Not to mention the mutants, aliens, superpowers that exist on the earth itself, the hidden high-tech country of Wakanda, and even the wizards of Kama Taj, etc.

Just say that the unknown heart hidden in the center of the earth shows that this earth is not easy to mess with.

Instead of...worrying about whether the earth will be annihilated, it is better to worry about Qin Gray not provoking anything she can't afford after her blackening, and then Qi Jun will have to wipe her ass.



Xiaobai will naturally resolutely implement Qi Jun's decision.

I told him not to pay attention to the anti-matter annihilation bomb, so I ignored it and directly controlled the explosion warship to open the space dimension protective shield.

As long as the space dimension protective shield is turned on, let alone antimatter annihilation bombs, even galactic black hole bombs cannot be helped by the protective shield.

Space dimension protective shield, ignores all physical attacks!......................"What is that"

"Interstellar missile or something"

"Are the missiles of aliens similar to those of us on earth?"

Just when Xiaobai stopped paying attention to the antimatter annihilation bomb, all capable countries and forces on the earth also monitored this destructive-level 'missile'.

After all, the arrival of Yondu's Marauder battleship did not hide his whereabouts.

What's more, the previous series of actions have also raised the vigilance of all countries and forces against alien visitors to the highest level.

The departure of the Marauder battleship and the arrival of a similar missile were all under everyone's watch.

However, except for a certain emirate that is closed off from the country, no one can respond to this.

It's only 198 years on earth now, and the crushing of technology is no joke. Most countries and forces can only watch helplessly.

.................."Is that a nuclear bomb?"

"Or a weapon more powerful than a nuclear bomb."

"Those...the invading aliens were defeated, are they taking revenge?"

Not even a certain high-tech emirate that is closed off to the country realizes what they are about to face, and they are all discussing whether this thing is as powerful as... a nuclear bomb.

The limitations of the times, the generational difference in vision, and the crushing technological level all make these people unaware that the crisis of annihilation is right in front of them.

Perhaps, this is what a certain paragraph said: What the farmers in ancient times wondered was whether the emperor used a gold pole or a silver pole... ..."I'm afraid the American Federation will suffer a lot this time!"

"Haha, God won't let them develop, they deserve it!"

Jean Gray's ability is envied by all countries and forces.

in spite of....

Can the Mi Federation conquer her? She is also a member of the Mi Federation. She naturally wears the flag of the Mi Federation. How can she not make other forces jealous? But now it’s better. The alien’s revenge before leaving is very All the countries and forces that paid attention to this powerful man who was even more powerful than Magneto who might destroy the Mi Federation began to rejoice in his misfortune.

..................................In addition to.........the US Federation itself is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, other countries and... When all the forces are gloating over misfortune.

Antimatter annihilation bombs have finally reached the Earth's atmosphere.

At this moment, even the Black Phoenix Qin Gray, who had been promoted to the Heavenly Father level, felt a huge threat from this antimatter annihilation bomb.

But! At this moment, just one second before the antimatter annihilation bomb was about to be detonated.

A huge light gate suddenly appeared on the path of the antimatter annihilation bomb.

Before everyone who was observing could react, the antimatter annihilation bomb penetrated the light gate and disappeared from the earth.

And the next moment, the light door disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 443 World War III?

"Ancient One actually didn't care about those.........escaping looters"

Qi Jun was not surprised by the appearance of the aperture. He was even very sure that it was... Ancient One who took action, because the aura of Ancient One emitted by the space teleportation aperture was very strong.

Although the mage lineage has always only cared about the dark side of the earth, the mysterious side, and generally ignored...

The real world, the material world.

But that... also depends on the specific situation! Just like this time, once the antimatter annihilation bomb is successfully detonated, the earth will be wiped out for you, and there will be a dark side and a mysterious side of the hammer, all of which will be reduced to nothingness. There is still an egg to use, so Qi Jun is not surprised at all when the mage lineage takes action, or even Gu Yi himself takes action.

What surprised Qi Jun was that Gu Yi wanted to eradicate the root of the problem. Why did he just watch the marauder warship successfully jump through the wormhole and escape... ......."Could it be"

"It's the ancient one who controls the earth."

"Or, it's because there was a kidnapped little Star-Lord on that battleship."

Qi Jun felt that it was not very reliable to just focus on the earth.

Therefore, Qi Jun believes that Gu Yi did not take care of the Marauder battleship, and it may be more because the little Star-Lord was taken aboard the battleship. "Is it possible?"

"The Ancient One also believes that little Star-Lord can become the future captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy."

"is it possible"

You know, the reason why Star-Lord in the original plot was able to become the Silver Guardian had a lot to do with his early protection from Yondu.

But now, Yondu is dead, the raiders have been disabled, and they don't even have their final trump card.

Little Star-Lord's future will most likely be sold to Ego by these... marauders in exchange for a large amount of money.

And in the future of little Star-Lord, he will probably serve as a large battery for Ego, right? Qi Jun can guess this..., with the time stone, the Ancient One, could he just see it? less than'"or"

"It's the Ancient One who doesn't care about those...escaped looters"

"never mind"

"Too lazy to think about those things"

"I still subdued this guy. He looked bitter and resentful, as if he had bullied her."

Shaking his head, Qi Jun no longer cared about why Gu Yi let those... plunderers go. Gu Yi didn't care, and Qi Jun didn't care even more.

As for whether the antimatter annihilation bomb that was taken away by the space teleportation aperture would have any adverse effects, Qi Jun was not concerned at all. For a mage, especially a space mage, what is the so-called What is the anti-matter annihilation bomb? What Qi Jun is paying attention to is that... After the anti-matter annihilation bomb disappears, there is no target, and the hatred is locked on herself again, the black phoenix Qin Gray swoops down from the high altitude.

.........................But! Qi Jun has not yet decided whether to arrest Qin Gray and imprison her, or directly seal her ability, or When she was brainwashed into doing things for herself.

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