it.

Qi Jun has never forgotten the purpose he set after coming to this multiverse.

From all the Infinity Stones I had before crossing over, to the Phoenix Force after discovering that there are mutants in this multiverse.

As long as it doesn't hinder his two goals, Qi Jun won't care about anything, and he doesn't want to care about it.

What's more, Qi Jun doesn't think the earth will be destroyed by this antimatter annihilation bomb.

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