However, Qin Gray obviously didn't expect that the Qi Jun he faced was far from Yondu's kind of being...who could be beaten by her at will.


With a soft shout, Qin Gray, who was swooping down with extremely strong power, was imprisoned in the air.

Well, her whole body was imprisoned, and even the entire space was imprisoned. Qin Gray was so furious that she couldn't react at all, and she was completely stunned.


There was another soft drink, and extremely powerful and violent energy surrounded Jean Gray, and she was instantly pressed back into the Black Phoenix Jean Gray.

Kaqin Gray's originally confused expression, at this moment, her brain was even shut down.

"seal up!"

Still a soft drink! The powerful aura of Black Phoenix Jean Gray immediately disappeared without a trace, and she was demoted from a powerful Heavenly Father-level master to an ordinary person in the blink of an eye.

Ha's violent energy was sealed, and her chaotic brain suddenly became lighter. However, Qin Gray, whose mind was still in chaos, was unable to make any correct judgment at all.

"never mind!"

"It's better to let little Nina accompany you."

Anyway... at this time, Dark Phoenix has been sealed and has become an ordinary person, and Qi Jun is not worried about what she can do to little Nina.

Even conversely, little Nina, who has been practicing hard, can easily suppress the current Qin Gray.

"Go for it!"

With a wave of his hand, Qi Jun teleported Qin Gray to the explosive battleship.

Of course, also teleported at the same time was little Nina’s mother, who had fully recovered!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 445: Experience a nuclear explosion?

How about the awesomeness of the mutant stone? Just while Qi Jun was doing some chores, little Nina's mother had fully recovered due to the powerful power of the mutant stone.

This is something that even the infinite gems cannot do. It really shows how powerful the mutant gems are! .................. "Go see those...nuclear attacks"

"I don't know if the defense system of the American Federation can defend it in this era."

Ignoring the police and other people who were rushing back towards the ruins of the mutant school.

In fact, Qi Junlian is right next door.

Without even looking at the base, Qi Jun teleported directly to the north where the American Federation was about to be attacked by a nuclear attack.

It is worth mentioning that those two took refuge.

.The polished commander of the company, before he could go back to show off his power, the base was locked up by Xiaobai because of Qi Jun's order, and he had no choice but to stay there.

.The day when the base was unsealed...Qi Jun didn't know whether Tianqi was self-aware, or whether Tianqi himself had no intention of attacking the Mi Federation. central city.

This time, more than a dozen nuclear missiles launched by several Mao Xiong country nuclear weapons bases controlled by Apocalypse attacked some less important cities in the American Federation.

Although there are some military bases around those cities, the effect of attacking there will definitely not be as great as attacking New York or even Peanutton.

However, as long as your mind is clear, you can actually imagine that key central cities such as New York and Peanut Shield must have intensive defense systems.

Just the dozen or so nuclear missiles from the bases controlled by Tianqi will definitely not be able to penetrate the central defense system of the American Federation.

In this case, it is not convenient to directly attack some defense systems.

After all, as long as a nuclear missile attack is launched, the Mi Federation will no longer care about you... Is the nuclear bomb controlled by others, or was it launched by your own country?

For Apocalypse, as long as his purpose is to cause chaos in the entire world, or even a large-scale nuclear war, then his plan is...perfect!............ ....."have to say"

"The attack locations chosen by Apocalypse really have no defense capabilities!"

Qi Jun stood directly in the sky above the base that was about to be attacked by a nuclear bomb. With a spiritual thought, he scanned all the targeted US federal defense bases, only to find that these... ...In an unimportant base, there really aren’t any decent defense capabilities.

In other words, the purpose of the existence of these bases is to deal with the brother countries in the north.

"Just these...anti-aircraft missiles"

“I’m afraid it’s too choking.”

Seeing that most of the anti-aircraft missiles from all bases were launched into the sky, Qi Jun did not have any expectations that these anti-aircraft missiles could intercept nuclear missiles.

First of all, the nuclear missiles launched by Mao Xiong Country are all intercontinental missiles. They fly into space first, and then strike directly vertically downward from space. Under the action of gravity and missile thrust, their speed is so fast that it is impossible to It's not like this mere anti-aircraft missile from the 1980s can defend the ground.

It is even very possible that these... air defense missiles may not even be able to stop a nuclear weapon. "What a tragedy!"


"After all, it is the common people who suffer."

Knowing that no one could survive the attack of these dozen nuclear weapons, Qi Jun couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Of course, Qi Jun had no intention of stopping it.

Experiencing a nuclear explosion in person was probably a very unique experience for Qi Jun.

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 446 Hell on Earth

As we all know, during the Cold War, whether it was woolly bears or eagle sauce, their technological explosion was very rapid.

Especially during the Cold War confrontation, the military technology of both sides far exceeded civilian technology by countless streets.

Therefore, the American Federation can actually intercept nuclear missiles launched from the Bear Country.

But it is also a well-known reason.

If technology updates too fast, basic manufacturing will inevitably not be able to keep up with the speed of technology iteration.

Take, for example, the defensive weapons of the American Federation that can intercept the Nuclear Attack of the Bear Country.

Are you talking about whether the Mi Federation has...then it definitely does! And it definitely has more than one generation of defense weapons.

However, with the explosion of various black technologies on both sides and the emergence of various new weapon designs, it is impossible for either the Mao Xiong Kingdom or the American Federation to manufacture all the weapons, and it is impossible to manufacture all the weapons that can be manufactured. The weapons that come out should be manufactured in large quantities! The resources required are astronomical figure! Not to mention the Mi Federation, even the Mao Xiong Kingdom that has formed an alliance cannot do it, not to mention the Mao Xiong Country. It has a vast land and abundant resources, but economically it falls behind the American Federation.

What's more, even if those...high-precision weapons are manufactured, they will only be deployed in important border areas and the most important central city areas.

But this time, the nuclear missiles launched from the base of the Mao Xiong Kingdom controlled by Apocalypse avoided the most important areas.

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