Xiaobai appeared again, and the news he told shocked Qi Jun.


"It was detected that the Furry Bear Country on Earth suddenly launched more than a dozen strategic nuclear bombs towards the American Federation."

"After calculating the current world structure of the earth, without the intervention of superconventional forces, there is a 100% probability that a nuclear war or even the Third World War will occur."

"If superconventional forces intervene, there is a 70% probability that it will trigger a nuclear war and World War III!"

"Excuse me, Master, do you need us to intervene and stop it?"

Xiaobai directly used the cross-space projection device to quickly project the calculation process and results in front of Qi Jun and asked.



What can Qi Jun say that the earth must be so troubled by aliens? But as soon as the threat was resolved, the people on this earth began to get excited about "this apocalypse"

"It's really too troublesome."

Qi Jun did not answer Xiaobai directly, but as soon as his spiritual thought came out, he found the mastermind behind the nuclear missile launch.

Wasn't it caused by that... Apocalypse who went to the Bear Country to cause trouble?

This guy, because he has been working on nuclear weapons launch codes everywhere, has no idea what the earth has just experienced.

Seeing more than a dozen nuclear weapons taking off and flying towards the American Federation, Apocalypse is now feeling proud. "And"

“The police are too useless”

The mutant school was in ruins, and Charles and his team couldn't even find the whereabouts of Apocalypse. Even because of Charles' sudden rampage, the entire police force had almost no fighting capacity.

Moreover, because they learned that their mutant school was in ruins, all the police were rushing back towards the ruins of the school. The third world war is probably not going to really start.

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 444: Suppression? Seal the Dark Phoenix!


"We don't take the initiative to interfere!"

Qi Jun thought for a moment and replied to Xiaobai.

"It's just a nuclear war"

"At most, after a nuclear war, the earth will become a hell on earth."

"But it has no impact on us"


"Although it was just a matter of coping at first."

"But after all, I have such a guarantee for Gu Yi."

"You monitor the overall situation at all times and wait to calculate which side has a better chance of winning. We...

.The company will help whichever party it wants.”


"As a powerful third party"


.The company’s quality still needs to be shown.”

"When the time comes, when they come to ask for help, then you can take command.

.Companies should intervene”

After seeing Gu Yi take action once, Qi Jun finally remembered the coping promise he had made to Gu Yi in this multiverse when he first arrived on Earth. Although it was a coping promise, it... was also a promise. It was not Qi Junke's. I have never done anything to destroy my promise. In fact, no matter...

Whether it is World War III or a nuclear war, Qi Jun and Xiao Bai have many ways to eliminate the post-war effects.

Just like the nuclear pollution dust that will cover the earth for hundreds of years after a nuclear war breaks out, Qi Jun only needs to blow lightly to remove it.

But now that I have remembered my previous promise to the Ancient One, it is better not to wait until all the people on earth are destroyed before thinking about cleaning the earth. However, if you want Qi Jun to directly nip World War III from its inception, then It’s also impossible! After living for such a long time, Qi Jun has never seen a world war with his own eyes. Now that he has the opportunity, why not take a closer look? Qi Jun only needs to take action at the last critical moment, then isn’t it? Isn't everything okay? What's more, masters, don't they always appear last? "That's right."

"Give it a go for now.

.Everyone in the company should be prepared to prevent nuclear shock."

"Keep them concealed and ready at all times."

Since Qi Jun plans to intervene at the last moment, then...

.The company's branch bases in various places will inevitably be affected by the war, so they should be protected in advance.

It's very necessary, though.

.The company itself is just a dispensable toy in Qi Jun's eyes.

But since.

.The company belongs to him, so it’s impossible for Qi Jun to just watch them die if it’s not “Yes!”


Xiaobai was actually not too surprised by Qi Jun's decision.

After all, Qi Jun had already expressed his curiosity about World War III before, right?......................"Forget it"

"Let's arrest you!"

Glancing at the black phoenix Qin Gray that was swooping down from high in the sky, Qi Jun shook his head and prepared to catch it and suppress it.

If World War III had not happened, Qi Jun might still be interested in having fun with this little phoenix.

But unfortunately, World War III is about to happen on this earth, which interests Qi Jun even more. Qi Jun naturally has no interest in paying attention to the blackened Qin Gray.

"Die to me!"

It has to be said that Jean Gray's diving speed was very fast, almost loud enough for people to hear.

The Black Phoenix Jean Gray was indeed very fast when she was in a furious state. It was just a small dot just now, but in the blink of an eye Qi Jun could clearly see her face.

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