Therefore, Qi Jun saw a very shocking scene.

With three mushroom clouds thousands of meters away.

The remaining ten nuclear missiles, without exception, all successfully set their targets! .................. As ten huge mushrooms emerged from several meters of the American Federation, A city rises up.

The whole world seemed to have been pressed on the mute button.

Everyone understands what this means! From this moment on, the war between the Bear Country and the American Federation officially begins! There will be no surprises in this battle, and it will only end if one party falls completely.

Of course, it is also possible that the whole world will finish playing together! ........ Hanging high in the sky, Qi Jun watched all this happen, No action was taken.

In fact, this scene of thirteen nuclear weapons exploding did not cause any fluctuations in Qi Jun's heart.

When the huge light of the nuclear explosion swept across, when the strong shock wave of the nuclear explosion swept across, Qi Jun just watched it all quietly.

Qi Jun quietly watched as several cities below were destroyed by nuclear explosions, and watched as all the people in these cities were instantly reduced to ashes.

Qi Jun just watched quietly, watching the violent shock waves caused by ten nuclear explosions destroying all the surrounding buildings.

Qi Jun just watched quietly as these ten nuclear explosions caused violent shaking of the underground continental plates.

Quietly, I watched the entire Mizhou continent fall into violent earthquakes.

Quietly, watching the hell on earth created by the violent radiation after the explosion of these ten nuclear bombs! ........ "Sure enough!"

"Humans will only be killed by humans themselves!"

After a long time, Qi Jun slowly let out a breath.


To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 447 A third party intervenes?

"If the people at the center of the nuclear explosion were vaporized instantly, they would have died peacefully and without pain."

"Then, wait until these... nuclear radiation dust drifts to the surrounding areas."

"Those...the people who were exposed to radiation are the most innocent, the most painful and the most miserable people in this war!"

Qi Jun shook his head slowly after waving his hand to disperse the nuclear explosion dust floating towards him.

Several cities that were hit by ten nuclear bombs have now been reduced to ashes and turned directly into several huge potholes. The radiation at the scene is so strong that it may not dissipate much even if it lasts for thousands of years...

The three nuclear bombs that were previously intercepted at high altitude actually posed a strong radiation threat to all nearby people.

After all, it is not destroyed while flying in space. The nuclear bomb is destroyed in the terminal acceleration stage. In fact, it is more harmful than letting it hit the target.

Especially when the sea breeze blows from the west coast, the probability of people in the interior of the United States being hit by radiation dust is extremely high! .................. Although I have experienced it personally, this The field nuclear explosion had no impact on Qi Jun.

Qi Jun did not even take the most basic defense, whether it was violent light radiation, shock waves, dust radiation, etc..., none of them had any impact on Qi Jun.

With Qi Jun's current multiverse level strength, if Qi Jun is to be affected, at would have to be an attack from a single universe level boss, and if he wants to In order for Qi Jun to be injured, he would have to be at least the same level as Qi Jun, or even stronger than Qi Jun.

Not to mention Qi Jun's own defensive capabilities.

Just relying on the mutant gem's ability to actively protect its master, it would instantly absorb most of the power attacking Qi Jun.

Especially as Qi Jun has more and more control over the mutated gems, most of any attacks directed at Qi Jun will be instantly absorbed by the mutated gems.

If Qi Jun completely controls the mutated gems, Qi Jun will probably never have an opponent in the Marvel world! With Qi Jun's current control over 90% of the mutated gems, he can already attack Qi Jun. Ninety percent of the power is instantly absorbed, and anyone's attack on Qi Jun will be instantly weakened by ninety percent of its power.

Once Qi Jun fully controls the mutant gem, all the power attacking Qi Jun will be absorbed and eliminated by the mutant gem.

Even if Qi Jun lets go of all defenses and just stands there to be beaten, everyone will be exhausted and Qi Jun will not be harmed.

Of course, no matter how powerful the mutated gem is, there will always be an upper limit.

But no one knows how high this upper limit is.

Perhaps, after Qi Jun fully controls the mutant gems, he may know that at least in the Marvel world, the mutant gems are... so! The mutant gems are... so invincible!... .................. Only the federal of the federal federation was not attacked for less than ten minutes. They were launched from different military bases of the American Federation and attacked many different key strategic bombing targets in the Bear Country! This also heralded that the US Federation’s counterattack against the Bear Country had officially begun! In fact, As early as when the dozens of nuclear missiles launched under the control of Tianqi broke into the airspace of the American Federation, the American Federation had already started war mode.

The reason why these dozens of nuclear missiles took off at this time is naturally because the launch of nuclear missiles also takes time.

The president declared a state of war across the country in a televised speech.

Decades after the end of World War II, the American Federation once again entered the war.

Various radio waves and electromagnetic signals quickly spread all real-time information from the most powerful country on the surface of the earth throughout the world.

..................... The United States Federation directly declares war, and it is natural that the Bear Country will not back down.

Although in a short period of time, the Bear Country has not found out who or which organization hijacked the Nuclear Base of the Bear Country and launched nuclear missiles.

But the American Federation will not wait for your explanation, let alone give you a chance to explain. Even if it is a remote city, it... is also a densely populated city. Several cities were wiped off the earth in an instant. If the American Federation If we don't retaliate wildly, that wouldn't be a big joke. What's more, the Furry Bear Nation doesn't care about the facts. Reality has already happened, and the American Federation is the mortal enemy of the Furry Bear Nation. Naturally, the Furry Bear Nation followed the trend and launched a national war mobilization.

At the same time that dozens of nuclear missiles from the American Federation took off, other nuclear weapons bases in the Bear Country also launched dozens of nuclear missiles towards the American Federation because they had received orders from the top of the Bear Country.

........ When nearly a hundred nuclear missiles in space pass each other, bombing towards their respective strategic targets of the American Federation or the Bear Country. And when leaving.

All countries around the world that were paying attention to this incident were stunned.

After receiving popular science from nuclear experts, everyone understands what mankind will face after the outbreak of nuclear war.

The earth may just fall into "labor pain".

To be honest, even if the nuclear bombs of all countries were detonated before Qi Jun traveled through, the earth would not have much of a problem. It would just need to go through a period of "recuperation" for hundreds or thousands of years.

But for humans, the consequences of all nuclear bombs being detonated.

That would be catastrophic! Especially for those... non-nuclear countries, they simply... don't even have the ability to retaliate.

Chaos broke out all over the world when the nuclear missiles of the Bear Country and the American Federation took off at the same time! Anyone who knew anything about nuclear weapons went crazy.

Even though there are still many people who don’t understand.

But when the crowd is going crazy, riots can also be contagious!........................ "Eh"

"Why did they show up?"

"They want to prevent this nuclear war"


“What a group of amazingly confident people!”

“It was only at this time that I thought of intervening.”

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